Rare hats you say?! Time to hire some bums to attend ti while we chill at the house.
I'm around for the night, let me know a start time so I can plan dinner and stuff
FMT you want to push it up to 930
Just lost everything on my ps4 hdd.
Damn broJust lost everything on my ps4 hdd.
GG FMT. Man once again, I had a tough time stopping you on O, just unforced turnovers. I thought I was going to get a nice lob on that deep throw, shit went nowhere. Then I had another chance and I sailed it so wide leading up, then I got lucky with the break tackle toss and took it home.
DCX, we'll run this tomorrow.
Edit: There was one pass on a drag to Tavon, should have been housed. I didn't fucking lob it, no clue how that pass had so much air, but it was 6 the other way. Flats are just busted. I would play more dime and nickel if I could fucking blitz, I just hate the Nickel and Dime D in that book, but I like that it has 3-4 and 4-3.
not blaming you, i'd do the samething if my team could manage it!
flats are busted in the game one way or another. we both got burned on flats passes to the RB where the CB was supposed to play the flats and was way too far from the play to make anything happen. i watched some of hte replay and aaron donald is just unstoppable sometimesreminds me of my old niners!
in other news, i played the FFXV demo... wtf? what is this garbage? you just hold circle and it repeatedly does infinite combos until your opponent is dead.
Official TI dates announced for Aug 8th - 13th. There are gonna be special treasure drops for those in attendance!!! Super special doto hats PogChamp
Anyone going besides me crow and rors? We will get air bnb again so if anyone decides to go let me or crow know so we can get a bigger place.
You can hold O, but it's built more on switching up weapons and comboing weapons. The final fight with the hidden weapons shows the system off better.
Like warping to the Giant, switching the large blade will stun him, switch back to your sword to combo while moving L3 to perform combos in mid air.
It's not a great system by any means, but its more than just holding O.
Red Model 3 is sexy as fuck. I'm guessing that's the top of the line model.
Supercharging and Autopilot (hardware) standard is pretty amazing.
Think I just need to spec up to AWD and whatever the autopilot software costs. Don't think I need the added performance if the base model does 0-60 in less than 6 seconds.
Really dislike the grille.
That's the hope. We weren't planning to play last night because I couldn't set a time. The goal was early evening tonight, but we'll see if Crimson's ps4 is alive and well then.Browns VS Chiefs happening tonight?
Should we start talking draft times or nah?
Boy, that Final Fantasy demo is...fucking terrible. Who thought it was a good idea to let people play that?
We were promised awardsI'm not going to be around much in the coming days/weeks. Getting into crunch time!
I'm still open to play another season tho
I'm not going to be around much in the coming days/weeks. Getting into crunch time!
I'm still open to play another season tho
Sounds like a good time to end it!
Did you sign up?Yeah I'm gonna be really busy with my job and my MLG Rocket League team
MLB conquest mode so legit, and the thing is I've been so invested in this that I've mostly ignored my Battle Royale.
Worst part is that I laughed this mode off every time I heard of it. If it was a normal 9 inning game, I still would, but at 3 innings it's a great way to get in short games while doing other shit.