Logged on to Madden, still at Super Bowl week. Commish conspiracy to kill the league?![]()
Usually the offseason stuff gets some dudes to stick around.
I'll go do it after my MLB game
Logged on to Madden, still at Super Bowl week. Commish conspiracy to kill the league?![]()
Usually the offseason stuff gets some dudes to stick around.
Notable players retiring:
Everyone on the Tennessee Titans (5 players including Jason Dallas Witten and Brian Livewire Orakpo)
No Ben still? Good god.
Oh boy.Jets
CB Adam Jones
CB Darrelle Revis
CB Antonio Cromartie
HB Arian Foster
I'd trade you Dee Mil!Are you guys actually playing this year out?
I can run the Jets so its one less CPU team. We have no CBs from the looks of it so pass on me all day long.
So we're going to play another year?
Quick MLB thoughts, you guys said this wasn't a grind but it's grindy as fuck. I love playing the game so it doesn't bother me, but should I finish conquest? I honestly don't want to create my own player and feed him players, and use X players to unlock Y. Not my idea of fun.
I worked the AH for a total of 30 minutes and made more stubs doing that than playing games. Think the AH may be the way to go, but I'm not sure, I'll keep fucking around with conquest as I do enjoy the core game. I just want some players on my damn squad already.
Simming the year seems like the probable outcome at this point.
Soka said he was willing to take over every CPU team and play all their games.
Do conquest and unlock the missions associated with them. Then you get the legends and have a gold team in a couple weeks. I use my create a player as a Starter. That way I only use him 1/5 games and I only feed him duplicates and FAs. It's nice having a bat in the 9th spot too.
I never said it wasn't a grind.
I'm playing PS4 games on my PC
This is cool
I'll hop on tonight and we'll talk about this stuff.
Do any of you guys work the marketplace, pick a few players up and sell for higher. There are a lot of anomalies in bid/ask. Last night I got Duda again for 65 stubs, sold him for 250. Now it's not some huge gain, but you do it 5 times and you have ~1k. Seems like the spread stays pretty big for certain players.
This is terrible, I can hop on MUT and work the AH whenever. I'll be out of a job in no time.
I'll hop on tonight and we'll talk about this stuff.
Do any of you guys work the marketplace, pick a few players up and sell for higher. There are a lot of anomalies in bid/ask. Last night I got Duda again for 65 stubs, sold him for 250. Now it's not some huge gain, but you do it 5 times and you have ~1k. Seems like the spread stays pretty big for certain players.
I should probably start doing that but I'm too impatient. Just been racking up innings getting the legends I want. Already got Ernie Banks and Ichiro, pursuing Tony Gwynn now.
I like to go through my commons and sell anything that goes for 150 or more. It's crazy how prices on these garbage cards will randomly spike.
And what is a Met fan doing selling Duda!?
How LJ posts read to me:
I'm confused here, some want to play some don't. We knew this was going to happen. Guys that don't want to play should have no vote on simming the league or not (CB, Brent). Guys that do want to play shouldn't be doing double teams, it is what it is at this point. Not sure why those that don't want to play have any kind of say on what should or shouldn't be done.
What we do need to figure out is an advancing schedule to get us to a draft on Monday and who the other commissioners will be if CB is out and FMT doesn't want the role.
We also all agree that this is not official league season 5 and it is just extended play, right?
I'm confused here, some want to play some don't. We knew this was going to happen. Guys that don't want to play should have no vote on simming the league or not (CB, Brent). Guys that do want to play shouldn't be doing double teams, it is what it is at this point. Not sure why those that don't want to play have any kind of say on what should or shouldn't be done.
What we do need to figure out is an advancing schedule to get us to a draft on Monday and who the other commissioners will be if CB is out and FMT doesn't want the role.
We also all agree that this is not official league season 5 and it is just extended play, right?
Dear Mr. Movie Theme,
We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Friday in draft for whatever it is we did wrong, but we think you're crazy to make us write a post telling you who we think we are.
You see us as you want to see us, in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions.
But what we found out is that each one of us is a cheeser,
and a spreadsheet maker,
and an FA overbidder,
a D-line user,
and a QB sneaker.
Does that answer your question?
Sincerely yours,
The Thursday Club.
must be nice to have a line that pushes ahead or holds its ground
rather than one backing into you the moment you hand it off![]()
My o-line has good stats and strength too. I should probably take off season training on running wellmy oline ratings were pretty pedestrian. But I think everyone was minimum 80 RBK / 85 PBK
Never forget, #teamthursday.
I'm of the opinion that those dropping out, lose out on spots for 2017 Madden ;P