Fuck that Logan trailer looks so good.
gg fam
Sorry for that abomination of a game Jabee. Apparently when I'm out of the playoff hunt, I get terrible at the game.
I have to be up pretty early for work, latest would be like 10:30 CST. I can go tomorrow at 6-6:30CST if that works better? Advance isn't till 10 pst I think.
Xbox / Windows Giftcard ($50) - $45
PayPal only, please
i'll give you $10.37 for it
final offer!
i'll give you $10.37 for it
final offer!
Yeah let's play tomorrow, I have the day off. I've had a busy couple of days. Earlier the better. Cats Caps is at 730 and thinking about going.I can play in a few drizz. If arent around, we can play tomorrow.
Yeah let's play tomorrow, I have the day off. I've had a busy couple of days. Earlier the better. Cats Caps is at 730 and thinking about going.
my next game is against the vikings
tomorrow I am on a plane to Florida
and then I'm moving the Mrs. from Florida to Seattle via cross-country drive
I should be home Monday sometime.
Panthers game starts before you get home from work (do you work, scum bag?) and likely ends around 'vance time. I just hope you win the sim and hurt your draft position.
Paging Mr Claude Dallas - sent you a PM with my availability next couple nights. Let me know what works!
Home now if you happen to be available, but I think you're probably in bed already?
Panthers game starts before you get home from work (do you work, scum bag?) and likely ends around 'vance time. I just hope you win the sim and hurt your draft position.
NX trailer in 1.5 hours. Pls don't suck
NX trailer in 1.5 hours. Pls don't suck
NX trailer in 1.5 hours. Pls don't suck
I don't know how you guys don't know better by now.
so glad [REDACTED] is back
Ya I'm sorry man I ended up crashing not long before your post. Let me know about tonight, if all fails I guess it's a simit.
Finally. A family console for Adrian Peterson and his kids.
I'll admit, the Switch looks fucking awesome.
Was anything mentioned about online play/connectivity or anything like that?
Resolution on the tablet screen is paramount.Rob, let me know if you can play tonight.
Yeah, I think it's pretty dope, and like brent mentioned, it will be a single Nintendo platform which is a godsend. It's exactly what I want from them. Personally, I won't be taking this thing with me, or doing some detached coop shit, but it has everything else I'm looking for from a Nintendo platform.
Hopefully they don't do something stupid with the price, I doubt it, but you never know, they botched the price point of their last two platforms so it's a possibility they fuck it up again, though I doubt it.