What a night for discord
post transcripts i am sad now that i missed it
what a night of disappointments!
What a night for discord
post transcripts i am sad now that i missed it
what a night of disappointments!
JoyConBoyz is 80 and the pro controller 70 lol.Now with accessories pricing you're looking at close to $500 for a Nintendo console
Im sleeeeeeeeeeeeep cuh💀
switch pro controller is $70? wtf?
Bad for wine. Lame.There was an OT thread posted like a month or so ago about how this is gonna be one of the wettest years ever for Cali.
Wat da fuk so people are suggesting the free game is only a one month rental but that can't be right?Curious how much they'll charge for online.
The NES/SNES game a month with added online though is nice, depending on what they give.
Everyone shits on it. Then, BUT ILL STILL BUY IT!
Phee was right.
Ill get one when Mario launches.
Im not supporting that shit show until that day. Im not lacking in systems that can play Zelda/Skyrim/RAYMAN LEGENDS.
Everyone shits on it. Then, BUT ILL STILL BUY IT!
Phee was right.
phee is always right
at this point im just going to let him make all my important life decisions
i bet raymand legends is $59.99
lol @ SF2 being $40
That's the Japanese price, don't expect it to be that here probably.
to summarize:
no pack in
paid online
your "free game" (ala ps+/XBG) is a one month rental of a nes/snes game (which you don't get to keep)
$70 pro controller
you have to use your own cell phone for voice chat on the system
2.5 - 6 hour battery life
you can feel ice cubes in your joy con?
Impulse pre-order. Zelda, guys.![]()
I can still cancel if I change my mind. I might just wait for Mario when the console is, hopefully, much cheaper.
Textures look so bad... and it's only 720-900p. I guess that's ok for a handheld, but it's a 300 dollar handheld. :\ Maybe I'll get a WiiU lol
Textures look so bad... and it's only 720-900p. I guess that's ok for a handheld, but it's a 300 dollar handheld. :\ Maybe I'll get a WiiU lol
You people who preordered for Zelda, you know it's going to be on the WiiU, right?
Ill preorder when it's back up on Amazon but from the looks of it that game will be visually underwhelming on a 60" TV. Need the portability.
You can play it on the small WiiU controller screen.
You can play it on the small WiiU controller screen.
Switch is $400 CAD lol
DOA here.
Nintendo hasn't learned shit. It's amazing. Ded and mobile by 2019.
Pay $400+ for a cell phone tier console with 32gb brehs
Can't you just buy it from here since it's region free? Or do you still get fucked over by the conversion rate? I don't know how your Monopoly money works.
Would be the same with the exchange
What do you mean not best place to play Zelda? Wouldn't it be better than the Wii U version. I'm still leaning towards getting Zelda on Wii U because outside of Splatoon 2 and Mario there is nothing else that interests me.
Has there been anything to say this thing is definitively more powerful than a WiiU? I know that's a low ass bar to get over, but this is a Nintendo made tablet we're talking about.
Good point. I need to know Zelda differences as well before pre ordering. Otherwise I'll get the game on Wii U.