I wish madden bros still played payday 2 
I redboxed 2k14 to play smokey. 2k servers down.
In other words, its the same thing.
yeah 360 has a much better interface. hopefully now that sony is charging for online they can make it better but i wouldn't expect it to get to 360 levels. at least we get sweet ps+ games!
also, didn't NBA 2k14 come out yesterday? i don't see no impressions smokey!
bought the recent humble bundle, is Tropico 4 worth putting any time into? Really just bought the pack for some of the fly games.
I redboxed 2k14 to play smokey. 2k servers down.
In other words, its the same thing.
But man, can you imagine if they had the NFL license, we'd all be saved!
But man, can you imagine if they had the NFL license, we'd all be saved!
I wish madden bros still played payday 2![]()
Finally get to play weaver and go 17-2. More importantly, bob hit a sick shackle shot as soon QOP blinked in and she melted. We then marched down mid and destroyed all the remaining rax. Our random 5th was fantastic. Played support and bought courier (well it was our second) and mek without us even asking.
Fuck you crow!
Is there any info on the mid range model? Need to decide if I should upgrade from my 670 or just wait for the next nvidia cards.
Is the 280X a rebrand of the 7970 or the 7970 ghz edition. Makes a difference for me. I'd rather have the ghz edition.
I won't be paying 700 for a video card. I mean I could, but not for me. I'll hold out to see what the 290 is first. Could be a card around 400 to 500 which I would be ok with spending.
Yeah that's why I've sort of stopped caring much about the card announcements. I like a 1080p monitor, no huge desire to change it out, so the new hotness cards are kind of overkill until I get convinced to upgrade the monitor.
BF4 will probably be one of the more demanding games available too. I know everyone wants a R290X ( I do too ), but you have to be practical. A friend once told me buy a video card for the resolution you are playing at and I've always thought it is good advice. The 7970GHZ editon can almost pump out 60FPS at 1080P on Ultra in the beta:
It will probably be over 60FPS in the final version after optimization and definitely with mantle. This is much better performance than my 660TI which gets about 40fps in 1080P. D:
If the 280X is a rebadged 7970ghz edition then for $299 that is a steal for 1080P gaming.
Edit: AMDs slide said $299. Hope the price didn't go up!
AMDs new top of the line GPU pricing is outed.
Bum-gaf causes a uproar
Like a guy in the thread said. Do people get mad that a GT-R is $100,000 when they could buy an sentra Altima if all you want is to get from A to B?
On gaf.. Probably
Grand Theft Auto is the name of the game. Go steal another plane. And I think the landing is fun!I agree with Bob. Tropico is excellent. I also really enjoy the Jagged Alliance games. They are intense and challenging. But still very good.
GTA question: how does the vehicle saving work? If I park a vehicle in my garage and then take it out and crash it will it reappear in my garage? Saints Row works like this. But I just got a plane with Trevor and instead of driving across the map I want to fly to where I need to go and then just jump out of the plane. But I'm worried that my plane will be gone then. And if that's how it works then that is ultra dumb cause using a plane as then having to safely land and park it back in a hanger is not fun. That's Euro Truck Simulator level stuff and it doesn't belong in my GTA game.
Grand Theft Auto is the name of the game. Go steal another plane. And I think the landing is fun!
Didn't they say garages are bugged? It doesn't work most of the time, if at all.
The team's investigating server connectivity issues impacting #NBA2K13 and #NBA2K14. We'll keep this channel updated with the latest info.
fuck off!!
Mario 3D world looks fucking amazing.
My PS4 is gonna come and the shit is just gonna sit in the corner. Unreal.
Same ol 2k :/
Mario 3D world looks fucking amazing.
My PS4 is gonna come and the shit is just gonna sit in the corner. Unreal.
Mario 3D world looks fucking amazing.
My PS4 is gonna come and the shit is just gonna sit in the corner. Unreal.
I'm gonna have to eat some crow on Mario 3D World. I was initially shitting on it because I didn't want a sequel to 3D Land on Wii U but it looks amazing.
Mario 3D world and Zelda 3DS on Nov 22. Nintendo giving XB1 a dagger that day.
Mandatory two supports per match tonight fuckers.
ive been thinking alot about this ps4 preorder. Initially, it was for what we (wrongfully, like a bunch of morons) were using for madden. After that went to shit, it was basically me just buying something on the premise of consoles exclusives (infamous)
But all that shit being far enough away, and the unexpected rise of the wii u, i kind of just not want one at launch. I think ill keep my preorder, but i cant shake the lingering thought that i should just be using that towards some nice PC.
Yeah if you don't have a good PC build that fool.
Did Luke and Trasher elope? Why don't they play Dota anymore?
Got a promotion/new job and I'm working nights.