New dota update looks crazy.
Nice disrupter buffs for brentech.
Nice disrupter buffs for brentech.
Clearly, you clowns didn't read my spoiler.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go listen to Easy Lover.
Clearly I did but was looking for a flimsy excuse to make a Land of Confusion reference, that went unnoticed!
It's already on the test client so they're real.And those patch notes are ridiculous. I can't imagine they're real.
I'll take it.Doom
- Doom cooldown reduced from 110 to 100
- Doom now removes positive buffs on the target before applying the debuff
- Doom Aghanim AoE requirement increased from 550 to 900
Hells yea. Good CM and Disrupter buffs.New dota update looks crazy.
Nice disrupter buffs for brentech.
Slark got beat down with the nerfstick![]()
Slark got beat down with the nerfstick![]()
Slark got beat down with the nerfstick![]()
Dead rising always looks fun until i play about a hour of it and realize it isnt fun.
Everything is really unhyping me for next gen. All the sports games look like turds
Dat courier buff.
- Thirst is now global instead of 6000 range
- When Thirst is active, movement speed cap is removed on your hero
I'm in for a 2K14 league. I'll be getting Madden too but it doesn't seem like we're getting a league up for that.
Liquid basically threw that first game as well. They had Navi in some bad spotsBig Team Liquid win over Navi. I think qojqva is a really nice addition for them.
There have been more posts about the patch for Dota 2 than the new announcement about the Blizzard MOBA.
Dat courier buff.
dota is like the One Direction of video games: i just don't see what people see in it but who am i to judge the taste of another!?