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Official MLB 10 League: Zep's a No Show....again


Frank wants to fuck around with more sliders, so instead of creating another 6 man league he went with 8 to get more people to participate. Always shoot for the lower number Frank! You can start with 6 anyway I think.

We need everyone to sign in before we start, pretty sure about that. That doesn't mean I can't start the league without certain people. If you aren't signed in by Tuesday evening, League is starting without you.

Divisional vs Round Robin, do you guys want to play everyone in the league once, or divide it into two divisions and battle it out?
Nightz said:
Do all the teams have to be signed in to be able to start? We can't just start it with the minimum and then have the others join?
Technically no. I set it up differently from the last one but I'd like tons of people to join off the bat... oh hell, lemme activate it now.
LiveWire said:
I'm confused. Are we starting a full league or not on Monday? I don't care about a practice league, the full league will be practice for everyone anyway.
Since we're using new sliders the feedback would be appreciated, plus it gives you a chance to scout. Those who do not participate then really can't complain about any sliders changes.
Divisional vs Round Robin, do you guys want to play everyone in the league once, or divide it into two divisions and battle it out for the division?
I set it up for Divisional and for some reason I'm in the Amerikin League... :C
LJ11 said:
Yeah, with a divisional setup everyone will be scattered because we're going to need 12 vs 12.
Yeah Round Robin that then.

BTW just realized something, MLB can only put people who have played an inning in the official roster updates for MLB 10. Thank God Jenrry Mejia and Hisanori Takahashi pitched yesterday, now Ryota Igarashi needs to pitch before Saturday and I'm good to go teamwise. Now only if Sean Green could tear an elbow ligament...


Round robin is the way to go, because the game forces you to play at least one series outside of the division no matter what. If we could eliminate "interleague" play then divisional is the way to go even if you do have a couple of NL teams in the AL.


I don't care about the sliders, I trust those of you who are experienced with it to make your best decision given what Sony has provided us. I just want to know the login date/details for the official, final, rosters-are-cocked-locked-and-ready-to-rock league.
The Frankman said:
Yeah Round Robin that then.

BTW just realized something, MLB can only put people who have played an inning in the official roster updates for MLB 10. Thank God Jenrry Mejia and Hisanori Takahashi pitched yesterday, now Ryota Igarashi needs to pitch before Saturday and I'm good to go teamwise. Now only if Sean Green could tear an elbow ligament...
Could've sworn I've said that about the roster updates at least a couple of times. :D
LiveWire said:
I don't care about the sliders, I trust those of you who are experienced with it to make your best decision given what Sony has provided us. I just want to know the login date/details for the official, final, rosters-are-cocked-locked-and-ready-to-rock league.
Should be Monday then since they usually update the rosters by 1 PM EST.
storybook77 said:
Could've sworn I've said that about the roster updates at least a couple of times. :D
But I had realized then other side of that is that even if a guy made the roster if he isn't used the first week there's a chance SCEA won't add him in the next update, so if you have a rookie bench guy/long reliever he may not be added. Considering I got 3/4ths of those guys used in one game (Takahashi/Mejia/Tejada) I'm set for Monday since Igarashi should pitch tonight regardless.


Anyone up for a game? I generally play veteran/no GP but I can change to league rules. I'll be on for a couple hours.

Best to embarrass myself in a few pick up games before the league starts :lol


turnbuckle said:
Anyone up for a game? I generally play veteran/no GP but I can change to league rules. I'll be on for a couple hours.

Best to embarrass myself in a few pick up games before the league starts :lol

I'll play, PSN is LJ11.

Edit: I can't challenge you for whatever reason.


HOF mode is nice. Not having a strike zone makes it look so much more realistic. I added a few ppl through the sports connect. Hopefully I can get a few more games under my belt before the season starts.

I bought a new modem yesterday hoping it'd help with my lag. Surprisingly it seems to be much better in most of my games since. I have a 25 meg cable connection, but it gets really bad sometimes.


I'm up for a game as soon as I finish this RTTS game. Speaking of which, does anybody else feel that the camera for base running is a little wonky? I would like to be able to see my third base coach when I'm running from first to second so that I know whether or not I should advance.
The Frankman said:
But I had realized then other side of that is that even if a guy made the roster if he isn't used the first week there's a chance SCEA won't add him in the next update, so if you have a rookie bench guy/long reliever he may not be added. Considering I got 3/4ths of those guys used in one game (Takahashi/Mejia/Tejada) I'm set for Monday since Igarashi should pitch tonight regardless.

Yea, that's why I said they actually have to PLAY a game before the MLBPA will recognize them as official members. Thus Heyward and others, wouldn't be added until the next update.
I was in the PS3 Madden league (took over the 09 Patriots when someone jumped), the dialogue between the football guys was hilarious. Are the still using that LeagueDaddy crap to record stats?


The Frankman said:
I was in the PS3 Madden league (took over the 09 Patriots when someone jumped), the dialogue between the football guys was hilarious. Are the still using that LeagueDaddy crap to record stats?
No, the game actually records the stats for the franchise.
Though we need sable's script to display the more detailed stats.


my connection has been incredible lately. Most of the games feel little different than if I were playing someone sitting next to me.

btw, MSN is [email protected] (don't use aim). If anyone wants to play a game tonight hit me up.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
bah! i'm going to sue my job then! let me know if a spot opens up chums!

p.s. the angels weren't my team!
:lol I was joking. It's not like the league has moved an inch since you left. :p

The Frankman said:
I was in the PS3 Madden league (took over the 09 Patriots when someone jumped), the dialogue between the football guys was hilarious. Are the still using that LeagueDaddy crap to record stats?
Nope. And you joined during the worst time. :lol
Rorschach said:
Nope. And you joined during the worst time. :lol
... you know I haven't forgotten you destroying me with the Raiders in the league. This Monday you better hope you don't open up vs. me. It's gonna be like a friggin' hurricane, you will have two options:

1) Get whipped.
2) Hit "Quit".


The Frankman said:
... you know I haven't forgotten you destroying me with the Raiders in the league. This Monday you better hope you don't open up vs. me. It's gonna be like a friggin' hurricane, you will have two options:

1) Get whipped.
2) Hit "Quit".
I don't quit, so I guess I choose 1.

Although, the AI might end up doing better than me... so if I quit, I'll quit in the first (does it even let you continue?). :D


Frankman you down for a game?? Or anyone??? Just got done watchin' my Rangers kick some Mariner tail, need a game myself now!


Good game Frank. For a 1-hitter you sure as hell made it seem like you could bust through at any moment and steal the W. Love playing against you because you play the game like it should be played, true sim style. Minor adjustments, pitcher matchups, etc..

Got lucky on both my runs, could easily be in extras right now. Look forward to playing you for real in the league.


pistolpete2940 said:
Anyone else notice that the games have been less laggy since that maintenance on Thursday?
I've only played one game since then and it was much better than the game we tried (it was vs Denogg who is on the opposite coast), but the first game we tried we couldn't even connect. :p


Yeah, and their scheduled maintenance only took them half the time (they warned it would be from 3am to 3pm, was definitely running when I logged in at 10a on THU). Good to see the support on the online side of things.


pistolpete2940 said:
Anyone else notice that the games have been less laggy since that maintenance on Thursday?

Yeah I notice this as well. Might be hope for me yet being stuck on wireless.


The one game I played since the maintenance was laggy for me but that was probably because I was downloading/installing APB at the time and had forgotten about it. Made me play like shit too until the 9th lol.


JambiBum said:
The one game I played since the maintenance was laggy for me but that was probably because I was downloading/installing APB at the time and had forgotten about it. Made me play like shit too until the 9th lol.

Please don't do this during league games, thanks. :lol
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