I don't think I've completed a league game in almost a monthholy shit does that mean bob is actually gonna play his league game?
I don't think I've completed a league game in almost a month![]()
We are still playing? I had like 3 straight sims due to people not showing up. Where is McNulty.
We are still playing? I had like 3 straight sims due to people not showing up. Where is McNulty.
Go PM Rinse!
Yea, GG Duane. I noticed when people are on, theres that first pitch lag...and for now on Im going to step off to eliminate it.
Also, we're going to shorten down the league days to two. So after we advance tomorrow midnight(12am Thurs), it'll be Thurs/Fri, Sat-Sun and so on. I feel like this is dragging on and hopefully this will keep things tighter. We'll see. If a lot of games have to be simmed, then so be it...but the people who always get their games in will do it no matter the timetable.
I hate DOTA.
It's already claimed a few of our players![]()
Eznark totally left because of Dota.
McNulty, when can you play? I'm not home for 5 or 6 hours.
turnbuckle we can play tonight if you're free, friend.
I was playing my games up to the moment it became too shitty for me to put up with, clown. I never just spaced on my fellow Show brothers.
won't be able to today I don't think. can you go tomorrow night?
Yep, I can go tomorrow after 7 pm ET
i'm free most of today if you can go.
Zep can u play today? Had to cover late shift at new job yesterday.
Sure can. What time?
mcneily, I'm not going to be able to make it tonight. not sure who I have next, but I can play tomorrow between 10pm and midnight est. not sure if I can play Wednesday
im good up to 10 pm est
As always good game Zep, always close and exciting!
If the week doesn't advance, I can play tomorrow.
Advancing at midnight.
Thank god I have turnbuckle's phone number
Now I hope he remembers who I am!
me and turnbuckle will be playing tomorrow night, and friday night. series could be done by friday
I blame Bob again.