calder said:UNACCEPT
Sorry, no early christmas for you dem ;P
calder said:Hah sorry to get u excited. False alarm - and really who would trade niedermayer for giggy??
SA-X said:Um, yeah, I kinda selected league votes to nullify trades, and yeah now that we all have players it won't let me change it back to commish veto. :lol
If dem doesn't trade Neids back I can just edit your rosters back to how they were before the trade though.
pops619 said:Well, Malkin got hurt. Collided with LeClair, landed on his face/shoulder. Looks like he separated his shoulder.![]()
calder said:PS - for those of you with cable companies that offer it, how much is it per month? I'd assume around or less than the $40 a month?
only $26.99/month*
* Minimum 6-month subscription required
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calder said:PS - for those of you with cable companies that offer it, how much is it per month? I'd assume around or less than the $40 a month?
pops619 said:Pens look like a completely different team after Malkin got hurt. They were looking nice up until then. Malkin especially was looking great. What a terrible turn of events, especially after all the drama this summer that led up to him being here. Hopefully he's ok, but I'm expecting the worst.
calder said:Shaw still doesn't have Center Ice that I can see. Simply unacceptable, and every time I ask them (3 times this calendar year so far!) they say no then immediately launch into a spiel about getting NFL Sunday Ticket. Like that'll do or something.
I can't fathom how one of the larger cable companies in canada wouldn't have the freaking NHL package available. That'd be like Charter deciding to not bother with Sunday Ticket... I just don't understand. *sob*
PS - for those of you with cable companies that offer it, how much is it per month? I'd assume around or less than the $40 a month?
A) Center Ice is cheaper than I thought, that's cool but it makes me even more angry that I can't get it without switching to a dish which would be a huge pain for me.Karakand said:I think it's $150 USD for the season if you order before mid-October. (less than $40 per month for 4 months)
In other news, :lol @ Yahoo! Sports.
pops619 said:Malkin went to the hospital during the second and was back shortly into the third. At the very least, I guess that means it's not too too serious, like not broken.
calder said::lol I keep reminding myself about getting too excited about preseason games, and yet I still had bumped Colby Armstrong up another 10 spots in my prerankings after watching half a period of him on Crosby's line earlier tonight. Another hour and I'll have him in my top 100.
I'm watching the game again and I don't see Malkin or hear them talking about it, is he really ok? That would suck so bad if he was hurt enough to miss even a few weeks.
pops619 said:The word now is that Malkin was seen joking with his teammates after the game, and more importantly, he wasn't wearing a sling. Seems like we might have dodged a bullet big time. If this was serious, I can't believe he wouldn't be wearing a sling.
BigJonsson said:Leafs beat the Sens![]()
Alucard said:Watching the hilights, I gotta say that Tellqvist looked pretty solid. Him and Raycroft may provid a decent 1-2 punch for the Leafs.
I really hope Malkin's going to be alright. We'll know more by tomorrow. Saw the hilights of him from tonight's game too, and damn if he wasn't impressive. We neeeeeeeeeed this kid on the ice. So excited!
Also, I know it's only pre-season, but Crosby's got 5 points in 2 games. More reason for optimism.
BigJonsson said:Malkin better be ok
Discharger said:I was listening to the game via internet radio on 630 ched
I can't believe how excited I'm getting over a preseason game :lol
Also, it's worth rubbing in that Luongo let in the first shot he received as a Canuck