i've been begging for over 5 years.
Rob, let me know!
Sometime after 10 when the wife and kids are in bed.
Rob, let me know!
Eh, midnight was already pushing it for me. Gotta get up in 5 hours. Let's try again during the week
Sounds good....
get drunk turnbuckle
that solves it all
Ha, sorry I couldn't stick around longer.... I'm good any time from 8-11pm tomorrow through Thursday....
I haven't had a chance to get a drink in since, like, Thursday!![]()
You scored because Beltran went full retard on the final out 2/3 attempts at a final out. Let's one go over his head twice then makes the final out. Trash game is trash.GG DCX.
That game was 11 innings of complete insanity. First we had the 2nd inning with 2 outs and Hamilton was standing under a fly ball then somehow missed it. Next AB Texteria hit a 2 run blast.
Then I hung on by a thread for 6 innings and finally got a pitch to hit with Votto and blasted a 3 run HR to tie it up. I have no idea what happened in the top of the 11th and how the hell I was able to score that final run with 2 outs already.
Game is trash.
When does the league advance? Inhabent had time to play.
I'll try to be around Tuesday and Thursday night
Crap. Sorry guys. I had another busy weekend. I should be around to get my games in (if they're still going) tonight. I can get them all in whenever necessary this afternoon.
around what time bro?
What time works best for you between 8-11 pm? If we start at 11 I could still play a couple.
Advancement is Thursday - I'd be willing to go three tonight if we can start by 10pm. Otherwise we'll need to split it up and do two tonight and one Thursday, or one tonight and two Thursday. Or something. Also available around 10pm tomorrow if you happen to be available.
Wish I had more availability than late evenings.
Ill be on in 5im around right, drizz.
We can play tonight after the Jays/Tigers play in MLB: The Real Show?Game should be done by 10
We can try for 2 or 3 tonight if no disconnects
I could probably get a game in around 4pm EST. Then get the rest in later tonight at like 8ish. Or two in at 4pm EST.
Reds @ Yankees
Giants @ Padres
Blue Jays @ Tigers
Nationals @ Mets
Angels @ Athletics
Cubs @ Brewers
Rays @ Red Sox
Braves @ Cardinals
White Sox @ Dodgers
we advance thursday night when people are done
Well since we're a more tight knit league I'm open to extending another day... If you or anyone can explain why Sanjuro had to wait a week?!
Scroll up in the thread and you will see me ask if Sanjuro can play tonight.Well since we're a more tight knit league I'm open to extending another day... If you or anyone can explain why Sanjuro had to wait a week?!
Scroll up in the thread and you will see me ask if Sanjuro can play tonight.
Pay attention dammit!
Ok new series. Who do I play if you wouldn't mind telling me Phee?
Sanjuro are available Tuesday night?
Suck a nut PheenixI'm around late Thursday night. Probably around 9-10.
let me know when you are on
Spelling errors have not altered this timeline, Magneto!
My bad. I'm around whenever now.
Ready to play soon?
Logging in
Well, enjoy that Boston film.
Spelling errors don't account for the other days though. Sorry!