Are the Braves going to have any competition this season at all? Lol
You gonna be around tonight FMT?
BigJonsson, I can play tonight if you think you'll be around. 10pm est if you're available. I know the league advances at 11pm EST, I think an hour would be enough time to get our game in. But I'm ok if we sim it also.
Tigers @ Rays
i probably should be. have to start watching orange is the new black season 2 doe
Not sure who the Tigers are, but when can you play ?
Sim or give win to ecnal (padres), I'm not going to be home until 8:30 PST.![]()
Outside of Tigers-Jays, about to be played, anything else to resolve? Last call!
Ummm my batter keeps walking up to the plate then backing off over and over, can't do anything about
Didn't restart game. Backed out of everything though. Had this happen a few times already, only thing that seemed to work was waiting
I don't think I was coming back, I'm ok giving you the W. Good games man
Is Eznark banned again?
Can you still PM if you are banned? I can't remember
Eznark, I'm not sure when I can play........Monday after Sony's conference maybe?
Hey turnbuckle whats your schedule look like the next couple days?
I sent him a message on AIM but no response. I'll check again in a bit.
Commie do you want to try again? My sweet 10 pitch at bat was wasted![]()
man fuck this game. crimson and i were playing a really good pitchers duel into the 8th (0-0 score) and then i had a couple guys on base and got a hit to the outfield. then the game just starts skipping all over the place. it literally looped the same animation for about 2 straight minutes. we come back to the game and the bases are loaded. i get another hit to the outfield and it starts the looping shit about. i had tried to tag up and leave the base before the loop started but on my screen i see a guy on 1st and 2nd, and 2 guys on 3rd. then one of my guys start to go and then next thing i know i'm up to bat again with 1 out and its 1-0. hit another pop fly but this time no tag up and the game then disconnects.
i am near the end of my rope with this online. beyond that weirdness in the 8th, i saw all kinds of other issues. in the 4th i saw that i had gotten a ground ball through the infield but then the next thing i know i'm now pitching and it was somehow an out. this happened probably 4 or 5 times where it showed me as getting a hit but it wasn't. garbage!
Straight fucking trash. On that ground ball on my screen I got it deep in the infield and threw him out and while the bases were loaded you went up 2-0 on my screen and then had a guy on 2nd and 3rd. You can have that win man I wasn't coming back. My last series played perfectly but this shit is trash.
it sucks because i remember we played a couple games when the game first came out and we didn't have these types of problems
Yeah CrimsonCommie the Buccaneers are always available
Yeah CrimsonCommie the Buccaneers are always available
Yeah CrimsonCommie the Buccaneers are always available
This game should be in the landfill with ET.