I've been trying to get games in but people haven't been responsive. Tigers owner here. Am I in trouble?
I've been trying to get games in but people haven't been responsive. Tigers owner here. Am I in trouble?
It's not directed at anyone specifically! Just wanted to make sure no one was mad at me :/
Bahahahahah. This right here. Gold jerry!Finally got my Skinit to apply to the controller
feels good!
fucking piece of shit
Got a DD comeback with a Stanton grand slam, got 1 bronze and commons after the game. Went to the card collections to sell them and they gave me a free Jon Lester. Thanks for 21,000 stubs!
And I thought I hit the jackpot with a random menu Lance Lynn today
I should check who I need to play, no one has PMed me in a while
Who is this joc pederson guy
Got him by walking around in the menus but apparently he's a hotshot rookie. Hanging on to my spare, which is worth 1000 now...and hopefully 10000 in a few weeks!
I often just leave my shit on lolDo you just browse the menus all day now?![]()
Game is trash. Shit like that happens to me all the time. I think they made stealing even worse with that first patch which mentioned something about adjusting tag rate. After that I haven't been able to throw anybody out at third even when the 3B has the ball waiting for the runner before he even starts sliding. I was able to throw people out at third every now and then before that patch but not once since. And they haven't even mentioned anything about stealing or just base running in general being broken.
It is. I actually cringe a bit when people steal against me in league games, because it's bullshit but it's the right call from a strategy standpoint. They aren't doing anything inherently wrong unless they start abusing it, but you are on the losing end more often than not as the pitching side. I might try one steal attempt per game, maybe two, in a situation where I'm down a run and need to score (for the record, I'm almost always down a run). I wish base running was balanced to be a pure risk/reward thing, so if someone wants to try abusing it I have just as much of a chance to nail out the runner.
Let's just say I played one league game where a guy tried bunting three hitters in a row. That's cheese. I seriously considered purposefully disconnecting and resetting the game outcome, because that's bullshit. They weren't getting any hits off my pitcher and they resorted to cheese. I was lucky enough to get out of the inning unscathed, but there's no reason someone should be laying out three straight bunts.
Every sports game I've ever played has vastly overpowered plays, and it's up to the game community to police itself on them. I should never be calling for a pitchout in a league game and getting smoked by a full second on the throw to second.![]()
I'm totally cool with stealing as long as it's someone who should be stealing bases. But I understand it's really fucking frustrating when you pitch out and can't get a guy out at third. Especially when the throw got there first and he should have been tagged.
I don't oppose small ball here and there in situations but doing the whole bunting/stealing shit exploiting is fucking dumb.
By the way, if ANYBODY is laying out three straight bunts, I am resolving your shit to an L. If it's the pitcher that's cool. If it's a super fast guy, that's cool too. Defenses should be prepared and set up bunt defenses. However, you're probably still an asshole. But I can't imagine any scenario where people should be laying it down thrice in an inning. Please just try to hit the ball.
You know what kind of player I also wish I could reach through my screen and strangle? The guys who do the bunt-reset-bunt-reset shit before you throw to them. They know they're being dicks, and they're trying to throw you off.
How the fuck did you get felixKing Felix is mine!
And just made 4,000 stubs selling Tulowitzki and buying him right back.
I like bunting and if any of you were to ever watch a real Reds game they are all about small ball this year. Learn to play defense.
If I have Billy on second or third with 1 out and my cleanup hitter is up I will probably bunt and go for a squeeze.
Mets are you around for a quick game?
And there you should realize where everyone's issue with the game is. If I'm pitching to you in real life, I would love for you to take the bat out your clean up hitter's hands attempting a squeeze. You might even run into an out at home on a whiffed bunt attempt because, truth be told, how many clean up hitters do you know can realistically lay down a bunt? In the show though, this is something I've seen work too many times already. I wish they would at least make it where you had to aim the barrel of the bat on a bunt
And there you should realize where everyone's issue with the game is. If I'm pitching to you in real life, I would love for you to take the bat out your clean up hitter's hands attempting a squeeze. You might even run into an out at home on a whiffed bunt attempt because, truth be told, how many clean up hitters do you know can realistically lay down a bunt? In the show though, this is something I've seen work too many times already. I wish they would at least make it where you had to aim the barrel of the bat on a bunt
What happened Bob. Was waiting for you tonight?
I like bunting and if any of you were to ever watch a real Reds game they are all about small ball this year. Learn to play defense.
If I have Billy on second or third with 1 out and my cleanup hitter is up I will probably bunt and go for a squeeze.
Mets are you around for a quick game?
If I have no outs in a tie game with a man on second, I'll bunt him to third and sac fly him home, like a gentleman.
Well I don't remember my last league game so..I see you've moved on from your home run or bust philosophy
What happened Bob. Was waiting for you tonight?
Rob just watch the videos I posted
understand the pain
You would try a squeeze at home with your clean up hitter?
I wish it were as simple as "learn to play defense." It's not. Even if I shift into a bunt prevent defense, you're probably going to score that run.
I hope to finish mine with DMNC tonight.
I won't have time tomorrow so if we can't link up tonight then tomorrow go ahead and sim them phee
what videos? nvm i found them. I can't believe that pitch out didn't produce an out at 3rd base. That dude only has 96 speed and Billy has 99 so I should be able to get in standing.
With Hamilton on 3rd I would absolutely try to squeeze him home with Frazier or Votto at the plate. I'm sorry if that ruffles feathers but I can't say I won't do it.
Yea what time is good bro?