TurtleSnatcher said:BTW
I'm guessing we will delay the tourney a bit for people who go to EVO?
Im gone July 15 - 21st.. so.. yea...
Guess im effed..Relix said:XBL Round 4 Losers Bracket
Rummy Bunz vs. Dementia
Pachinko vs. Timedog
Winners Bracket:
Final: Phatsaqs vs. Lakeearth
PSN Round 4
Lyte Edgev s. dfyb
This should be done by then *wink*
Pachinko said:Hey timedog, I got an arcade stick coming in that should be here next week.. I don't exactly need it to play (I'm not that good) but I wouldn't mind waiting until I get it to do our match.
Prolly won't change the outcome though so if you want to do it soon then by all means , I already added you , I should be online periodically throughout the weekend starting later tonight.
Fine. I forgot to take into consideration the 4th of July and that everyone would be drunk and partying, so it's fine!myDingling said:Relix and Rummy Bunnz,
Hey guys, I'm not going to be able t get the 4th round bracket match in by the sunday deadline. I'm away from my 360 this whole weekend and won't have access until Monday night. I guarantee you it'll get done monday or else I forfei the match. But if you don't want to hold things up then I don't mind a DQ. Just wanted to give you options.
ultim8p00 said:Hey Relix did you and jam, get your matches in yet?
Pachinko said:Hey relix, takerx added me to his friends list , I realize it's late and all but just for piece of mind I'll do atleast the missed match with him AND the current legitimate match with timedog. That way I won't feel guilty about denying takerx a match(and a probable win followed by a match between him and timedog). Kind of sad on all our parts that we didn't simply add all potential opponents the first week of this tournament, might have gone a bit smoother that way. I'm guessing some of you folks did though, good on ya for that.
I mean it's not like you can't just delete friends off the list after the tournament if you need to.
I mentioned it in an earlier post but I should be getting a SF4 TE stick in the mail well before the deadline for the current round, as in I ordered it last wednesday and the site mentioned 2 business days processing which is finished and 2-3 days shipping but it's only 1 province over so it could show up tommorowSo , message for both takerx and timedog- as soon as I get that stick and play with it for a few minutes we can get our fight on.
Timedog said:have you used an arcade stick extensively? I was really hoping to not have to fight takerX. his xbl screen name is weird and scary and leads me to believe that he's amazing at fighting games.
Relix said:Don't whine, you are second only to Justin Wong!! :lol :lol :lol
TurtleSnatcher said:Enk..
Relix said:Relix vs Ultimp00 (2-0, 6-o)
Match 1: Chun vs. Ryu. I started cautiouslly, and was also cold since it was my first game since coming from work =P. Eventually I got the hang of the fight and mantained my lead. I could repeat some combos and Ultim fell for them, so quite probably he wasn't ready for chun
Match 2: Same. The three rounds got closer each time, the battle did flow about the same way, but Ultim could have taken a round after he SRK'd my ass but he just jumped. Extremely sure it was an input problem. Could have gone different if he had won that round
Aftermatches were fun. I remember reading he needed help practicing against Chuns so I showed him a few of the combos and mixups. Oh and dude, those random Ultras in the later matches were just me practicing the Dash>Ultra. Seems I finally got the hang of it with lag. I missed it a lot, but I got you once when you Tatsumakie'd me =P. Also, you were fully aware of the fact of not to throw fireballs at me since I could Ultra you, big plus. Even guys with 30K GP forget that fact :lol . I also showed you the EX legs to Ultra, and missed one when I launched you into the air and screwed up lol. All in all fun games, if you need practice lemme know!
Yes, you and I need a bloody rematch! =P
I'll be ready! I have fatty in the stand-by lineup though =P. Just in case!TurtleSnatcher said:Chun is my worst matchup but I will probably use my Gen this time around maybe.
TurtleSnatcher said:Enk..
Rummy Bunnz said:Sorry if I formatted my post wrong but I lost my match, Relix. dingling should be the one advancing.
Okay. We can do sometime tomorrow.Enk said:Oh snap, it's you and me once again! I'm off tomrrow through Thursday if you want to do are match then.
PhatSaqs said:Hey Lake, i'll be on this evening if you're up to get the games in.
Lyte Edge said:dfyb, whenever you can play, shoot me a PM!
Lyte Edge said: