I guess that makes me the fourth? Or am I a random sixth? :lol
the facebook trolling earlier in the year
arstal said:I'll take fifth. At least Sega knows how to make a 3D fighter on console.
MrMephistoX said:Okay do not believe the Debbie downer anti-hype. The game just clicks after a while and online play is great today. No lag today whereas yesterday it was atrocious.
arstal said:I'll take fifth. At least Sega knows how to make a 3D fighter on console.
hclflow said:Looks like I'd better get to work on a "Tekken 6 Online Play Forecast" website to help dedicated fans find out easily when their online experiences will be at a tolerable baseline.
Sounds like quality product to me!
Maybe by releasing it NOT? How's doing nuthin so hard? I do it everyday.Hilbert said:How can sega NOT release the game?
MrMephistoX said:Today's forecast cloudy with a touch of PMS?
Man, you are touchy.hclflow said:Ohhh, you must've taken "Replying to GAF Posts Without Actually Comprehending the Subject Matter 101" like TheCardPlayer apparently did. Yeah, I took the harder route in my education and enrolled in English beyond a fourth-grade level.
dragonlife29 said:Man, you are touchy.
hclflow said:I'm not really touchy, so much as I am intolerant of asinine replies devoid of any context or meaning!
jmro said:Why are we talking about VF5
Fuck, man. What IS up with euroland release dates?Anso said:Also, getting Tekken 6 tomorrow, goddamn Swedish release-date.
hikarutilmitt said:Honestly, I think if SEGA tried to release VF5R now they might actually sell better than vanilla VF5. No fighting game was selling very well back when it was released on either console, and it sold better on the PS3 (yes, it came out first) than the 360 despite the larger install base of the 360 and the fact it has online (which got a number of fans to double dip). The market for fighters just wasn't where it is today. You could pack together a bunch of old and crappy 16-bit fighters onto a disc for $30 and market it as "a super retro fighting game throwdown/throwback" and it'd probably sell.
As it is, though, they won't because they don't want to take the chance with the awful sales of VF5 and their clearly messed up decisions as of late.
Fistwell said:Fuck, man. What IS up with euroland release dates?
Just moved from across the atlantic, and wtf... some stuff is out on tuesdays... some other stuff on fridays... What is this?
I could have sworn i was able to find everything i wanted by the thursday of its release week, but tekken 6, no dice...
arstal said:c) SF4 led to a revival
Yeah well, i could show my store's manager my goddamn PENIS i wouldn't get shit.Anso said:Yeah, I'm outraged and whatnot. However I'll get a free t-shirt and have a chance to win some other swag by beating the Swedish store Webhallen's "pro-player". I will show him my Wang (pun intended).
Fistwell said:Yeah well, i could show my store's manager my goddamn PENIS i wouldn't get shit.
(but good for you!)
the big penises?Anso said:Shop at another storeThere's usually at least one store in most citys that actually do some PR stuff when the big ones are released.
Fistwell said:the big penises?
Sorry...Anso said:You get me, you really do.
Pretty sure DoA outsold VF5.arstal said:VF5 did really, REALLY bad. That said, I think it would do a lot better now- for these reasons
a) The 360 was not accepted as a fighting game platform when VF5 was released. In fact, VF5 was the first legitimate retail fighter (DoA don't count)
b) Install bases are higher
c) SF4 led to a revival
I think they'd sell about 200k if they released at $40.
the only crime is LAG!Spruchy said:The music on the streets with the explosions is so good it should be criminal.
GuiltybyAssociation said:Also, what's up with the lack of customization on peeps? Was nobody else patientenough to grind through Scenario? I've seen only one other person thus far who has dressed up their characterdumb![]()
hclflow said:Ohhh, you must've taken "Replying to GAF Posts Without Actually Comprehending the Subject Matter 101" like TheCardPlayer apparently did. Yeah, I took the harder route in my education and enrolled in English beyond a fourth-grade level.
haunts said:I can do CH b+1 ~ b, 2, f21, f21~ b, flk1 alb2 online...I think thats it anyway.. lol
i sitll feel like if i mashed harder id be doing better though.
GuiltybyAssociation said:Also, what's up with the lack of customization on peeps? Was nobody else patientenough to grind through Scenario? I've seen only one other person thus far who has dressed up their characterdumb![]()