Sailor Stevenson
Iron E Man said:I wish i had a credit card right now :[
$120 (80%) off Tekken 6 Fight Stick Bundle for PS3 at Amazon starting @ 1PM PST. Limited quantity available. http://bit.ly/vg-dotd
Nice. Nabbed this!
Iron E Man said:I wish i had a credit card right now :[
$120 (80%) off Tekken 6 Fight Stick Bundle for PS3 at Amazon starting @ 1PM PST. Limited quantity available. http://bit.ly/vg-dotd
Same.jstevenson said:Nice. Nabbed this!
I highly doubt that Tekken is pretty much dead. It still rocks arcades and sold fairly well in Japan.BattleMonkey said:Namco sold 2.5 million copies to sucker retailers, they got their money. This just means Tekken as a franchise is dying or pretty much dead as retailers won't fall for the next one so easily.
Arpharmd B said:No I agree everyones been ripping each other off hardcore forever. Capcom rips off SNK hardcore. I was making a point that. In ten years we saw SF2 series, SFAlpha series, SF3 series. Radically different games. Tekken on the other hand. In 10 years no way can you say that.
And of course I remember Darkstalkers. I had Vampire Savior imported on my Sega Saturn in 1997 at the age of 13. I am a fighting game die hard to the bone. Nothing wrong with stealing ideas, all the fighting games do it, but Tekken has by and large evolved the least over 15 years versus Street Fighter or Virtua Fighter. It's whatever, I love Tekken, I'm just saying.
Speaking of ripping each other off. A few recent fighting game cliches that I've noticed. Luchadors (El Blaze, El Fuerte) American fat dude parodies/jokes (Rufus, Bob), and, this one I Think everyone will agree has been played out for 10 years now, a big screen in the background playing the fight happening in front of you. I can think of like off the top of my head with this. Virtua Fighter 5, DOA4, Capcom Vs. SNK, Street Fighter 4, Virtua Fighter 4, Smash Bros and I'm probably missing many games.
Lyte Edge said:It's interesting that both Sega and Namco's attempts to change up their games (Virtua Fighter 3 and Tekken 4) were seen as "failures" in the sense that they went back to a style more reminiscent of the older games for the sequels, dropping the uneven stages and such.
GrayFoxPL said:The last evolved 3d fighter is imo DOA, since DOA2 is the series changed the least. Not to mention they fucking never change the character designs.
WTF? I don't even know what to say. The fact that the entire cast has offensive holds, low throws, and the ability to counter every attack is so noob, nothing advanced about it.Master Thespian said:To me, DOA has the most advanced core gameplay ideas. The rub is that the implementation is horrible and the characters are repetitive, generic and shallow. If Namco or SEGA (preferably Namco at this point) had the DOA system in place from the beginning, that shit would be the best 3D fighter by a large margin, IMO. Sadly, the best teams are hampered by honoring the traditions of their respective series.
also known as whiny fans who fear awesome change
You don't know what implementation means?riskVSreward said:WTF? I don't even know what to say. The fact that the entire cast has offensive holds, low throws, and the ability to counter every attack is so noob, nothing advanced about it.
Arpharmd B said:No I agree everyones been ripping each other off hardcore forever. Capcom rips off SNK hardcore. I was making a point that. In ten years we saw SF2 series, SFAlpha series, SF3 series. Radically different games. Tekken on the other hand. In 10 years no way can you say that.
And of course I remember Darkstalkers. I had Vampire Savior imported on my Sega Saturn in 1997 at the age of 13. I am a fighting game die hard to the bone. Nothing wrong with stealing ideas, all the fighting games do it, but Tekken has by and large evolved the least over 15 years versus Street Fighter or Virtua Fighter. It's whatever, I love Tekken, I'm just saying.
Kadey said:4. WHY IS JIN SO EMO!!!!!? What have they done to my Jin!?
Well then, which "gameplay ideas" exactly are so damned advanced? I have to admit, I've never heard anyone claim that anything about DOA is more advanced than, say VF.Master Thespian said:You don't know what implementation means?
riskVSreward said:WTF? I don't even know what to say. The fact that the entire cast has offensive holds, low throws, and the ability to counter every attack is so noob, nothing advanced about it.
riskVSreward said:Well then, which "gameplay ideas" exactly are so damned advanced? I have to admit, I've never heard anyone claim that anything about DOA is more advanced than, say VF.
Not even at DOACentral.
Dude... I have countless hours logged into DOA4, my gamertag alone shows 100 but it's well beyond that. I only meant that universal counters, low throws and OH's are stupid.DR2K said:It's called balance. But there is a huge distinction among the systems you stated. Some have multi part offensive holds, low offensive holds, some have advanced counters, some have multi part low throws, every character has a few attacks that go through counters, etc. . . Maybe if you spent more than 5 minutes with it then maybe you would see some sort of advancement.
Fair enough.Master Thespian said:As for your comment that all of the characters have access to every facet, I clearly stated that the characters where "repetitive, generic and shallow" I also clearly stated that the implementation of those gameplay ideas is horrible. The active window and the damage for counter holds are too large, every character feels the same in terms of strategy and application and the game is horribly balanced.
Kadey said:8. The game took a step forward in game play and amount of characters/balance but presentation
I will, thanks for the info.MarkMan said:
GrayFoxPL said:Not that generally I don't agree with you... Yeah, there are always those 'trends', like now for a fast fat guy or luchadore characters. Fashion, ripping off or the universal mind-thing that makes people make the same ideas. Whatever it is, it's always there.
But if Tekken is the least evolved fighter is debatable. It had twists and turns. T3 was nothing short of revolution for the series and was nothing like T2 and T1. The series would look different now if T4 was a success as it lead to a completely new path, just like T3 after T2, but namco decided to play it safe. In my opinion Namco took way more risks and changed more throughout the Tekken series then Sega did with VF. The last evolved 3d fighter is imo DOA, since DOA2 is the series changed the least. Not to mention they fucking never change the character designs.
Baron Aloha said:So I'm finally getting to this game (been playing Uncharted 2 and Demon's Souls). I just finished the scenario campaign, which is god awful. Now I'm trying to customize one of my characters (Nina).
I purchased an item for her (Red Flame Racing Suit or something like that) and it is telling me that I won't be able to view it normally because she is wearing the blouse and pants. How do I take off the clothes that are on by default? Can you? How do I get the racing suit that I purchased to actually show up?
The customization aspect of this game seems very unnecessarily convoluted. In Tekken 5 it made complete sense but now its all kind of clunky/messed up. So far the only improvement that I can notice is the hair customization options are out to wazoo.
Oh, and what's up with not being able to select the sheep stage? Its easily the best stage in the game.
MoonsaultSlayer said:It means you need to be using her P1 outfit.
RelentlessRolento said:
Anso said:If only the arcade stick was as portable. For Sony pad players this is like THE thing to have in the pocket though.
Caj814 said:So what happened with the next sdtekken podcast?
MarkMan said:halted and holding so we can unveil details on the new patch
LiveFromKyoto said:Man, this is so frustrating. I like the gameplay and feel myself slowly improving, but I main Feng and I find it impossible online to get out some of his key moves like D +3 -> 1+2, the first part just doesn't register. I can do it in my sleep offline.
MarkMan said:halted and holding so we can unveil details on the new patch
GrayFoxPL said:Btw. I fought an asshole Feng online not long ago. Every time I got him to minimal health he started to spam df+1 endlessly. Can't believe they still made that move a mid. Couldn't do anything. Couldn't crush it, because it's mid, couldn't outpoke it, because it's already as fast as jab and guardstuns. Couldn't duck because it's fucking mid! 3 rounds lost by this move alone. I felt like I was caught in infinite. I don't know who should feel worse. Him that he just spamed one move at brink of defeat or me that I couldn't get out of it. Later on trening mode I noticed the only way to get out of it is to sidestep left, but the timing is hard and that's offline.
Anyanka said:It's not as fast as a jab. It's 14 frames and even on block.
Don't know what to tell you if you're outraged at this move, cause like 75% of the cast has some kind of d/f+1 style move.
V_Arnold said:This game is actually TWO games in one.
One is the regular fighting game just like others.
The other is the game what starts when you are knocked down.
I never ever have felt that helpless before, like here, fighting against my girlfriend's Jin, and getting punished again and again for not using the perfect wakeup method after a knockdown. Never ever have I got this "close to angry" before. I mean, yeah, a knockdown from an El Fuerte can be compared to that, but at least there there are some ex-involved options to get out NO MATTER WHAT, but here....
This part is hard, hehe.
GrayFoxPL said:Oki(zeme) - the punishment of a knocked down oponent is one of the best things in Tekken's fighting engine IMO. No other game does it so right and is as deep like in Tekken, because you're usually safe to get up in those games. I love it. Much more then juggles. So many possibilities.![]()
GrayFoxPL said:Nah, I've been quick mid spamed by Bryan and Bob - not a big deal. I could get out of the loop in time. This felt different. On every single reaction I ate df+1. While my health slowly drained, I had flashbacks of T4 Lee's Hitman 1 spam close to wall.
It felt wierd, like it had wierd properity to stuff 10frame jabs. Most likely lag shenanigans.
But what's funny is that that guy knew exactly it would work. It's like he played the whole round normally then on 10% health df+1 spam unleashed that worked every round. :lol
I'm just pissed off I couldn't get out of it then. *Facepalm.
G0DLIKE said:Yeah, I saw Tekken 6 PSP in the shops today. I sold my PSP because the only game I played was Dark Resurrection. I'm gonna have to buy another one.. Fuck.