Damn, now I want to upgrade back to the limited edition.......MarkMan said:I was out all day.
This is MarkMan's FIGHT!
GasProblem said:Dayumn Markman xD
I'm still on the fence about buying it, I can get it for 48 so that's pretty nice, I just don't know how playable it'll be on a 360 pad. That, and I don't know anyone who will play it so online better be reasonable.
I am delighted to let you know that your Preorder for Tekken 6 (with GAME Exclusive Preorder Bonus) is now being processed subject to successful payment being taken from your credit card when it is dispatched. The order will be despatched by your chosen delivery method in time to reach you for the day of release.
wait...wat? Thats stupid. And there are three ps3 slipcovers in that pic, and not one of them is the limited edition?? I assumed that one on the bottom was empty...That means MarkMan bought four fucking copies for ps3?? HOLY SHITE.kiryogi said:What the lame, ps3 limited edition doesn't have the shiny slipcover?! At least that's what markman says and that picture indicates as well D: D:
Leshita said:I am thinking of getting the Japanese version of this game (maybe Asian version...), does anyone know if net play is region locked or not? Also, will Japanese trophies carry over for North American accounts?
MarkMan said:I was out all day.
This is MarkMan's FIGHT!
Dude, he took one of the slip covers off. Every copy I see(360 and PS3)Has the slip cover. I'm getting my copy in 3hrs, HYPE!kiryogi said:What the lame, ps3 limited edition doesn't have the shiny slipcover?! At least that's what markman says and that picture indicates as well D: D:
bomb_jack said:Why do you have 4 copies of the PS3 version?
TwIsTeD said:Just a heads up 360 controller is god awful for tekken 6.....but then again we all knew that already
:lolMMaRsu said:How so?
MMaRsu said:How so?
wmat said::lol
Did you ever try playing a fighter in a somewhat involved way with that piece of shit controller?
YuriLowell said:Shitty DPAD.
..and you can pull off moves consistently? Hats off to you then. I just can't.MMaRsu said:SCIV was good, didn't have much of a problem with SFIV either.. MvC2 worked like a charm as well.
But I'm not so tourney about it like some of you guys.
I know, fuck the DPAD. I just play with the analog :lol
MMaRsu said:SCIV was good, didn't have much of a problem with SFIV either.. MvC2 worked like a charm as well.
But I'm not so tourney about it like some of you guys.
I know, fuck the DPAD. I just play with the analog :lol
wmat said:..and you can pull off moves consistently? Hats off to you then. I just can't.
Jinfash said::|
MvC2 worked so well because the inputs registered as easy as single button presses, heck weren't the supers single button presses?
Jinfash said:And you never ever thought that you weren't capable of executing the moves too well because of the controller?
RichardAM said:Incoming! Hopefully the postal strikes won't screw this up too much. : /
I don't think that type of argument works here. You cared enough about buying the game, ergo you should care about playing it right.MMaRsu said:Who cares, it's just a game. If I lose a match it isn't the end of the world
Jinfash said:I don't think that type of argument works here. You cared enough about buying the game, ergo you should care about playing it right.
... You should play Lair when you buy a PS3 next year, you'll love it.
MMaRsu said:I could honestly play SFIV pretty well.
MMaRsu said:Anyway, sure, but I really am not going to buy a stick. They are too expensive and won't get enough use out of me. I wouldn't have bought the game at 60 euro's either, but at 35 I just couldn't resist. I'm more of a casual tekken player I guess.
Hate on me all you want though for that.
MMaRsu said:How so?
MMaRsu said::lol
Anyway, sure, but I really am not going to buy a stick. They are too expensive and won't get enough use out of me. I wouldn't have bought the game at 60 euro's either, but at 35 I just couldn't resist. I'm more of a casual tekken player I guess.
Hate on me all you want though for that.
small step above a ps2 game isn't goodLeMaximilian said:Totally agree on the visuals. On 360 here, and SCIV is tremendously better looking. This looks like a small step above PS3 DR, it's kind of faded looking. Even with motion blur off, and increase the resolution, it just smooths out some edges, but never has that crisp look SF4 and SC4 have.
Jinfash said:Ok, fair enough. I was just confused by how needed someone to explain the incompetency of the 360's controller when it comes to fighters in general. The community has been very vocal about it.
That's understandable, and if you were content with how SFIV played with the regular controller you'll have no problems in enjoying Tekken.
Leshita said:Also, will Japanese trophies carry over for North American accounts?
Space A Cobra said:So like, outside of the 3p costumes, did Namco add any new customization items for the console version? All I've seen for purchase are the same arcade items. Hopefully beating SC will garner me some new console items.
I'm also finding SC's cutscenes incredibly lengthy and boring but I refuse to skip them. =/