MarkMan said:
Lets play on Live sometime.. I want to see if my Steve can hang with your....uhhh..who do you play again? :lol
MarkMan said:
RelentlessRolento said:Well, as crazy as it sounds I just got 1000/1000 now, on top of my Platinum on PSN, and already getting Tekken God/All Endings on PSP version...
I'm still not bored with it.
But yeah, I didnt get bored with T5 till about a month before T5DR released on PSN. Then, hooked again.
unomas said:Apparently you love you some Tekken! Any tips for nightmare train? I've got Devil Jin with +310 health yet I still only have one bar of health, and Alisa gets slaughtered about 20 seconds into it. Do you need +400 health boost to get 2 bars of health?
MarkMan said:iSW is f,f,f+2+4 basically the running throw used in combos.
If used on an airborne opponent, it will result in a running power bomb.
Example of a good combo with iSW = u/f+4, f+2,2, f+1, b+2,1+2, B!, iSW ! (This is with King).
With Armor King, try this, u/f+4, 2,1, d/b+2, B!, iSW.
sca2511 said:do equipment bonuses stack? Like lets say, 20% bonus attack feet and 40% bonus attack chest - would that make it total 60% or just whatever I equipped first?
GrayFoxPL said:No, just what was first equipped. It's annoying because you have to deactivate or unequip the weaker item first or the new one will be useless.
Good to know. Was wondering why the percentages weren't increasing when trying to stack similar abilities. Plus I still can't pass that damn train level.GrayFoxPL said:No, just what was first equipped. It's annoying because you have to deactivate or unequip the weaker item first or the new one will be useless.
For nightmare train I suggest never leaving alisa alone. Stay close untill Devil Jin comes, then stay close to sides of wagon and try to juggle him out of it.
wackojackosnose said:What about over 2 characters? Does the game work out bonuses for individual characters or is it a combination effect? e.g. If p1 has an 18% money bonus and p2 has a 22% money bonus, does this increase collected money by either players by 40%? Or do you only get an 18% increase if p1 picks up the money and 22% if p2 picks up the money? This game really sucks at explaining basic mechanics to players.
For Lars, what do you suggest? I've been maining him in SC, so I got most of his stuff.RelentlessRolento said:equip some damage enhancers and defence boosters. Also put on an ice item since it makes group killing alot easier.
twinturbo2 said:For Lars, what do you suggest? I've been maining him in SC, so I got most of his stuff.
PedroRVD said:One little question, is there a way to do another victory poses for characters that have more than four?
MarkMan said:<3 this game.
T6 Nationals on Saturday!
Going to play Scenario Campaign online now to get ready!
Should of gotten the PS3 version Haunts. Way more players on the PSN.haunts said:God this game is so much better than SF4 its crazy. It's just too bad they kinda dropped the ball early on cause not as many ppl play it.![]()
BlackGoku03 said:Are all the characters unlocked for regular VS mode?
EDIT: Can the RAGE mode be turned off? Does it really feel like a cheap win when used?
RelentlessRolento said:T6 OST is out... 3 discs... currently dlding.
The music is relaxing, but too bad the water in that stage sucks.IcebergSlim3000 said:Mystical Forest is the only track worth listening to. In fact I'll go so far as say it's the best track in all the Tekken games. The only ones that come close being Estrada de Estrela, and Touch in Go from Tekken 4.
IcebergSlim3000 said:Mystical Forest is the only track worth listening to. In fact I'll go so far as say it's the best track in all the Tekken games. The only ones that come close being Estrada de Estrela, and Touch in Go from Tekken 4.
MarkMan said:In case you guys missed it (I know most of you did), TEKKEN 6 North American championships stream. 6 hours of TEKKEN SEX! (1 hour of the crystal method)...
Btw did I make it too obvious?
Rly? Idk, t5dr is still my fave tekken ost.BlackGoku03 said:Kind of dissapointed so far. Not too much different from Tekken 5 DR. I don't know what I was expecting honestly.
I dislike it--it's boring.IcebergSlim3000 said:Mystical Forest is the only track worth listening to. In fact I'll go so far as say it's the best track in all the Tekken games.
MrDenny said:The Queen's Harbor Theme from SC is pretty catchy.
From the same person who composed Electric Fountain.
Too bad it wasn't used for a regular stage.
MrDenny said:The Queen's Harbor Theme from SC is pretty catchy.
From the same person who composed Electric Fountain.
Too bad it wasn't used for a regular stage.
I'll keep it though. I got it at a really good discount from my store so no point in giving it back. I'll be going online with it as soon as I get used to my characters. Maybe it'll grow on me.RelentlessRolento said:Rly? Idk, t5dr is still my fave tekken ost.
BlackGoku03 said:I'll keep it though. I got it at a really good discount from my store so no point in giving it back. I'll be going online with it as soon as I get used to my characters. Maybe it'll grow on me.
I've been kind of hyping the game in my head for a while and it isn't all I hoped it'd be. Plus they messed up Paul's voice man.
MarkMan said:
luka said:I'm sorry..what? Tekken 6 has a ton of awesome tracks I'd buy the ost for. The awesomely catchy player select, lightning storm, electric fountain, anger of the earth, fallen colony, azazel's chamber, etc.
Steroyd said:I've never been so pissed off at a game and a company before, and i've bloody endured Jinpachi on Tekken 5 ffs.
Whoever thought making me play through a shitty campaign mode to inject a storyline into Tekken needs to be shot in the balls, and if it's the same person who created Azazel needs to be shot in the balls twice, the whole mode is a complete regression of the 3D brawlers of yore No camera control, no lock on it has it all, and if there is a magical button that lets me cotnrol these things for the love of god please tell me it exists.
I wouldn't be so angry if i weren't forced to play it.
Online is crap so far, got a new wired conneection because my wireless has been fucking up epically lately and i've had disconnects, awful input lag and this is playing with someone from the same country who has a decent connection.
Offline 2 player reminds me why I love the Tekken series, but good lord Namco decided to throw a lot of shitty obstacles in my way to test the love,
Any tips on beating Azazel?
RelentlessRolento said:good shit and good work by namco, ufrag, and esp MM and faye.
Steroyd said:I've never been so pissed off at a game and a company before, and i've bloody endured Jinpachi on Tekken 5 ffs.
Whoever thought making me play through a shitty campaign mode to inject a storyline into Tekken needs to be shot in the balls, and if it's the same person who created Azazel needs to be shot in the balls twice, the whole mode is a complete regression of the 3D brawlers of yore No camera control, no lock on it has it all, and if there is a magical button that lets me cotnrol these things for the love of god please tell me it exists.
I wouldn't be so angry if i weren't forced to play it.
Online is crap so far, got a new wired conneection because my wireless has been fucking up epically lately and i've had disconnects, awful input lag and this is playing with someone from the same country who has a decent connection.
Offline 2 player reminds me why I love the Tekken series, but good lord Namco decided to throw a lot of shitty obstacles in my way to test the love,
Any tips on beating Azazel?
S t y l e z said:This is why I quite the fighting scene years ago. To many lame ass people in the community. I just popped in T6 today for a couple of matches and out of the six games, four boot me from the room, and two rage quitted than gave me back feedback for being a "Paul Poker" Whatever dude.
S t y l e z said:This is why I quite the fighting scene years ago. To many lame ass people in the community. I just popped in T6 today for a couple of matches and out of the six games, four boot me from the room, and two rage quitted than gave me back feedback for being a "Paul Poker" Whatever dude.