It might be over with soon! But what will be the end results that both parties arrive at.. how will the tax payers undoubtedly be screwed.. upcoming..
City of Toronto workers have been on strike for only five days now over the City's request to change their lucrative benefits, including, but not limited to; 18 sick days per year (not including vacation) that can be 'banked' into their retirement at the end of every year.
But that's not the issue I have; it's the ludicrous nature of everyone involved baffles my mind. City workers scoff at the idea of giving up anything because 'they don't have to bail Toronto out', the City itself is establishing temporary dumping grounds in parks for garbage (hooray, tourism.. and the parks won't be receiving any service either of course), and idiot residents are just through garbage near the bins downtown that have been wrapped shut. The delightful garbage smell is creeping up on us now, especially after the humidity the last few days, and now rain.
Our lovely Mayor Miller is quite the douche; he allows CUPE, and strikers to block what was before today, a hand full of temporary dump-sites in the city. These sites are the alternative residents are faced with, not having the City pickup garbage Letting one person through every 15 minutes, and harassing them all the way. Then when someone is having to wait 2 hours to dump a bag, and they just drop the bag, a by-law officer is there quickly to impose the $380 fine.
And of course now to 'appease' the residents, the City has decided that opening up temporary dump sites in city parks, and even the beach, is a great idea. Heaven forbid they actually use maybe.. a parking lot? But that might cost the City some money, so let's not think about that. Of course, Miller claims this affects him too. Yeah, right. I bet the garbage is just filling up his backyard. How could he ever afford to have it hauled away privately on a $166,985 per year salary. He may have to give himself a raise next year just to cover the cost.. or maybe take a vacation.
Ottawa has announced they're not going to force the workers back, which is probably a good thing. If this goes because an arbitrator, the union will probably come out on top. As such, it's going to be a long, stinky, summer here in Toronto. After all, Windsor, Ontario has been on strike for over 9 weeks. Oh boy.
News Stories:
National Post: The city manager told residents to obey picketers who refuse to let them drop trash at city-designated sites, even as he warned of zero tolerance for illegal dumping.
The Globe and Mail: Nineteen Toronto public parks and parking lots will be turned into dumps for the duration of the municipal workers strike, a move that has angered residents living near the temporary landfills. You don't put a garbage dump in a waterfront park. I understand there's a lot of difficult choices, but that's the dumbest choice,
Toronto Star: Longer Strike Feared. Hot, humid weather is forecast through the weekend and garbage is piling up, but the city's medical officer of health says it's not a concern yet.
explodet said:
So the strike isn't over yet, but they're halfway there!
After thirty-five long and miserable days, a deal was reached this morning to end the strike by Toronto's garbage collectors and other outside workers. The settlement came after around-the-clock bargaining sparked by a 48-hour ultimatum issued Friday by Mark Ferguson, president of CUPE Local 416, representing some 6,200 outside workers.
Ferguson said the next step is for the city to make a deal with striking inside workers represented by CUPE Local 79. He said the outside workers' deal would only be put to a ratification vote once the inside workers have an agreement as well.
The strike is not expected to end until then.

City of Toronto workers have been on strike for only five days now over the City's request to change their lucrative benefits, including, but not limited to; 18 sick days per year (not including vacation) that can be 'banked' into their retirement at the end of every year.
But that's not the issue I have; it's the ludicrous nature of everyone involved baffles my mind. City workers scoff at the idea of giving up anything because 'they don't have to bail Toronto out', the City itself is establishing temporary dumping grounds in parks for garbage (hooray, tourism.. and the parks won't be receiving any service either of course), and idiot residents are just through garbage near the bins downtown that have been wrapped shut. The delightful garbage smell is creeping up on us now, especially after the humidity the last few days, and now rain.
Our lovely Mayor Miller is quite the douche; he allows CUPE, and strikers to block what was before today, a hand full of temporary dump-sites in the city. These sites are the alternative residents are faced with, not having the City pickup garbage Letting one person through every 15 minutes, and harassing them all the way. Then when someone is having to wait 2 hours to dump a bag, and they just drop the bag, a by-law officer is there quickly to impose the $380 fine.
And of course now to 'appease' the residents, the City has decided that opening up temporary dump sites in city parks, and even the beach, is a great idea. Heaven forbid they actually use maybe.. a parking lot? But that might cost the City some money, so let's not think about that. Of course, Miller claims this affects him too. Yeah, right. I bet the garbage is just filling up his backyard. How could he ever afford to have it hauled away privately on a $166,985 per year salary. He may have to give himself a raise next year just to cover the cost.. or maybe take a vacation.
Ottawa has announced they're not going to force the workers back, which is probably a good thing. If this goes because an arbitrator, the union will probably come out on top. As such, it's going to be a long, stinky, summer here in Toronto. After all, Windsor, Ontario has been on strike for over 9 weeks. Oh boy.
News Stories:
National Post: The city manager told residents to obey picketers who refuse to let them drop trash at city-designated sites, even as he warned of zero tolerance for illegal dumping.
The Globe and Mail: Nineteen Toronto public parks and parking lots will be turned into dumps for the duration of the municipal workers strike, a move that has angered residents living near the temporary landfills. You don't put a garbage dump in a waterfront park. I understand there's a lot of difficult choices, but that's the dumbest choice,
Toronto Star: Longer Strike Feared. Hot, humid weather is forecast through the weekend and garbage is piling up, but the city's medical officer of health says it's not a concern yet.