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Official "Where you at in Mega Man: AC" thread? (plus my mini-review!)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1159
  • Start date

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Mega Man: Completed
Mega Man 2: Completed
Mega Man 3: Haven't started
Mega Man 4: Haven't started
Mega Man 5: Haven't started
Mega Man 6: Haven't started
Mega Man 7: Beat the first 4 levels
Mega Man 8: Beat all 8, at Wily's tower

...I got the GC version because Target was out of the PS2 version. Overall I'm lovin this trip now memory lane, and the new experience in MM7 and MM8 have been great. I've never played much of 4-6 either, so I'm hoping for some more decent Mega Man action.

I don't know if there's a filter applied or not, it looks less pixelated but at the same time it's not blurry either, so it's either a great filter or none at all. The GC control sucks, but you get used to it, and I actually like using the stick. A lot of flickering that were in the old games has been done away with too, but the slowdown is still there. The sound is better in that there are more channels, or the music is redbook, and the instruments never cut out due to too many sound effects.

I don't care about the music remixes, so that doesn't bother me...The documentary on this history of Mega Man was cool and informative. Over all, I'd say this is the best compilation since Mario All-Stars


Megaman: Wily stages
Megaman 2: Wily stages
Megaman 3: Gemini man
Megaman 4: Bright man
Megaman 5: Gyro Man
Megaman 6: Mr. X stages
Megaman 7: Wily stages
Megaman 8: Wily stages

Kumiko Nikaido

I've finished both the PS2 and GC versions in their entiredy. Unlocked everything in both games.

Really, if you have both systems, the PS2 version is the one to get as the GC version is fuxxored (gameplay and music remix-wise).

Have a nice day.


Kumiko Nikaido said:
I've finished both the PS2 and GC versions in their entiredy. Unlocked everything in both games.

Really, if you have both systems, the PS2 version is the one to get as the GC version is fuxxored (gameplay and music remix-wise).

Have a nice day.

Thanks for the help!

*goes to get GC version*


Junior Ace
Well let's see. I tried about 4 stages in MM2 tonight and got my ass kicked repeatedly. Oh, I beat Bombman's stage in MM, and got to the boss of one stage in MM8. Yep. That's what I've accomplished.

Kumiko Nikaido

kiryogi said:
and whats wrong with GC version gameplay wise? better not say the controls :p :glares at kaede:

Well, I say the controls. :p Because of the GC button-mapping, the game forces you to tap the B-button (to jump) with you index-finger push the Y-button with your middle-finger (to rapid-shoot). And yes, you will use the rapid-shoot button in portions of MM1 - MM6. How lame is that? Annoying beyong recognition. In the PS2 version, you can do the whole motion with your thumb (slide thumb over X to Triangle-button). More natural.

DMczaf said:
Thanks for the help!

*goes to get GC version*

Wrong answer, buddy! ^_^

Bog said:
Sure ya did.

How much would you like to bet? Because you will lose. Big time.


..what? are you playing with an xbox controller adaptor on the GC? I use my thumb completely for B/A/Y and tho rapid fire is nice, it's also for weaklings! XD
(I pray you're using sarcasm on the controller bit >_>)

Kumiko Nikaido

kiryogi said:
..what? are you playing with an xbox controller adaptor on the GC? I use my thumb completely for B/A/Y and tho rapid fire is nice, it's also for weaklings! XD

(I pray you're using sarcasm on the controller bit >_>)

No, no sarcasm, Kiryogi. ^_^ The reversal of the button-layout did it for me. It's not natural......even though o.g. players could "adapt" and get used to it. For what Atomic Planet did, why make it harder for nostaligic gamers in the first place? As for the rapid-fire element, it's nice to use it (esp. in MM4 - MM6) as you want to take out those big mid-bosses pronto. :p


I just bought it today (PS2. Yeah, like I was gonna buy the GC version. :p ) and I just did a test run through all the games. I'll dig into it more tommorrow.


:shakes head: oh and I prefer using charge shots when they're available. XD habit from X series. Always carrying a charge around.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Well, I say the controls. :p Because of the GC button-mapping, the game forces you to tap the B-button (to jump) with you index-finger push the Y-button with your middle-finger (to rapid-shoot). And yes, you will use the rapid-shoot button in portions of MM1 - MM6. How lame is that? Annoying beyong recognition. In the PS2 version, you can do the whole motion with your thumb (slide thumb over X to Triangle-button). More natural.

Yep, the reversal of the buttons messed me up big time when I first started playing last night. I've gotten used to it, though, and since I went for the GC version because I didn't want to hunt down the PS2 version, I'll have to live with it. It hasn't been a big deal though, I've managed to beat Mega Man, Mega Man 2 and completely owned most of the bosses in 8, even on my first try. I think having the Mega Buster helps deal with the button layout, but I still had no trouble in 2...

I'm just so glad I have all the Mega Mans on 1 disc, and with component and S-video on my TVs, they look better than ever! Dare I say better than emulated...

*is listening to the Neskimo's Spark Man remix

P.S.: I got the game last night, beat MM last night and I spent most of my time today playing MM8 and beating MM2
P.P.S.: Boo-urns for screwing with the music during the MM2 credits

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Playing on Normal Difficulty setting; 5-life count.

Beat MM1-3 fully. Have 6 of the robot masters down in MM4 last I left off. (Yea, I'm doing the chronological thing...)

Personnally, I can't fathom why MM4 is regarded as such a step down among the longtime fanbase. IMO MM4>>MM3. Cooler weapons, more creative stage layouts and enemy variants, FAR deeper challenge(MM3 is likely the easiest in the series), some really interesting visual tricks.

Granted I share all the same nostalgic love for MM3 as any of you having spent many a night in my youth with it lodged in the NES; but while MM2 still holds up quite well even today, MM3 really hasn't aged quite so kindly. The weapons just aren't very exciting or -fun- to wield, the Wily stages suck, aside from the REALLY cool 'alternate' stages with MM2 boss resurrections; the game isn't at all bad, just not so strong an entry as always lauded.

MM4 just kicks ASS so far.


Tag of Excellence
I purchased the GC version over the PS2 one. Strange, the button swap has had no impact on my performance. I just naturally remapped the two buttons in my head. The interview also completely rocks. There really isn't any clearcut winner for both versions, it entirely depends on how badly you want the interview video or remixed music. There have been several mentions of the PS2 version having thicker black borders and controller lag (I've noticed it at the kiosk but it could be the fault of the controller/system itself).

What really matters is that you DON'T CARE which version to pick up, just buy the damn game already!


I'm not one to "don't care". I always want the "best" version of a game. Doesn't make sense to prefer an "inferior" version of a game.


Tag of Excellence
NotMSRP said:
I'm not one to "don't care". I always want the "best" version of a game. Doesn't make sense to prefer an "inferior" version of a game.
True, I'm the same way. I just wanted to get the point across that there isn't an actual superior version of MMAC. There are issues on both formats that may be important or neglible depending on your preferences. It's quite different from a typical multiplatform release where the Xbox version supports the best graphics and sound options. Things of that nature.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Brandon F said:
Playing on Normal Difficulty setting; 5-life count.

Beat MM1-3 fully. Have 6 of the robot masters down in MM4 last I left off. (Yea, I'm doing the chronological thing...)

Personnally, I can't fathom why MM4 is regarded as such a step down among the longtime fanbase. IMO MM4>>MM3. Cooler weapons, more creative stage layouts and enemy variants, FAR deeper challenge(MM3 is likely the easiest in the series), some really interesting visual tricks.

Granted I share all the same nostalgic love for MM3 as any of you having spent many a night in my youth with it lodged in the NES; but while MM2 still holds up quite well even today, MM3 really hasn't aged quite so kindly. The weapons just aren't very exciting or -fun- to wield, the Wily stages suck, aside from the REALLY cool 'alternate' stages with MM2 boss resurrections; the game isn't at all bad, just not so strong an entry as always lauded.

MM4 just kicks ASS so far.

IMO, Mega Man 3 was the height of the NES MM games' creativity. It was the last game before it started to feel like the game was being "milked." It introduced Rush, sliding, the Proto Man battles, and "Doc Robot." I loved the game; Mega Man 2 and 3 are my favorites to this day; the Doc Robot levels and Wily stages in particular were always awesome to me, even if MM3 is quite easy. I still remember how to beat the last boss in one hit. :)
Top Man's weapon = Wily PWNED

MM4 is where it began to start feeling like more of the same, and the music quality also dropped. IMO 4-6 just weren't that great; things didn't pick up until Mega Man X, although Mega Man V on the GB was pretty good. I still think that Mega Man 1-3 are and will always be the best in the series, and I've ended up not touching this compilation, and have gone back to playng Wily Wars instead.
TekunoRobby said:
There have been several mentions of the PS2 version having thicker black borders and controller lag (I've noticed it at the kiosk but it could be the fault of the controller/system itself).
is there any truth to this? can anyone else confirm?


hyperbolically metafictive
been spending most of my gaming time on espgaluda and mario golf, but i did just manage to beat megaman 1. without the pause trick, which no longer seems to work. that was a first. the yellow devil is a bastard, but wily's actually pretty easy.


hyperbolically metafictive
crawlingpeter said:
is there any truth to this? can anyone else confirm?

ps2 version does have noticeable black borders at the sides of the screen, but there isn't any control lag. at least not in the games i've tried.


I have a question? if you hit new game does that erase any progress in other games? Are you locked into compleeting one of the MM games once you start it? the auto save thing scares me.
Pause trick works, but it's harder now.

Hit Select to bring up the menu. Select Continue with the X button. Then, a SPLIT SECOND after the screen's full color comes back, pause again. The trick is that the game takes a tiny bit more time to start moving again after you unpause; you want to hit that window. Do it right and you can take out both of Wily's forms with one or two hits.
drohne said:
ps2 version does have noticeable black borders at the sides of the screen, but there isn't any control lag. at least not in the games i've tried.
im not too worried about the borders, but control lag would definitely sway my decision.
I have Mega Man 1 and 2 beat, and I'm at the last levels of Mega Man 3. The Gamecube edition is fine. If you can't jump and press Y, then that's pretty sad, and you really have no place playing Mega Man in the first place.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
I'm still too much of a pussy to beat Yellow Devil without the puase trick, after all these years. At least this time the pause trick isn't so easy, so I have to pit in a little effort.


Kobun Heat said:
Pause trick works, but it's harder now.

Hit Select to bring up the menu. Select Continue with the X button. Then, a SPLIT SECOND after the screen's full color comes back, pause again. The trick is that the game takes a tiny bit more time to start moving again after you unpause; you want to hit that window. Do it right and you can take out both of Wily's forms with one or two hits.

...Using the pause trick. You disgust me, sir.

I've finished Mega Man through Mega Man 3, and now I'm on Skull Man in MM4. I'm going through them in sequence, and I have the PS2 version.
"Personnally, I can't fathom why MM4 is regarded as such a step down among the longtime fanbase. IMO MM4>>MM3. Cooler weapons, more creative stage layouts and enemy variants, FAR deeper challenge(MM3 is likely the easiest in the series), some really interesting visual tricks.

Granted I share all the same nostalgic love for MM3 as any of you having spent many a night in my youth with it lodged in the NES; but while MM2 still holds up quite well even today, MM3 really hasn't aged quite so kindly. The weapons just aren't very exciting or -fun- to wield, the Wily stages suck, aside from the REALLY cool 'alternate' stages with MM2 boss resurrections; the game isn't at all bad, just not so strong an entry as always lauded.

MM4 just kicks ASS so far."

Mega Man 3 is my favourite. I like it a lot more than 4, although 4 is good too. I thought 4 was easy, certainly no harder than 3. 4 also had recycling of weapon ideas. Skull shield=leaf shield, flash stopper=flash man's weapon. Mega Man 3's robots are way cooler. Snake Man, Shadow Man, Gemini Man, Magnet Man vs..........BRIGHT MAN! DUST MAN! DIVE MAN! DRILL MAN! RING MAN! I liked Toad Man, but c'mon! Mega 3's were more creative. And Mega 3's music is better too.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I beat all 10 games and unlocked everything. It only took me a few days but it was pure gaming goodness while it lasted.

Part 5 is the easiest in the series followed closely by 6. You can beat all of the bosses in either game quite easily with just the regular mega buster. If I had to rank them from easiest to hardest it would be:

Megaman 5
Megaman 6
Megaman 3
Megaman 2
Megaman 8
Megaman 7
Megaman 4
Megaman 1

The only reason I think 4 is the hardest (except for 1) is because it has a bunch of tricky stages in it... such as the wind/water in Toad Man's stage, the crushing ceilings in Dust Man's stage, those platforming sections in Bright Man's stage, etc. It's not really that difficult but it is a bit more of a challege compared to just running through the level and shooting enemies.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
i meant to go through it chronologically, but wanted to kick off with mega man 2 first since it's my favorite and the one i remember the most. i'm going to backtrack to mega man 1 after i beat it (today) and then move forward from there. hopefully it'll help sharpen some platforming skills, cos i'm sucking it up pretty badly.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Man, I don't know why everyone thinks Mega Man 3 is so easy. Out of all of them, I find it to be the hardest for the simple fact it has so many levels, and the difficulty ramps up significantly. I got up to Wily 2 today and I quit because those stupid bumble bees killed me three times in a row >:|

I'm going to hand their stingers to them tonight...

Ranger X

I'm playing at Normal difficulty but 5 lives. I've finished Megaman1 but i'm still playing through it until i feel i master it enough.

What's up with the pause trick Kobun? Do you really need it for the first Wily's Boss in the Wily's level? (that big teleporting-in-pieces-cheese-like-thingny) --- This guy's is easy man... jump!
I have been playing Normal difficulty with 3 lives...

I have only completed MM3, and have started on MM4, MM8, and MM7....I think I am going to try to finish MM7, then jump back to MM2.


This compilation rocks (got the PS2 rev). Only been working on the first MM, and steadily regaining my skillz. Any chance or any news that Capcom is doing the same thing for the MMX series?

Ranger X

Anyone notice the sound quality of Megaman 6 ??? I tried every Megaman in the collection today and the sound in the sixth is peaking almost 100% of the time.
This compilation is hot but the production is quite cheap. Don't ask yourself why they didn't bother finish remixing the songs in Megaman 1,2,3...


Color me amazed.

Capcom released the PSX Rockman Collection individually in Japan and people bitch that we didn't get them.

So Capcom brings over the entire collection, plus extras, on one disc for $30, and people still bitch.

I can understand the cries of GC owners, but PS2 owners, come on.

This thing is a hell of a deal. If you have problems with it, just be aware that most of these "problems" (PS2 version here) were on the Rockman re-releases, and aren't the fault of Atomic Planet.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I've been having a blast playing MM1-4, i'm on 5 now


Yeah, the game is still a good deal, but I do kind of wish they'd included at least the first few X games on there, too, instead of Power Battles. I want my wall-jumping, dammit!

Ranger X

BuddyChrist83 said:
Color me amazed.

Capcom released the PSX Rockman Collection individually in Japan and people bitch that we didn't get them.

So Capcom brings over the entire collection, plus extras, on one disc for $30, and people still bitch.

I can understand the cries of GC owners, but PS2 owners, come on.

This thing is a hell of a deal. If you have problems with it, just be aware that most of these "problems" (PS2 version here) were on the Rockman re-releases, and aren't the fault of Atomic Planet.

I really like the game man. I'm not regretting to have bought it but i'll always stay cold with developers. There's no possible excuses for lack of resonable quality. You speak like if you have feelings for developers or something (and MANY people do). Atomic Planet could have remixed the couple of songs that are missing. The volume of Megaman6 could have been adjusted. Those may not be important flaws for everyone but why not correct them when it's such an easy thing to do...
Megaman Anniversary Collection is an excellent game but it is sure not polished.
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