Rapping Granny said:I just purchased it, downloading right now.
sun-drop said:°°ToMmY°° - tommasoted
1-D_FTW - StalkerU
A2D - A2D-
acr0nym - n33ss
Agent X - AgentX
andydumi - AndysPants
Assembly Required - Memory Cure
atomico - JUNKER99
BadlyCookedTurkey - John
Baka Zeitgeist - Luse666
BeeDog - BeeDog
bigdaddygamebot - bigdaddygamebot
Crayon - Crayon1981
daegan - tinderboxjubilee
Danne-Danger - Ostron
Dazzla - DarrylUK
decon - decon89
deepbrown - deepbrown
DJmizuhara - DJmizuhara
Duke Togo - Duketogo
DunpealD - dunpeal-1
Eccocid - Gimmecat
EktorPR - EktorOni
facism - Live_Feed
FCMaxi - FCMaxi
FightyF - nrXic
Firehead - Firehead03
Firewire - Spartan666
freethought - freethough
gogogow - gogow
Gamecocks625 - Gators625
Goldrusher - Goldrusher
GoncaloCCastro - GoncaloCastro
Gowans007 - Gowans007
Guled - Nytekrawla
h3ro - m0nkeyhero
icechai - icechai
Indeed - inthedeed
Jaeyden - Jaeyden
kassatsu - kassatsu
Kryptonic - Kryptonic83
LiquidMetal14 - LiquidMetal14
Metalmurphy - Metalmurphy
MutFox - MutFox
navii - Navii
Neojubei - neojehuty
nickslicl - DireStr8s
Nightz - N1ghtz
purg3 - purgeface
Raytow - Koichikun
Roxas - Goonboy
S. L. - SL_
Saint Ajola - saintajola
shagg_187 - shagg_187
Shawn128 - Shawn128
Slaylock - Slaylock
slider - hank_scorpio
soldat7 - cherdman
stimpledorf - stimpled0rf
subzero9285 - Sub-Zero9285
Teknoman - TeknomanEX
The Hug Dog - Huggers
Trevelyan - Trevelyan
tri_willy - tri_willy
Volcynika - Volcynika
wi@tt - countjojo
WipedOut - W193D0UT (That is a zero not an O)
Xater - Xater
xero273 - xero273
Yurinka - Yurinka
mh56- ravien56
St. Francis- Konopko
Baha - BahaFS
Blunty - NickyB_123
Sin - Numemonja
ChryZ said:I need some help with the bling parade trophy.
Please add me: ChryZ-US
I'd like to get it done within the next 90 min. Otherwise we can also schedule something later on.
CEST/CET/BST preferred.
Awesome ... and you're already on my friends list, very convenientAgent X said:I need this trophy, too. I'd be glad to help you out!
D:satriales said:Doesn't look like I'm going to be able to make it as my PS3 got the YLOD last night :|
D:Steroyd said:Can't make it to do the trophy I'm afraid, my PS3 kicked the bucket.![]()
satriales said:It actually got the YLOD just over a month ago and I fixed it myself (Sony wouldn't touch it as it's an imported console). So if I have time I will try and fix it again today.
I just followed these instructions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U70SgRDVcBoSteroyd said:How!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? :O
satriales said:I just followed these instructions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U70SgRDVcBo
It worked fine for about 6 weeks and I've been playing the Uncharted 2 beta without any problems, but then last night I turned on the PS3 to watch a film and 5 mins in I got the YLOD.
If it's under warranty still then get Sony to fix it. My PS3 was imported from Japan and so when I called Sony they weren't interested.Steroyd said:I stopped when it said take off the warranty sticker, I've heard Sony are anal about the warranty sticker, plus I've got a 60GB model which I ain't risking, not getting replaced AT ALL.![]()