Blablurn said:i still cant believe that iron man is such a great success :/
Cheebs said:Next week's will be interesting to see. Apparently Jones is tracking to do 150-175 mil' for the long memorial day weekend.
I guess that means the people that stay after the first 15 minutes of Juno are masochists.Amir0x said:No doubt, I fucking walked out of the movie. I wasted a fucking hour, uncomfortable in my seat at the horrific movie unfolding before me! I was shifting in my seat, as line after line of dick cheese was read by the actors. You think I was going to sit there and see if the torture improved?
That's real smart. Like letting someone slam on your balls for an hour of excrutiating pain, and then after that hour wondering if you allowed it to continue for an hour more maybe you'd feel ecstasy instead.
Amir0x said:No doubt, I fucking walked out of the movie. I wasted a fucking hour, uncomfortable in my seat at the horrific movie unfolding before me! I was shifting in my seat, as line after line of dick cheese was read by the actors. You think I was going to sit there and see if the torture improved?
That's real smart. Like letting someone slam on your balls for an hour of excrutiating pain, and then after that hour wondering if you allowed it to continue for an hour more maybe you'd feel ecstasy instead.
WrikaWrek said:No way. That would be more than Spiderman 2 and shit right?
Not happening. Indiana Jones doesn't have that appeal i believe.
Memorial Weekend is 4 days, not the traditional 3. And it likely would include thrusday numbers.WrikaWrek said:No way. That would be more than Spiderman 2 and shit right?
Not happening. Indiana Jones doesn't have that appeal i believe.
harSon said:You were certainly entitled to do so but shoving an opinion down people's throats when you've seen less then half of the film? Debatable.
harSon said:You were certainly entitled to do so but shoving an opinion down people's throats when you've seen less then half of the film? Debatable.
Cheebs said:Memorial Weekend is 4 days, not the traditional 3. And it likely would include thrusday numbers.
I suspect the WORST Indy could do domestically is about 350 million and probably at best 425 million. It will probably be doing numbers similar to Pirates 2.
Pureauthor said:Well, are you claiming the second half was a lot better than the first? Because even if the point where he walked out was where the film started to get really good, then nearly half the film was utter crap according to Ami.
Zabka said:The Speed Racer numbers are fucked up.
Total Gross:
Friday: $24,167,000
Saturday: $27,612,000
Sunday: $24,367,000
:lolNinja Scooter said:refunds.
pxleyes said:Is that any different than those that are willing to defend it with the same reckless abandon?
Nothing that big in the next couple weeks in terms of blockbusters after it.WrikaWrek said:Oh ok.
And yeah i don't see Indy doing 350 at all. There's more movies coming.
Amir0x said:No doubt, I fucking walked out of the movie. I wasted a fucking hour, uncomfortable in my seat at the horrific movie unfolding before me! I was shifting in my seat, as line after line of dick cheese was read by the actors. You think I was going to sit there and see if the torture improved?
That's real smart. Like letting someone slam on your balls for an hour of excrutiating pain, and then after that hour wondering if you allowed it to continue for an hour more maybe you'd feel ecstasy instead.
Well about 80% of GAF sure did.Ignatz Mouse said:And I fell aspeep halfway through Transformers, but I didn't feel the need to shout it from the rooftops are to argue with everybody whose opinion differed.
Ignatz Mouse said:And I fell aspeep halfway through Transformers, but I didn't feel the need to shout it from the rooftops are to argue with everybody whose opinion differed.
irfan said:Prince Caspian DISSAPPOINTS.
Better thread title.
Ignatz Mouse said:Really? I never read the official threads, but in general discussion it sure seems to have a lot of fans.
Amir0x said:I'm not sure why you think I'm going to give a fuck how you approach your criticisms. In any event, I don't even go into the Speed Racer thread, ever.
These Office Box Office threads are my way of satisfying my bitterness of having paid for TWO TICKETS to this stupid fucking movie, because in the end it's such a phenomenal bomb. The Speed Racer fans have that thread for unabashed dick sucking.
Amir0x said:I'm not sure why you think I'm going to give a fuck how you approach your criticisms. In any event, I don't even go into the Speed Racer thread, ever.
These Office Box Office threads are my way of satisfying my bitterness of having paid for TWO TICKETS to this stupid fucking movie, because in the end it's such a phenomenal bomb. The Speed Racer fans have that thread for unabashed dick sucking.
Oh you should check any TF movie thread it's like a hate festival.Ignatz Mouse said:Really? I never read the official threads, but in general discussion it sure seems to have a lot of fans.
EktorPR said:Are you always this ill-natured? I can't fathom you always being like this.
Ignatz Movie said:Yeah, saying "I liked that movie, it was a lot of fun" sure is dick-sucking sycophantism.
I'm sorry you were so scarred by a kid's movie.
Again, AICN was not the only site reporting it, and even then, you know as well as I do that -- as much as there is to dislike about the site -- they are well-connected. But whatever makes you feel better, I guess.Dan said:I'm not referencing that, nor would I believe it until reported by someone with legitimacy.
Sapiens said:[Durr=Prime crotch]Oh you should check any TF movie thread it's like a hate festival.[/Durr]
Just give it up. It was a toyetic film for children that a bunch of overweight TF nerds fueled at the BO.
Give it up.
Cheebs said:Nothing that big in the next couple weeks in terms of blockbusters after it.
harSon said:Either you're A) One of the nerds who helped 'fuel the film at the box office' B) Pirated the film or C) Didn't watch the film and are full of shit.
EktorPR said:And the Iron Man suck-a-thon continues...
Yeah, you have the mental capacity to not enjoy something. Congratulations to you, you're brilliant. Keep fighting the good fight, genius.Sapiens said:Excuse me? I was there in the theatre. I was actually one of the 'nerds'. I was not a TF fan but simply looking to enjoy a wiz-bang summer action fiasco, but I got a poorly produced shit-fest instead. Everyone got that. What distinguished me from the other troglodytes there (like some of my friends) was that I had the mental capacity to look past the all the shit and see the creamy, diarrhea centre. This film was void of any redeeming value. Even the ILM visual effects were not really worth it due to the poor directing.
Iron Man, on the other hand, delivers as a wiz-bang, hold on to your hat, fun summer film. I guess that's what happens with you combine a competent director with a seasoned cast of interesting pros. And of course, Favreau made sure that ILM's hard work would matter this time around.
Transformers = Speed Racer, but with more money.
I don't see people saying Iron Man sucks. It's perfectly enjoyable and fun, but it also does absolutely nothing new. It's just a refinement of the best parts of previous superhero movies. There's nothing wrong with having films like that in and of themselves, but it's kinda depressing when movies that do try new things are hated on from the very first trailer and movies that don't rock the boat soar at the box office.SonicMegaDrive said:Come on guys, stop shitting on Iron Man because SR isn't doing well. Both movies were pretty darn good. You're just igniting the anti-SR people in doing so.
Dan said:I don't see people saying Iron Man sucks. It's perfectly enjoyable and fun, but it also does absolutely nothing new. It's just a refinement of the best parts of previous superhero movies. There's nothing wrong with having films like that in and of themselves, but it's kinda depressing when movies that do try new things are hated on from the very first trailer and movies that don't rock the boat soar at the box office.
Dan said:I don't see people saying Iron Man sucks. It's perfectly enjoyable and fun, but it also does absolutely nothing new. It's just a refinement of the best parts of previous superhero movies. There's nothing wrong with having films like that in and of themselves, but it's kinda depressing when movies that do try new things are hated on from the very first trailer and movies that don't rock the boat soar at the box office.
SonicMegaDrive said:Come on guys, stop shitting on Iron Man because SR isn't doing well. Both movies were pretty darn good. You're just igniting the anti-SR people in doing so.