We do play. I'll be home in 20 if you want to throw down!FrenchMovieTheme said:im here! do we play!?
The league is fine, just we have no tweeners playing. We usually get a few here and there, this year we didn't have barely any and we lost some vets :/ I'm enjoying my season... other than my last four game stretch :/Wellington said:It's a shame this league is so dead. I've played nothing but fantastic games with the human opponents I've actually faced this season. I figured out some good pass rush techniques, my D has been unbelievable.![]()
Blame Ian. He's trying to prove his "no one likes Franchise mode" chart correct by making everyone hate Franchise mode.Wellington said:It's a shame this league is so dead. I've played nothing but fantastic games with the human opponents I've actually faced this season. I figured out some good pass rush techniques, my D has been unbelievable.![]()
You better get ready for our showdown homebro.levious said:I see we didn't advance yet, I'm trying to ge my game in now
Wellington said:You better get ready for our showdown homebro.
whatchootalkin'bout?BigAT said:Rors pulling an FMT.
Doesn't look update to me...DCX said:XFN site updated.
Rorschach said:whatchootalkin'bout?
'vancin' my bad
Thought I transfered powah
[edit] Holy shit if my xbox had really broken, the league would have been dead lol I wouldn't have been able to sign in
Wellington said:Bros is DC Universe Online any good? That commercial during the Jets game made it looked good. Never got into City of Heroes, this looks sick tho.
Damn... I've only played WOW as an MMO and that was a good time. I wonder how cheap I can get it just to try it out.FrenchMovieTheme said:i have playstation plus and was in the beta. never played a MMO game before but it fucking sucked. incredibly boring and took forever to create my character and get into the game. the game might be good if you like MMO's, i don't know. but for a casual gameplayer such as myself, then no
I saw some of Giant Bomb's quick look for it, it didn't look especially good. Character creation was pretty solid, but the actual game itself didn't look very good.Wellington said:Bros is DC Universe Online any good? That commercial during the Jets game made it looked good. Never got into City of Heroes, this looks sick tho.
Rorschach said:So... Dead Rising 2 came with a voucher for half off MVC3? Why couldn't they put it in a game I give a shit about?![]()
Oh damn. Maybe I can find one in the wild.FrenchMovieTheme said:no it didn't. amazon couldn't deliver a pre-order costume to DR2 customers so a bp style "we're sorreh..." they gave out 50% MVC3 coupons
Rorschach said:Oh damn. Maybe I can find one in the wild.
I need to get a controller for it or I'm totally going PS3.FrenchMovieTheme said:do whatever it takes! we need to get our madden crew in some quarter mode MVC3!
No one plays it on 360.FrenchMovieTheme said:well then do that too! no one plays mvc2 on ps3, no ones going to play mvc3 on ps3
Rorschach said:No one plays it on 360.
FrenchMovieTheme said:sure we do
It's better than Madden. It's why I haven't rejoined the league.Wellington said:Bros is DC Universe Online any good? That commercial during the Jets game made it looked good. Never got into City of Heroes, this looks sick tho.
Are you playing on PS3? Kind of intrigued by a PS3 MMONightz said:It's better than Madden. It's why I haven't rejoined the league.
eznark said:Are you playing on PS3? Kind of intrigued by a PS3 MMO
goldlion054 said:DM!
Can you play tomorrow before 4 EST? like anytime? Classes are canceled here and i need an excuse to not do homework. Will you be my excuse?
No thanks, XIII killed the series and XIV is supposedly worse.BigAT said:
eznark said:No thanks, XIII killed the series and XIV is supposedly worse.
Yes sir, plaing on PS3.eznark said:Are you playing on PS3? Kind of intrigued by a PS3 MMO
What are you, 12?FrenchMovieTheme said:yeah i've heard horrible things about XIII. i watched some gameplay vids on youtube and it looked pretty bad. how far it has fallen even from FFX which i actually liked. FFVII and FFIX were basically even for me. shameful of what the series has become now. FFXI and FFXIV should not be part of the main series, ridiculous
When?FrenchMovieTheme said:sure we do
FrenchMovieTheme said:yeah i've heard horrible things about XIII. i watched some gameplay vids on youtube and it looked pretty bad. how far it has fallen even from FFX which i actually liked. FFVII and FFIX were basically even for me. shameful of what the series has become now. FFXI and FFXIV should not be part of the main series, ridiculous
goldlion054 said:DM, my body is ready whenever you are.
IM me when you can ;-)