Sanjuro Tsubaki said:Hah. Normally I would agree with you, but he is paralyzed. So kind of a play on that. Before he had his actual name as his gamertag.
AstroLad said:wth happened to live. i think this is the longest he has been gone from the thread maybe ever. almost a full day
fmt can you text him just want to make sure he didnt get flooded or something
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:The online franchise site is pretty decent considering it's EA.
What did you guys do to it!?FrenchMovieTheme said:don't ever join an NCAA online dynasty. don't! said:I miss SableStats, any way we're getting them back for 11?
I lost my best rook. I knew I'd lose someone. The majority of people who responded either said "I don't care" or that they wanted them on.DenogginizerOS said:No conspiracy here. Rors set up the league. Blame him.
I think right now everyone is dead set against having a system, so we'll have to wait to see what fmt decides on free agents. I need some depth before week 2.AstroLad said:rors is sorting out what to do with the FA pool
but as of now no one gets anyone
LukeSmith said:I miss SableStats, any way we're getting them back for 11?
6. Livewire - Rams
11. MrBob - Bears
12. Crow - Broncos
24. Bluemax - Seahawks*
25. Lonestar - Patriots
29. Peterboy - Ravens
31. Kave_man - Browns
He said give him a time and he'll be there. He probably will be around most of the night my guess.eznark said:Sanj ask your buddy if he wants to play tonight. Got a dinner to go to but will be home at a reasonable hour.
FrenchMovieTheme said:important question for everyone in the league!
when the league starts tomorrow or friday, do you want injuries on or off?
the reason i ask is as you can see from playing exhibition games, some big time injuries happen, and they aren't little touch injuries where your dude is back in a couple plays.
i personally am fine with them on, but i know some people have expressed concern. majority rules in this instance. EA is said to patch the injuries to tone them down a bit, but that patch isn't here yet. do you want to play with fire or do you want to be a bunch of va jj's?
Mrbob said:I know Rors wants to keep them on, but he basically ruined play art for everyone so I say we keep them off! Is there a way to turn them back on after the patch?
McNei1y said:If im in for sure, I want them off until their fixed (which wont matter anyway since the league has started). I'm the skins in another league and I literally have my best player at every position injured. (a bit of an exaggeration). McNabb, Haynesworth, Portis, Williams, and Orakpo... 3 of them for 2 weeks, the rest for the season.
Birdman02 said:I'd prefer to keep injuries on. There haven't been many in my scrimmages or tournament games that I can remember, so I don't really see what the big complaint is. That said, I'll probably lose half of my roster in my opening game against the Vikings.
AstroLad said:ON. worst-case scenario i get a bunch of ridiculous injuries and at that point we can just restart the franchise
LukeSmith said:I'd rather have them off until the patch, but whatever is fine with me. I'm cruising to a 3-13 year based on my scrims anyway
DenogginizerOS said:The game is already a joke. I would prefer they be off but since we are damn the torpedoes with getting this league started, we should just leave them on. Heck, we should go all pro too and just have mega shootouts. And why not a fantasy draft, too? And how about nano blitzes? They would be a blast.
sableholic said:Id vote injuries off till the next patch and on after
Wellington said:Off then on like Sable.
If what McNeilly said above and what we have seen in regular online games are any indication, it's going to be a disaster. I have Sage, I'm 3 deep at S and RB, 4 deep at CB, 4 deep at DE etc, so it won't affect me much, but what's going to happen if (when) teams that don't have the depth lose their top guys? The Jags might as well roll over without MJD this season for example. What if the Bills lost Spiller or DM lost the ability to Freeball?
I'll roll with it if it's on because I have enough bodies to plug in, but if we do leave them on I suggest putting a system in place for picking up waiver wire free agents because it's going to be a free for all (worse than last year).
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:I actually want injuries on so I can taste delicious tears in this thread daily.
Nightz said:This.
storybook77 said:I'd vote that if we can turn injuries on and off during the franchise then turn them off until after the patch. If we can't change it during the season, then we need to leave them on. Otherwise we'd basically be playing a preseason franchise until the patch comes out because everyone would want to restart so injuries would be in after the patch.
BigAT said:You can definitely turn them on/off at will. I'd say off initially then back on again, but I really don't have a problem if we do injuries on from the beginning.
AstroLad said:Oh well if you can do that then off is fine with me to start (wouldn't have a problem with them on either).
DMczaf said:I have Cadillac, and even I say have them on.
Stop bitching about injuries!
McNei1y said:I voted off but I don't care either way. Consider my vote neutral.
Injuries is a risk everyone faces so I'm fine with it.
DCX said:I agree with keeping them on, it adds to the nature of the game. It's broken till patch three anyway so the player with the less injuries and best Red Zone TD % will win the league this year. The good news for the rest of us is a stocked draft class
FrenchMovieTheme said:anyways i crushed the bucs. their o-line is about as bad as the bears :lol
McNei1y said:question about this game:
When you're scrambling, is their anyway to tell a receiver to move if he is standing still at the end of a route? I know this was used back in the day and I thought it was gone until recently I saw someone scrambling and a wide receiver on the sidelines had a blue circle under him and ran up.
DMczaf said:It also didn't help that all my passes in the 4th quarter were either dropped or overthrown by 5 yards -_-
daw840 said:Just so you's hard to play in the league while bannedI know, I did last year for the entire first season
McNei1y said::lol
I was being sarcastic but its really hard to show it.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:If anyone wants to scrim or go over a trade/deal, let me know. Today is my day in the Sanjuro Command Center.
someone in the baseball thread said she was gonedaw840 said:Dragona will not care...
*looks over your roster*McNei1y said:give me Reggie Nelson back!
eznark said:someone in the baseball thread said she was gone
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:*looks over your roster*
How attached to Garrard are you? :lol
Not sure yet, I'm out with the girlfriend right now. I'll post when I'm on the way home.daw840 said:Nightz, when do you thinkn you will be around?
DMczaf said:And FMT, I never want to hear you complain about Freeballin again!
Was just joking, I want to get my QB issues solved though before season start, but I don't think I want Garrard. If you can think of a good deal for him, send me an offer. I glanced around and didn't see anything that caught my eye.McNei1y said:Ehh I need him for now, why what were you thinking?
FrenchMovieTheme said:i will turn the injuries off so long as it will allow those injured players to play in the coming weeks! otherwise, it's not fair that those people had to play with the threat of injury and we dont!
DMczaf said:And FMT, I never want to hear you complain about Freeballin again!
Mrbob said:Those of us who didn't play yet shouldn't have to suffer since we were smart enough to not rush our games before final rules were established.![]()
Rors said:[edit]I'm not a commish, btw. Suck my dick. I can say that since I'm not a commish!
Whatever. Count the neutral votes as being in your favor.
Wellington said:Even if you take out my vote and ATs vote it's 6-4-2 in favor of off. We both said off but would roll with whatever the decision was. The commishes should just make decisions and hand them down instead of pretending our votes count!
I play you in week 5 my friend.McNei1y said:I really don't care what we do. I just want to get my game in!! My Dynasty, that is the Jacksonville Jaguars, hasn't started it's reign yet!