Mrbob said:We need to get a group up and running for a Halo Reach Legendary run. Real Men Only allowed. Smokey has confirmed he can't handle Legendary in Halo so he is out. I know DM will be in, who else wants to partake in this glorious journey?
sableholic said:Are you around now or will be in next 30 mins or so? If not how about tomm around 4pm est to 6? If not it'll prob have to be Saturday or sunday
Smokey said:lol
what difficulty are you playing on?
eznark said:pft Heroic. I don't see how anyone could play on Legendary solo. I know I'm bad but the cheesie ways this game kills you on Heroic...I can't even fathom Legendary.
Smokey said:You will definitely enjoy the last couple of stages!
Smokey said:Can you all go to my fileshare and see if you can view this video?
I tried to show my cousin and he said he needs Bungie Pro to watch it? If this new or something :/ ? Or maybe you need to sign in up top with Windows Live ID up top?
That video is from when Wellie, dskillz, and I played the other day.
dskillzhtown said:I could see it just fine. The player uses silverlight so maybe your cousin doesn't have that downloaded.
Mrbob said:Are you talking aboutI haven't had trouble getting troops to form up with me you need to run by them and they get added to your party. Fighting with some ODST units is fun.When Noble 5 sacrificed himself to blow up the covenant mega ship by triggering the bomb manually?
Completely disagree about the campaign but not gonna argue with you about it!![]()
Mrbob said:Not that you care about the person (why not since you run some missions with him before those events), but the rest of the Noble team certainly did. Hence the comments.![]()
eznark said:......exactly
Oh what the hell, Civ V not available for in-store pickup via Sonsabitches
dskillzhtown said:Cool guys just dl it off of Steam.
Smokey said:lol Civ V
only 400ish posts in the OT, even GAF isn't that hyped for the supposedly GOTF!
AstroLad said:if we go by # of gaf posts then ladygaga and biever destroy reach. i like to approach things the opposite way generally specially on the flavor of the week gaming side
eznark said:oh great, soccer is now the greatest sport in forever. I'd rather be dead.
The X360, yes. But I personally think the Uncharted series is the crown jewel of this console generation thus far.Smokey said:reach saved this console gen from diving into irrelevancy
DenogginizerOS said:The X360, yes. But I personally think the Uncharted series is the crown jewel of this console generation thus far.
I approve of this message.DenogginizerOS said:The X360, yes. But I personally think the Uncharted series is the crown jewel of this console generation thus far.
LiveWire said:*ding ding ding*
Smokey has no taste man...he said he couldn't finished Uncharted 2 because it "bored" him during the entrance to Shambhala sequence (ice yetis).
Hey Pheenix Jr., enjoy your Wii HD.Smokey said:reach saved this console gen from diving into irrelevancy
The savior of PS3 gaming just arrived too!
AstroLad said:lucky for you ticket to ride is pretty much everywhere
Eh? Reach is good but by no means groundbreaking.DenogginizerOS said:The X360, yes. But I personally think the Uncharted series is the crown jewel of this console generation thus far.
BigAT said:Hey Pheenix Jr., enjoy your Wii HD.
eznark said:I've never seen it in person. And I have no B&N within an hour of me so....
Also, Tom Chick is the fucking man!
Wellington said:Come to think of it I can't really come up with anything that really sticks out in my mind for this generation. I've only played the first Uncharted.
Indeed..a brilliant game. Love every minute of it.LiveWire said:You need to play part 2.
eznark said:You guys need to play Metro 2033 and Far Cry 2. On pc, of course.
bluemax said:second expansion pack to an already dated game in one of the most generic sci fi universes ever SAVED this console generation?
Lonestar said:You referring to how it seems the Firefight maps are copies of area's from the single player? Noticed that last night (first MP action) I mean, there were slight differences, but were pretty much the same. Haven't tried any of the other modes yet.
I did load up Forge World, and while the area is pretty large, I thought it was going to be much bigger. Seeing all that background area, like the huge mountain (with the Forerunner tower on it), screams "Come explore!" can't.
Yes, Bungie has a stupid amount of information on the website, then you get into video's of each battle on your harddrive. It's just sick.
bluemax said:Wait a second, the second expansion pack to an already dated game in one of the most generic sci fi universes ever SAVED this console generation?
Jesus fuck. Kill me now. I don't think I want to work on video games anymore.
LiveWire said:Is Metro 2033 really that good? It looked like a cheap STALKER clone to me. And as for FarCry.....I'm gonna shoot you in the fuckin' face!
I think you mean "honest" and "lease affected by hype." Dude absolutely loves ODST, so it's not like he just hates Halo.Reconfirms Tom Chick still has some of the worst taste in this industry.