Did you know that the original Xbox was to have a "Games" tab on the dashboard? Now go buy some games!
My other pickup for the day (the console, had the other stuff for it)
My other pickup for the day (the console, had the other stuff for it)
Any particular reason behind the two copies of Halo? Different versions perhaps?
That's pretty cool. I wonder what it's purpose would have been.
And damn, a launch team Xbox signed by Bill Gates. Who would ever let that go?
Two copies (one is hidden due to the angle) are the proper NFR version available at launch at the MS store (which is different than the NFR included in the Halo packs later on), while the other is a Rated T Not for Display case. Just happens to be bunched together like that.
For installed games. You can find concept images of the tab with Starcraft installed.
And LT arent that uncommon really, just go for a bunch. Don't believe that 60 number that is out there, otherwise between my fellow collectors and I we would already have almost half hah
That is the concept art. The dashboard seen there is actually included in the disk from a month prior to this version that I got. March 2001
The concept art is really neat. Like a middle point between blades (360) and what we got for the original xbox.
Two copies (one is hidden due to the angle) are the proper NFR version available at launch at the MS store (which is different than the NFR included in the Halo packs later on), while the other is a Rated T Not for Display case. Just happens to be bunched together like that.
Are there any differences in the game or just packaging/art?
Na, those are just packaging variations. There are debug XBEs out there though, which Ive posted video of at some point.
Any idea why Ninja Gaiden Black's price dropped like a rock? Not that I'm complaining considering I got it for $3 but still. Or Disc Replay is just that awesome when it comes to prices.
Everyone and their momma already owns the game
My memory is fuzzy is console mod talk kosher on gaf? Just asking since emulators are widely discussed and its essentially a requirement to get emulators on OG Xbox.
My memory is fuzzy is console mod talk kosher on gaf? Just asking since emulators are widely discussed and its essentially a requirement to get emulators on OG Xbox.
Lol your right it was late when I posted this (early as hell actually) must have slipped my mind, hell I even remeber talkng about mods in other threads.Yeah. Dude, I've seen you post on other threads and we definitely talk a loooot about mods and hacks in there. lol
So long as you aren't talking about piracy, it's pretty open around here.
Now moving on, I went ahead and softmodded my Xbox to make it region free a few days ago, UnleashedX works like a charm! Already installed a few emulators too but I only have a stock 8gb HDD so there's not much space for anything really.
Nice, I've been meaning to get to this as well, have they come up with a better way or do you still need to get an action replay pro to transfer saves?
How does Evolution differ from the vanilla release?
Nice, I've been meaning to get to this as well, have they come up with a better way or do you still need to get an action replay pro to transfer saves?
You can probably hack a controller cable to use a USB flash drive. I could be wrong about that, but I swear I've heard it before.
As per Hardcore gaming 101: "The Xbox version, published by Media Quest, is dubbed Shikigami no Shiro Evolution and was released in two separate versions. The Red version included an art gallery while the Blue version contained developer interviews. There's also a new Evolution mode which revises some of the game elements. There are also Windows versions of all three Shikigami games. The original release includes an anime intro not in any version. The EX version lacks this intro but adds a few small upgrades."
So not much specifics lol, here's some more details from the shikigami no shiro wiki: "It contained improved enemy AI, two new characters, and an entirely new mode entitled "Evo.Mode"."
That helps very much! Thanks a ton, just ordered up the cable and bishopcruz has splinter cell, and it seems swapping in a new hd isn't too bad, now I can finally play metal wolf choas!
Thanks for the rundown, and thanks for the article. I really enjoy the Shikigami series, but I still don't have a non-butchered release of the first one. This will help me decide.
I'm debating whether to import the sequel for Xbox or just buy the shoddily localized Castle 2 on ps2 with the terrible dub, merely to experience how legendarily awful it is. And the Dreamcast version is exorbitantly priced but I would have bought that.
Made a debug kit video you guys might like
Awesome video. I never noticed you were also on NeogafHaven't been looking into OG Xbox stuff long enough I guess.
Are you able to post how you did the 720P mod for PGR2, Borman? I'd be using it with an Australian (which I guess is EU) copy.
Only just hooked up the ol' Xbox recently and found that disc was already in the drive. Lucky me![]()
A bonus video for the day, I found an undiscovered tech demo/game for the Xbox today, MageWar.
Nice looking tech. When was this demo'd? Looks on par or better than the late-life stuff.
Thanks for this BTW, know exactly what you mean with it being a shifty website! As far as betas and unreleased games go, are you aware of legal ramifications for distribution of them? I'm assuming for all cases they're just "NOPE!".Just google 720p pgr2 or something like that. The site that has it also has full, pirate games so Id rather not link.
I think I'm gonna start getting back into playing this thing again, full-time(ish). Obviously I have an extensive collection of games/experience but if anyone has anything that immediately springs to mind that I might've missed out on, let me know.
Some kind of definitive list might not go astray either. When I say "definitive", I mean gargantuan for those of us *not* just getting into it now (apologies NintendoRev).
Thanks for this BTW, know exactly what you mean with it being a shifty website! As far as betas and unreleased games go, are you aware of legal ramifications for distribution of them? I'm assuming for all cases they're just "NOPE!".
I just bought one of these today and I'm wondering what are some good action games/shooters for it that aren't on PC? Console multiplatform stuff is fine. So far I've got Everything or Nothing, Black, MechAssault games and maybe Breakdown.
Is Voodoo Vince and Brute Force any good?
You might like Gunvalkyrie, but it's kind of a love-it-or-hate-it game.
And if you're gonna get Everything or Nothing you might as well get From Russia with Love.
Don't know much about Voodoo Vince but Brute Force is mediocre. I don't recommend it.