What card u got?New capture card is really sharp, even for forcing 480p to the widescreen, and compressing for imgur.
What card u got?New capture card is really sharp, even for forcing 480p to the widescreen, and compressing for imgur.
What card u got?
You get a kick ass card similar to mine(though yours is better overall) and use imgur?=O Minus, abload, heck even flickr are preferable.=pMicomsoft SC-512N1-L/DVI
Hey guys, question about XBox component cables:
So, my HD AV Pack got stolen a couple months back. Long story. So I got a new one, and this is what it looks like:
Fuckin' weird. It doesn't look like there's a break-out box in there. It says on the back that it supports optical audio, but I dunno. Should I keep these or send 'em back? I don't know if there's a quality difference between this set and the one with the box, but I want whatever's better.
Looks like it does have a optical port but I don't know if it is a official Microsoft product.
You get a kick ass card similar to mine(though yours is better overall) and use imgur?=O Minus, abload, heck even flickr are preferable.=p
I looked it up, and apparently, MS released a revised HD AV Pack in like 2004 or something, and it got rid of the break-out box and grafted the optical port onto the thing you plug into the Xbox.
No idea if there's any quality difference between the two variants, though...
Both official, both identical quality really.
Cool -- if you're giving it the okay, I'll go ahead and open 'em.
I also found an old GAF thread from like 2005 about em. A couple people who tried them said the picture quality was slightly better on this newer one... so in any case, it sounds like I'm covered.
I honestly think it's in the top 5 best looking games on Xbox Original, such a pretty and clean game that's great to take screenshots on. I also have a few shots of my own:DOA2U really feels like it is a generation away from some games coming out at the time. Really beautiful. No bullshots here either
Look at the flame embers in the last two. Crazy.
To be fair, actually DoA2U has 3-20 costumes per character. Tengu has 3 costumes, the other male characters have 6-8 costumes each, and the female characters 13-20. (Ayane, Kasumi, and Leifang are the ones with 20 each.) The game does have a lot of costumes, though, that's true.18-20 costumes per character in doa2u
6 costumes for doa5 = that'll be 5 bucks please
DOA2U is definitely my favorite in the series. I've played way more DOA4 (as kick51 can attest to), but that game never resonated with me quite the way Ultimate did.
To be fair, actually DoA2U has 3-20 costumes per character. Tengu has 3 costumes, the other male characters have 6-8 costumes each, and the female characters 13-20. (Ayane, Kasumi, and Leifang are the ones with 20 each.) The game does have a lot of costumes, though, that's true.
It used to be that the first version of DoA on a new console would have only a few costume, but then they'd add a lot more in alter versions. So, DoA1 for Saturn has 3-6 costumes per character, while the later PS1 version has 3-14 costumes per character.
The US version of DoA2 (DC) has 3 costumes per character, while the later Japanese version has 3-8 each, and the PS2 version (DoA Hardcore) has several more per character.
DoA3 has 2-3 costumes per character (many color variants, though), with two more per character available later via the free addon download. Then came DoA2U with up to 20 per character.
But now? Now that they can charge money for costumes, forget about all that! DoA5U doesn't give you many of the new costumes free, you've got to buy them anyway, even though you just had to buy a revision of the game. Quite annoying stuff for sure.
As for which my favorite DoA game is... hmm, that's tough. Maybe it is DoA2U; it's definitely a fantastic game. 2U and 4 are probably the top two. I do like 5U, but it's not quite as great as 2U or 4...
So I'm looking to buy an OG Xbox. What's the best way to purchase one? I'm preferably looking to get one that's been cleaned/refurbished. I went looking at EB Games and local used game stores but they all looked disgusting.
I rolled the dice and bought a modded one on craigslist for $50. I'm assuming later models had better internals, so maybe look for one of those.
Finding anything regarding the Xbox online is virtually impossible, thanks to Microsoft idiotic naming scheme.
What can you tell me about video cables? I'm considering changing the Scart cable that came with mine (I bought it used, I don't know if it's an original cable sold with the console or what) because it's plagued with the common Scart disease: the audio is buzzing on bright screens because of lack of wire shielding. What cable would you recommend?
I saw cables with digital audio out at the console end, but they are grey which makes me think they are 360 cables, not Xbox. Are the cables compatibles, can the Xbox output digital audio? I won't get such cable immediately but once I have a proper amplifier it would be nice to have digital audio out, if such thing is possible.
New capture card is really sharp, even for forcing 480p to the widescreen, and compressing for imgur.
What? can you go in more detail?The last models have some compatibility issues, specifically with SEGA games.
Beautiful, the main reason I bought a Xbox OG.I'm not sure how far you are in Rallisport 2, but if you could would you capture some shots of Rally Track Great Britain / SS5 - Millington 2, preferably in bumper cam or cockpit view?
The twilight lighting on this stage is really beautiful.![]()
You want component cables. Official ones, either the cable or the first with the breakout box, have optical out. If you then modify your console for NTSC support, youll start getting some 480p support, even out of your PAL games, plus there are HD titles out there. RGB isnt the best for the original Xbox.
Really great sharp captures, along with the DOA2U ones.
I'm not sure how far you are in Rallisport 2, but if you could would you capture some shots of Rally Track Great Britain / SS5 - Millington 2, preferably in bumper cam or cockpit view?
The twilight lighting on this stage is really beautiful.
What? can you go in more detail?
Beautiful, the main reason I bought a Xbox OG.
I don't have component on my CRT, just Scart.
The PAL console has a PAL60 option, which means 480i and 60Hz. I'll region mod it at some point, but it's not as essential as other consoles.
Always been curious of a few Japanese titles on this console. Got Otogi and Gunvalkyrie in, waiting for the Xbox and Phantom Dust to arrive. Despite Gunvalkyrie apparently being mediocre it's the one I'm most excited to play.
Gunvalkyrie is definitely not mediocre.
*tries out GunValkyrie for a couple hours*
*watches vids on how the game is supposed to be played*
I am way too baka gaijin to get my hands to work that way.
You're not really supposed to aim... dat lock-on, son.
I think I understand the idea of GunValk's controls, but it seems like it would require a lot of well timed clicks on the left thumb stick to keep boost going and keeping steady so you don't hover and lose your combo. As it is, I just end up stuck on the ground a lot.
So I switched to Otogi...hey From Software...hey, a resurrected warrior, a land that's all fucked up, demons, darkness, souls, a soft spoken spirit lady, high difficulty. This is all very familiar!
edit: now that i've read up, there's a lot more to this game than I ever knew. I always thought it was a brainless hack n' slash.
I fared a bit better with Valkyrie's boost combo thing. Felt manageable on this old, well worn and easy to click in controller. But yeah, I also switched to Otogi and turned on the Japanese voice track. I'm liking FromSoft's push to make things simultaneously tranquil and harrowing. A calm and distant voice tells me light history while fireballs are dropping on my face in a mob.
uh oh
my xbox wont turn on...I'm scared to open it up and check the capacitator...
as far as I'm aware, each XBOX is basically a time bomb
you just pull out the offending capacitor and clean up any gunk. it's real easy. but not turning on could be several different probs.