Just finished Season 1 on Netflix. I haven't watched any anime in about a decade, started many but just couldn't continue. This is lovely, I loved it. It is everything I grew up liking about the late 80's/early 90's action anime, and yet very anti anime as well. Great deconstruction of the superhero genre. Spot on humor as well.
I rarely watch anime or read manga and had no clue what One Punch Man was a week ago, but I saw it on Netflix and decided to give it a shot.
i love it
lmao I JUST watched that part and screen capped that moment
it had me giggling hard
I started watching recently on Netflix and love this show. I heard there was a dubbed option when it first went up but now it's been removed? Does anyone know if they are bringing it back? I don't mind subtitles but I would've really enjoyed watching this in English so I can focus more on the animation. Just a personal preference.
Sub is so much better. Don't like the dub at all.I started watching recently on Netflix and love this show. I heard there was a dubbed option when it first went up but now it's been removed? Does anyone know if they are bringing it back? I don't mind subtitles but I would've really enjoyed watching this in English so I can focus more on the animation. Just a personal preference.
I saw a few memes here and there but never knew what it was from. I also don't care about anime or TV in general really, so I never bothered looking into it. But fuck it's awesome. I want to read the manga now. And it's gotten me interested in anime again, but I'm not sure if that'll last long, haha.Took the plunge on this due to Bill Burr's rant - waited to check it out because of how the Internet over-memed it, like how Rick and Morty fans never shut up about Rick and Morty.
Love it. Hilarious and surprisingly well animated. Can't get enough of it. 10/10
Binged this over a few days this week after getting the set off of Amazon. Fucking loved it. It's almost like a Japanese version of The Tick.
Season 2 will be coming later this year. You should also check out Mob Psycho 100. Same author as OPM and also beautifully animated.
Season 2 will be coming later this year. You should also check out Mob Psycho 100. Same author as OPM and also beautifully animated.
When layer this year? Did they announce a specific date/month?
Thanks! I'll check it out.Season 2 will be coming later this year. You should also check out Mob Psycho 100. Same author as OPM and also beautifully animated.
Watched the first 2 episodes so far. First one put me off (huge tonal shift after having just binge watched Attack on Titan) but I'm glad I stuck with it because episode 2 was great!
I still love his daydream sequence in episode 1. Then it reminded me that's not 100% what the anime is. Which I ended up loving even more because of it.
well dont enjoy episode 12 then!
Hold on....One Punch Man comes back this year?
Fuck. Yeah.
Still gonna watch all of it because it's a wonderful show. It's just annoying to read the subtitles 15% of the time or so.
I don't really expect season 2 to get off the ground until the manga has finished its current arc. That would be sufficient content for a second season. Though the webcomic is already well through this arc, the show follows the manga more and many plot points have been altered from the original webcomic.
They already announced season 2 and there is more than enough content in the Murata redraw for a 12 episode season. It will most likely end atIf they wait for the next major arc to finish its going to take a year or more.the end of the tournament arc
Btw I love that season one is only twelve episodes. As a parent with limited free time, short seasons are my jam.
Where can I read the web comic?
Is it possible they can do the next big fight since one has already written it? Im sure he can tell them how the redraw will play out, no?
That suiryu fight feels like the sea king fight in terms of being good enough to end the season.
MA arc is probably going to be season 3 stuff then
real damn shame :<
the guy behind Berserk 2016 for sound.
Season 2 has a new director, new studio and the guy behind Berserk 2016 for sound. Expectations are low.