Makes sense to me...
On the left is their vote in the first round, follow the path to see how they plan to vote (or abstain) in the second round.
So to see how Fillon voters plan to vote in the second round, follow the blue paths.
What exactly do you not understand? Seems like a regular voting transition chart. The little "arms" going to different points show predictions of which voters will go for which option. So the fat arm going from Melenchon down to Abstention is "we predict this many voters that voted for Melenchon in this round will abstain in the second", etc.
Because of the lack of numbers or you don't understand what it means ?
Which one ?
The first one is how the voters of the 1st round are going to vote in the second round (follow the colors)
The other four charts are how voters did vote today for each big candidate based on their age, diploma, socio-profesionnal category and salary so you can see the détails of the sociological profiles of the voters
I put in a ghetto "commentary" thing in order to try to explain the voter transition graph. I used the 2 biggest branches of the Melenchon voters and the abstainers going to Macron as examples. I hope this makes it a bit more clear.
Okay, thanks. I never saw a chart like this one so I didn't know what I was supposed to look at, with all these colors overlapping themselves.