You can play Minecraft and PS1 games on any Android phone.
-on your tv
-with a controller
-for $99
How do people keep not getting this?
You can play Minecraft and PS1 games on any Android phone.
Looking at the list of people working on OUYA I'm pretty sure they do have experience with that.
9 months to make a game? ~iwata laughs~
FWIW, your posts seem to be ping ponging between "from an investment standpoint, this product doesn't seem realistic", and "I want to see the product before I *BUY* it".You're definitely right. It will be super interesting to see how it develops over the next 9 months!
So this. A million times this.Not:
-on your tv
-with a controller
-for $99
How do people keep not getting this?
FWIW, your posts seem to be ping ponging between "from an investment standpoint, this product doesn't seem realistic", and "I want to see the product before I *BUY* it".
Either is fine, but they seem mutually exclusive within the framework of Kickstarter. It's not a marketplace, it's crowd sourced investment.
That's about right. 9 months was probably around the average time it took my company to make a Nintendo DS game. An in-depth RPG would take a bit longer, of course, but not 2 years or anything. Games for a system like this aren't the same as major console/PC games, they don't cost much to develop, and they don't take years. If they did, the games would cost at least $20. Of course, that's assuming a normal-sized development team, not an indy game made by two or three people.
-on your tv
-with a controller
-for $99
How do people keep not getting this?
And that's what defines a "safe" project and a risky one. The people behind it. Had the people behind Ouya been a bunch of random names I've never heard of I wouldn't have backed it at all. Like all Kickstarters you're taking a punt based on the talent behind the project. I trust Brian Fargo to deliver me Wasteland 2 for instance. If it was some random with no experience under their belt they wouldn't have received a cent from me.
-on your tv
-with a controller
-for $99
How do people keep not getting this?
It would be really cute if they provided a variety of different male and female voices to choose from (including an option to have one randomly selected). Good way to personalize your system.
- Bad name
- Ugly hardware
- Almost no details on DRM, App Store, or Content Distribution
- No details on what purchases are tied to
- Almost no details on the long term plan of the product. If you are asking people to invest early, this is a must
- Not nearly enough was shown off to sell me on the device. The project is not far enough along to warrant me already supporting it financially.
- Scary small install base from the point of a developer. If it hits 300k-500k people purchasing it, I don't know if that's enough
- No games shown off that I care about. Canabalt, I've played it on iOS, Android, my computers, PS3, and PSP. Minecraft? Show me something else. Minecraft is on every device I own and it is stil the best on the intiial platform it was released on, PC.
- 100 USD seems weirdly cheap, I don't understand how this is possible and profitable
- March 2013 does not seem like a realistic launch date at all, and as a backer of a few Kickstarter projects, delays (massive delays) are likely
And are you not using a PC to type that post? You can buy stupid cables and an Xbox controller for less than $99.
Many indie developers make games without even thinking about profits...
The sole reason I want this thing to exist. The potential for an indie driven console platform is huge. It's something I've wanted for a while now as I've started playing less retail and more indie/arcade games.
Sadly indies are already finding better avenues to take their products too. Steam being one of them.The sole reason I want this thing to exist. The potential for an indie driven console platform is huge. It's something I've wanted for a while now as I've started playing less retail and more indie/arcade games.
There are some hardware specs being debated - for instance, our 1GB of RAM that we really can't budge on without adjusting cost post-KS funding, so you're spot on.
There are other requests we're hearing and adapting to - ethernet is one rumor that might just become a reality
We're still working things out, but remember, this box is open and accessible - OUYA opens up with a standard screwdriver without voiding warranty. It also has USB - slap an External HD in there and your storage will skyrocket. It's yours to modify once it gets into your hands.
[]thanamesjames 3 poäng 11 timmar sen
Are you currently planning on supporting apps that aren't games? It seems,to me, like you guys should really push to partner with OnLive. If they were to release an app (I don't know if you'd ask for 30% or how that would work) it seems like you'd bridge that gap to "console" quality graphics that a subset of your user base is looking for. Also I believe XBMC is being developed now for android, and I can guarantee they'd release an app for your platform, maybe even on day one.
[]playouya1 poäng 4 timmar sen
If it's built for OUYA, it'll run on OUYA. We're not about hampering ANYONE'S creativity.
[]andrewsmith1986 5 poäng 11 timmar sen
How would it work as a media center?
[]playouya8 poäng 11 timmar sen
Right now I can't speak to partnerships with streaming services if that's what you're asking.
But I'm sure there are hackers out there who already have awesome plans to make OUYA into a media powerhouse.(personal hunch)
[]StellaTerra 2 poäng 6 timmar sen
XBMC! Pleassssssse do it! It could be your entire media suite, it could ship on day 1, and it's already written. Slap a custom branded skin on it, get the build right for Ouya ???? Profit. Seriously, I will be soooo excited if you did this.
[]playouya2 poäng 4 timmar sen
Reach out to them! We're open to any and all ideas at this point. Right now we're just listening to everyone's awesome feedback.
Sadly indies are already finding better avenues to take their products too. Steam being one of them.
sad for the supporters of this.I don't see what's sad about that.
Every time someone calls Tegra 3 a "12-core" GPU I die a little inside.
sad for the supporters of this.
This is Phantom 2.0.
Reminds me more of the Panasonic Jungle =)
sad for the supporters of this.
This is Phantom 2.0.
Neither of those two were close to $100 MSRP, which this thing should be able to hit. That's a big deal IMO. Gives it a fighting chance.
The sole reason I want this thing to exist. The potential for an indie driven console platform is huge. It's something I've wanted for a while now as I've started playing less retail and more indie/arcade games.
Price isn't everything though. It's a very niche product at best and I think there's a good chance it may never see the light of day. Price is important, but I'm not quite sure anyone is going to care beyond the hobby/indie developer community if it even reaches that.
Someone please explain to me why Indie developers would develop for this specifically if their market is composed of mobile phone and tablet users?
If they are already making games for Android, it's an easy decision with minimum effort and potentially on a less piracy prone platform.
Android already has a standardized gamepad API. I'm sure the controller will support that.Having said that, is it safe to assume that current games just need a slight update in order to support the controller inputs?
Won't this be an extremely niche market? And given that it's android based and how hard these guys are pushing the openness (advocating rooting and "hacking"), I would think its just as, if not more, piracy prone and less worthwhile to invest in this, no?
Well, my point was:Android is already wild wild west, so what's the difference? LOL
I think the best reason is that, if they already have an Android game, it probably takes all of 2 hours to get it running and tested on this.Well, my point was:
Why should Indie developers (who don't want to throw money around) invest and developed for a console that caters to an extremely niche market and is just as, if not more, piracy prone than the current Android platform?
Well, my point was:
Why should Indie developers (who don't want to throw money around) invest and developed for a console that caters to an extremely niche market and is just as, if not more, piracy prone than the current Android platform?
Why should Indie developers (who don't want to throw money around) invest and developed for a console that caters to an extremely niche market and is just as, if not more, piracy prone than the current Android platform?
I said IF they already have a game going on Android, this is a low hanging fruit for them.
You do not invest and developed for a niche console, you just run your current android build on the BOOYA (prolly just integrating some ouya sdk for some ouya only features)
What are those Android phone games going to look like on a 52" TV?
What are those Android phone games going to look like on a 52" TV?
Well, my point was:
Why should Indie developers (who don't want to throw money around) invest and developed for a console that caters to an extremely niche market and is just as, if not more, piracy prone than the current Android platform?
It doesn't make much sense unless the OUYA games are also developed for mobile platforms. Meaning you'll just end up with Android games on the machine and a few exclusives.
So the problem lies in the fact that most Android games are touch screen based and designed around a touch screen.
Someone please explain to me why Indie developers would develop for this specifically if their market is composed of mobile phone and tablet users?
Having said that, is it safe to assume that current games just need a slight update in order to support the controller inputs?
I see a big segregation problem with this, because what you're asking developers to so is to either implement full physical input controls in their 100% touch screen based game or you're asking them to create a new game exclusively for the system (unless you choose to support both from the start). But yeah, my main concern is playing games that have already been released on the android market with the Ouya.
TL;DR = how do you translate touch screen based games to controller based systems?
can someone confirm that the hardware in this thing is gonna be upgraded before release? as if its a year away, its gonna be hella dated by then
can someone confirm that the hardware in this thing is gonna be upgraded before release? as if its a year away, its gonna be hella dated by then
Not bad I say:
Hella dated compared to what?
This console is not for graphics whores, and the developers that are likely to focus the most on this console don't have graphics whores as their target audience. They want to develop cheaply and easily, and focus more on gameplay. The hardware will be just powerful enough to run most kinds of games with reasonable looking graphics and resolutions so that the graphics are not a complete turnoff.
Just don't expect cinematic shooters with high-res textures on the walls and a million armpit hairs on each character.
if its a year away, mobile games wouldve moved on by then, and this thing will be left way behind, no one will buy it outside of the kickstarters