A ton of interest in Tegra 4 over at the Ouya comments page by the backers. These people funded them, I think they should at least consider what they have to say.
Those who want Tegra 4 need to email these points to the Ouya devs at [email protected]
1. Tegra 3s gpu is based on a 7 yr old architecture. Tegra 4s gpu will be the first time Nvidia brings its modern gpu architecture and unified shaders to the mobile space. Tegra 3 produces semi decent graphics at smartphone resolutions only when there are minimal resources dedicated to things like framerate, physics, AI, number of enemies and having wide open levels. Pare it up to 1080p resolutions and ideally four person multiplayer gaming and no I dont see how the Tegra 3 is good enough to pull it even okay 3d graphics without massively sacrificing things like physics, framerate, number of simultaneous enemies and friendlies and large rooms (instead of small cooridors) all of which hurts gameplay. Tegra 4 offers unified shaders and a far improved architecture. By all indications it would allow for significantly better gameplay (lots of enemies, open levels, solid physics, 1080p/60fps). Tegra 4 supports DirectX 11+, OpenGL 4.X, and PhysX. Tegra 4 also uses the a15 CPU which is a vastly superior architecture to the a9 architecture used by the Tegra 3.
2. By launching with the Tegra 3, the Ouya team faces a real risk of someone releasing a Tegra 4 box mid 2013 and eating away at the Ouyas sales. It's a nobrainer for someone to do this given how much revenue the Ouya raised even with outdated hardware. The Ouya devs would then have to decide between letting this device eat away at their market, or releasing a Ouya 2 just a few months after Ouya 1 which is a surefire way to piss off your customers and scare off new ones.
3. As someone who forked down $130 for a device that's wont be out for another 8 months, I certainly wouldnt mind having to wait an extra three months to get an exponentially better device. They already have the money. They should make the best possible device they can with it, even if it takes a little bit longer. March 2013 is clearly listed as an estimated delivery date. Key word being estimated. Not a promise, not a guarantee, just an estimate.
4. The Tegra 4 soc goes into production end of 2012, several months before the Ouya launches. The Tegra 4 soc costs $21, same as the Tegra 3 soc costs.
5. OUYA is getting a 30% profit on each game sold from developers. The longer legs the Ouya has, the more money they stand to make in the long run.
6. There is no need to rush the Ouya. I would rather they wait and get more dev support than rushing it out the door and see incomplete software being rushed to be the "first one in OUYA". Any thing developed for Tegra 3 will run flawlessly on Tegra 4. A strong polished launch library would generate good word of mouth and give the console longer legs.
7. This isnt a retail device with a large marketing campaign, the ouyas market is clearly one that keeps up with tech. It's undeniable that more people will buy the Ouya next year if it features a modern soc with current architecture than a one yr outdated one built on a 7 yr old architecture.
8. Given the amount of press Ouya is getting, Nvidia should be eager to have this be a flagship Tegra 4 device to sell that SoC to more manufacturers. If not there are alternatives out already that blow the Tegra 3 out of the water like the SoC in the Vita or better yet the Exynos 5.
In summary, the Tegra 4 soc costs $21. Even if the Tegra 3s price drops to half that by the end of the year, the Ouya team would be well served in the long term to spend the extra $10 to go with Tegra 4. They could sell the Ouya for $120 after release, and it would still sell really well. It would also stay relevant a lot longer and thus have longer legs (continue to sell well into 2014).
If the only thing standing in the way of all of us getting a Tegra 4 box instead of a Tegra 3 box is an additional $10 per device so around $500k total, I can think of no better way to raise these funds than with another kick starter aimed at current and future Ouya backers.
The Ouya team posts their BOM for the current Ouya vs a Tegra 4 Ouya perhaps with faster or more ram and what it takes to make up the difference as well as how much it may delay the device. They put up the kick starter, if it doesn't get funded, they ship the Tegra 3 build and all the backers of this new kickstarter get a refund, if it gets funded, they ship the Tegra 4 build to all their backers. They also raise the preorder price. That way they let their backers decide what they want and fund the improvement as well.