I want one truely awesome new 16-bit fantasy turn based RPG. Give me that and my $130 was well spent.
I want one truely awesome new 16-bit fantasy turn based RPG. Give me that and my $130 was well spent.
I want one truely awesome new 16-bit fantasy turn based RPG. Give me that and my $130 was well spent.
How powerful are those specs?
Enough to make it an emulator box up to which platform?
How powerful are those specs?
Enough to make it an emulator box up to which platform?
How powerful are those specs?
Enough to make it an emulator box up to which platform?
Any word on if the KS price is reduced compared to when it will go retail? Besides supporting them now, what are the benefits to paying now instead of later at retail? (I see the badge by the nametag thing) but in regards to price, would I save more now up front?
Almost 3 million funded now. People are stupid.
Up to SNES shouldnt be problem, PS1 gen should be difficult I think.
Almost 3 million funded now. People are stupid.
Right now the only advantage they've mentioned is you'll get your Ouya before they reach stores. Which was enough for me, plus supporting them, since I pledged before they reached their goal
Almost 3 million funded now. People are stupid.
I'm sorry if anyone gets offended, but I agree with you.
Why? Even if OUYA did not get any games for it, just the hardware is already worth it at $100 (for media center purposes for example).
I'm tempted not just to pledge $99 but also to start thinking about developing games for it.
Up to SNES shouldnt be problem, PS1 gen should be difficult I think.
Almost 3 million funded now. People are stupid.
Thing is, you could get a way cheaper alternative right now, if all you need is a media center.
Yup. Pretty sad.
Yeah, I really don't see the "people are stupid" angle with this, even though I personally don't need it.
You get hardware that will still be worth around $50 for the cheapest equivalent KIRF you can find around the release, plus a gamepad that should be worth at least $20. Sou you pay $29 for very nice design, a gamepad-specific interface, their software infrastructure and shipping. Unless it fails to the extent that they can't actually produce them I see no issue.
Well yeah, but that's exactly the same thing that happens to high-end consoles with PC hardware.This thing will have the same issue that consoles like the Vita has, every year, new phones will be coming out with faster and faster hardware, while this console will be stuck with old tech.
I'm one of those people, as I said earlier I don't need it. But there are a ton of people out there who don't have a PC connected to their TV (or even in its vicinity). Or for whom the task of setting up an emulator on Windows, even though it's very simple for us, appears daunting. And $99 for a shiny and nicely designed gadget just really isn't that much money.Most people already have computers that can emulate up to what they expect. A PC controller is about 30 bucks.
This thing will have the same issue that consoles like the Vita has, every year, new phones will be coming out with faster and faster hardware, while this console will be stuck with old tech.
Most people already have computers that can emulate up to what they expect. A PC controller is about 30 bucks.
I think people, and myself, are worried that it'll just churn out boring, useless app games.
Well yeah, but that's exactly the same thing that happens to high-end consoles with PC hardware.
I think it's funny that Cannabalt is their baseline for games... Sure, it's fun to play for 5 minutes on the toilet, but I can't see myself playing it on an HDTV for long periods of time.
Not nearly as fast as this will, though. This thing is extremely limiting already, so making a sizable game will take a lot of work-a-rounds to get functioning.
The OUYA will hit that wall really, really hard as soon as it releases.
Edit: You don't need Win 7 to play emulated games. What in the hell made you think that?
Anything before basic N64 games, so games like Mario 64, but not Perfect Dark.
Then again, if it gains traction, I can see Emus devs to continue to optimize their plugins/emus to the hardware in this.
Up to SNES shouldnt be problem, PS1 gen should be difficult I think.
Nintendo 64 / psx maybe
This thing will have the same issue that consoles like the Vita has, every year, new phones will be coming out with faster and faster hardware, while this console will be stuck with old tech.
Then again, people arent buying it for the hardware alone but because of the promise of a new open platform.
The pebble ended up over 10 million. I can't see this doing more than ~6. But I could be completely wrong.So will this get the biggest kickstart ever ?
People interested in a machine for emulation alone (not developing but playing games), dont know how to install Linux, let alone fiddling with drivers etc, (yeah i know Ubuntu is easy to install but most people wont bother).
Same reason why people interested in this box for emulation dont realize that they can connect their phones to the TV and play emulators with BT controllers already.
So will this get the biggest kickstart ever ?
People interested in a machine for emulation alone (not developing but playing games), dont know how to install Linux, let alone fiddling with drivers etc, (yeah i know Ubuntu is easy to install but most people wont bother).
Same reason why people interested in this box for emulation dont realize that they can connect their phones to the TV and play emulators with BT controllers already.
I own a Vita also. Fuck. I need to start checking with Gaf before I buy anything.
The pebble ended up over 10 million. I can't see this doing more than ~6. But I could be completely wrong.
Im sure you bought the Vita based on the promise of a healthy library from Sony and co., cant blame you for that, hell, God knows I want a Vita to play Wipeout.
But for normal non hardcore consumers looking in, Vita's graphics will age pretty bad as phones/tablets hardware keeps getting better and better.
Anyway, lets not turn this thread into a Vita vrs phone market thread![]()
So will this get the biggest kickstart ever ?
I think once they are out of $99 bundles it will be pretty much done making money, which could be by the end of the day if they don't raise it again. I can't imagine they keep raising that number since it has already climbed crazy high from where it started and their twitter has flat out said they can't just make infinite of them.
What are you talking about?
You are putting these weird, random happenstances in, when you don't need Linux or updating drivers, or what have you to run SNES games.
Why can't people just go to the emulation websites and download the proper things?
A PC's operating system license (Win 7) is more expensive than this whole thing.
19655 Backers • Limited Reward (60345 of 80000 remaining)
Yeah, but how many of them have their computers connected to their TVs?And so is the hard drive of a PC, so what? Unless people don't have computers at all then that has nothing to do with anything, they need those parts. Therefore since they already have a PC they can already play old games on emulators. And probably more kinds than what this will be able to run, like a PS2 one and Dolphin for Wii games.
So, following some posts here. You are able to build a pc that can play 1080P MKVs well, as well as emulate up to PSX (I assume this can?), whilst being as small and (I assume) quiet as the Ouya for less than $99?
I do not ask this in a snarky tone, I am actually curious about this.