Darryl M R
Any word on the pricing for the skins? Right now my want list consist of Cyerninja Hanzo, Graffiti Tracer, and Cyborg: 76. I would also like to get the gold Genji player icon.
Doesn't work like that anymore. Flat 20,000 exp for each level.I'm a level 99 right now so I timed the event so that I could maximize getting them sweet sweet loot boxes in the early levels.
Can't wait to get all commons and rares
Thank you! Downloading now.Update is live on PS4!!!
I'm away during the whole event, please tell me they're not time limited...
Any word on the pricing for the skins? Right now my want list consist of Cyerninja Hanzo, Graffiti Tracer, and Cyborg: 76. I would also like to get the gold Genji player icon.
Any word on the pricing for the skins? Right now my want list consist of Cyerninja Hanzo, Graffiti Tracer, and Cyborg: 76. I would also like to get the gold Genji player icon.
is it live on PC yet?
Fuck off Officer D.Va, Rockabilly D.Va the new shit.
is it live on PC yet?
The air freshener is a nice touch.
The air freshener is a nice touch.
3 brand new maps that are only available during the event? Please tell me that is not the case
3 brand new maps that are only available during the event? Please tell me that is not the case
Most of the dances are hot garbage the only good one was Pharah's