Lucio's new skin have new jazz inspired healing/speed songs
Yeah totally buying it if I don't get it via loot box.
Lucio's new skin have new jazz inspired healing/speed songs
And here I thought I wouldn't be throwing down money this time.
I will get that D.Va and Genji skin. Whatever it takes.
Try grinding?
Stuck at work, are there any free bonus boxes for Arcade mode besides the usual 3 wins?
Try grinding?
Stuck at work, are there any free bonus boxes for Arcade mode besides the usual 3 wins?
Yeah I'm buying 50 boxes 100%
Anyone know why no Sombra skin?
that's why
that's why
I'm not selling my body for Overwatch lootboxes.
At least as long as I have stable income from other sources anyway.
that's why
that's why
Symmetra should not get one if that's the case though, I think Sombra got buffed after Season 2?that's why
Some of the skins look like a nod to their original designs/ideas. Mei and Sym, especially. Even that Hanzo one looks like how he would have turned out if they never split him from Genji.
And he looks like Jetstream Sam! If I ever hate myself enpugh to play a lot of Hanzo, I would hope it would be with this skin.
God lock down elimination is so trash, why release 3 cool new maps only to do this ��������
Zarya is a god damn monster in Mayhem mode.
that's why
It really is a boneheaded change that nobody asked for and wasn't needed. It's extra stupid since the capture point idea was needed.
Blizzard giveth, and Blizzard taketh.
that's why
I posted about it on r/overwatch and the consensus is that they did it for auto healing characters like roadhog, and if you're against this decision Blizzard made then you're "obviously a roadhog player". It's an idiotic decision, because if you have knowledge of the game you'd be able to counter characters that can heal/autoheal. This new decision essentially gives the losing team a crutch, and makes winning unenjoyable. You go Blizzard, yay and stuff.
Look how high Zarya is, only second to McCree.
So why did the dev's give her such a shitty skin!
All the others look phenomenal here except for hers.... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!?????