Frekin good Tracers stress me out so much... first time I had to take a break from this game for a couple hours because of frustration.
I don't understand what people are doing when I'm distracting or killing like 3-4 people at once as Genji or Tracer. No one decides to take the point or do anything but get themselves killed I guess. It's super fucking irritating, and I've been funneled into groups that run off being killed all day today. All goddamn day there's been a constant 3 skulls on my screen because people are really awful.
I swear the only times I do end up winning is if I'm right in front as Roadhog or Reinhardt dragging these people to the finish.
In French McCree says 'Any last wish?' so the high noon memes have never made me smile
There's really not a "normal", it's all random.So I got to lvl 9, and so far I've had 1 skin. Is this about normal?
In a perfect world, Hanzos and widows would just be killing each other off.Widowmaker is so fucking fun once you find a good spot and pick people off.
Then some other Widow or a Hanzo kills me.
So what's the best way to sync up with Gaf players?
In a perfect world, Hanzos and widows would just be killing each other off.
I pretty much carried three matches in a row as Zyra and eventually they decided to counter with two Zyras. xD
I hope no one ever figures out how to counter her lol.
I agree, but she's not weak. I think the main thing I would change is how the game detects who's within LOS of her ultimate. As people understand the move more, and more importantly get that you don't need to jump straight out of the radius it loses a ton of its' effectiveness as a major disruption skill. Just make it so you can't leap behind the nearest stop sign to nullify it and it'd be a bit scarier to lob into the objective without fancy angles to cook the timer.Dva needs a buff, weakass hero right now.
I don't understand what people are doing when I'm distracting or killing like 3-4 people at once as Genji or Tracer. No one decides to take the point or do anything but get themselves killed I guess. It's super fucking irritating, and I've been funneled into groups that run off being killed all day today. All goddamn day there's been a constant 3 skulls on my screen because people are really awful.
I swear the only times I do end up winning is if I'm right in front as Roadhog or Reinhardt dragging these people to the finish.
Dva needs a buff, weakass hero right now.
While I agree that she could use a buff or two, she is far from weak. Play her right and she can be so damn good.
Until someone can convince me otherwise, I don't believe a counter exists against two or more meis in a party.
Until someone can convince me otherwise, I don't believe a counter exists against two or more meis in a party.
This game has its hooks into me, and as somebody who has never been into multiplayer games at all, I'm surprised at how much insane fun I'm having with it. Just finished a match on Ilios where a Roadhog was set up at the capture point, hooking people and pulling them down into the pit. Only I was playing as Lucio and, just by instinct, I started wall-running on the side of the well and jumped right back up into the action. The grin on my face afterward... man, I love this game.
So my go to's right now are.
I'm getting into Lucio now, he's pretty awesome. I think I like him more than Mercy as far as healing. Being able to heal everyone around you is nice, as is his speed boost.So my go to's right now are.
This was a very solid team build.