Solo climbed from 1580 to 2069. The journey to GM continues.
Solo climbed from 1580 to 2069. The journey to GM continues.
Heyyyyy we won 4 games, that's a lot?Owzers, my friend and I won the next two games
You and me just shouldn't play 3v3
Heyyyyy we won 4 games, that's a lot?
Overheard in Comp game - "Give me Soldier back or I'm going to throw" - person who took Soldier wisely left team chat.
The guy who wanted Soldier back took Widow but we won anyway even with solo Zen, 1 tank, and Hanzo/Widow
In my experience game quality increases with SR, except that it takes a nosedive from mid-diamond to early master by virtue of being the resting place of most smurfs and one tricks.You don't want to be up there. It's full of one tricks and the games aren't fun.
In my experience game quality increases with SR, except that it takes a nosedive from mid-diamond to early master by virtue of being the resting place of most smurfs and one tricks.
My duo plays at around 3800. Most of our games are good. I've been matched above 4k plenty of times and the only macro difference I've noticed is that the Sym otps don't use teleporter on KotH. The game quality is about the same, with the main factor being the combination of available heroes to both teams.The only good games are the ones that are 4000+. Masters level games are some of the worst games I've ever seen. Most of the time it's just one-sided stomps.
Any indication as to when they're putting the new map in?
I just earned an anniversary box this AM. Didn't the event end yesterday?
I did that over the weekend. Hovering at low 2000s right now and trying to make it into plat.Solo climbed from 1580 to 2069. The journey to GM continues.
I need a new map and Reaper buff update to play overwatch tonight.
You don't want to be up there. It's full of one tricks and the games aren't fun.
I do have a lot of experience when it comes to tanks dying.You'll be the designated Tank killer. You must now kill your own kind.
How long before they actually kill the event and double xp?
In my experience game quality increases with SR, except that it takes a nosedive from mid-diamond to early master by virtue of being the resting place of most smurfs and one tricks.
I've got a 5 hour wait queue. No idea what's up.Err, why do I have a 533 minute wait to join the Blizzard servers?! The fuck?
Edit: 7000 minutes now. Awesome.
Maybe two seasons ago the games were good. Not my experience this season. People have learned how to manipulate the SR system into giving them more SR than they deserve. Perfect example is a player named Dimes on PC. Dimes is a good player, I've played against him many times. He's been one-tricking Sombra this season and has a 40% winrate. Now you would think he should be losing SR for not winning games, but that's not the case. He's been slowly climbing and now sits right around 4300.
My duo plays at around 3800. Most of our games are good. I've been matched above 4k plenty of times and the only macro difference I've noticed is that the Sym otps don't use teleporter on KotH. The game quality is about the same, with the main factor being the combination of available heroes to both teams.
Err, why do I have a 533 minute wait to join the Blizzard servers?! The fuck?
Edit: 7000 minutes now. Awesome.
I've actually always wondered that: how do people with losing overall game percentages gain SR? They're just gaining more than they lose? I gain and lose right about 25 SR, so it evens out for me.
I've actually always wondered that: how do people with losing overall game percentages gain SR? They're just gaining more than they lose? I gain and lose right about 25 SR, so it evens out for me.
I've actually always wondered that: how do people with losing overall game percentages gain SR? They're just gaining more than they lose? I gain and lose right about 25 SR, so it evens out for me.