Wolfenstein is awesome, one of the best FPS experiences this gen. I can't wait for the sequel this year.
Ive had it for a while and it seems fun, but the sound mixing is so damn off putting to me.
Wolfenstein is awesome, one of the best FPS experiences this gen. I can't wait for the sequel this year.
I didn't play QP for months and I decided to play it a little just to relax before going to work and wtf, it's so bad and so toxic that comp looks like a paradise in comparaison... like wtf.
I don't get it, it's not about trying hard or else but just playing the game decently, there is no point making terrible comp that gets destroyed in 3 minutes top chrono, people prefer to leave the game then switching for something decent, that's terrible, if casual people just get the game and launch it for the first time, they'll be disgust for the game in no time... I know we can't fix this but that's why Overwatch popularity is decreasing massively, the community is really bad.
I didn't play QP for months and I decided to play it a little just to relax before going to work and wtf, it's so bad and so toxic that comp looks like a paradise in comparaison... like wtf.
I don't get it, it's not about trying hard or else but just playing the game decently, there is no point making terrible comp that gets destroyed in 3 minutes top chrono, people prefer to leave the game then switching for something decent, that's terrible, if casual people just get the game and launch it for the first time, they'll be disgust for the game in no time... I know we can't fix this but that's why Overwatch popularity is decreasing massively, the community is really bad.
Great! I won!
Great! I lost!
Great! I won!
Great! I lost!
I swear this game hates me.
I don't understand - if I'm going to get flamed for being shit at my character in comp, and I'm apparently a bane to the game for trying to learn the character in QP, where the hell am I supposed to practice?
The firing range isn't a good substitute other than learning some basics.
I got placed high bronze/low silver. It was always double support with bad aiming lol. But as I was making my way to plat. Double support slowly started disappearing because everyone was dps or tanks or torb.When did double support start for you? I rarely saw it in low gold, and never in high silver.
I don't understand - if I'm going to get flamed for being shit at my character in comp, and I'm apparently a bane to the game for trying to learn the character in QP, where the hell am I supposed to practice?
The firing range isn't a good substitute other than learning some basics.
You ignore them. People cry all the time regardless of what you do. Awkward mufuckas in this game breh lol
Honestly unless you are in very high tiers good understanding of the character will always be better than comp picks (within reason).I'm all for good comp listening to teammates and all,
But when people pressure me to switch from Roadhog to Reinhardt I will switch to Reinhardt and we will lose. Same for Mercy, but in a less dramatic way.
You sometimes gotta understand people mostly play competitive to win and if I play a good Reinhardt I would've chosen him instead of Roadhog. I got 3 hate messages after I was forced to pick Reinhard and lost the match for us. It happened a few times.
Sometimes a better comp doesn't mean anything.
I'm all for good comp listening to teammates and all,
But when people pressure me to switch from Roadhog to Reinhardt I will switch to Reinhardt and we will lose. Same for Mercy, but in a less dramatic way.
You sometimes gotta understand people mostly play competitive to win and if I play a good Reinhardt I would've chosen him instead of Roadhog. I got 3 hate messages after I was forced to pick Reinhard and lost the match for us. It happened a few times.
Sometimes a better comp doesn't mean anything.
Hey guys, pretty new Overwatch player here on ps4, lvl 24. I'm getting a LC-202 error for the first time. I was recommended checking my Blizzard connection via Looking Glass and I'm getting a 100% packet loss. Now I can't even load the test anymore (through the console browser). My connection isn't super fast and is technically acting a bit weird but the ps4 connection test shows up fine and I've restarted the router, not to mention typing this on my phone. Problem on my end or no?
Last I checked you were somewhere in the lower end of plat. Trust me on this: The sooner you realize that the path of least resistance at that level is to instalock whatever DPS/tank you're best at, the better.I get that, & ideally, you can observe the intricacies of your team and still choose something that will benefit from it. But that's not always clear, and it's an exercise in frustration when you have to be with a team that doesn't care for objectives or working together, and will instead will be running off in all directions or throwing the match. It's even more so (pre-Dive Comp) that people will bitch at me for switching to Zarya or D.Va from Reinhardt, despite none of them knowing why Reinhardt is a good tank and are asking for one "because the pro's use him".
The fact that this is even an issue is rather frustrating. Overwatch provides a wide variety of heroes with all sorts of abilities to contribute to the team's goal of winning the match, and yet the majority of players still rush to pick DPS/Flankers in their endless quest to get Play of the Game.
And DPS/Flankers without awareness are never fun to tank/support.
How can people play comp. without the kill feed on...I feel like it should be on by default in competitive play.
Tons of ps4 players have no idea it's even a thing somehow.
How can people play comp. without the kill feed on...I feel like it should be on by default in competitive play.
Tons of ps4 players have no idea it's even a thing somehow.
Just bought Wolfenstein on sale for $10 too.
We'll see if that's any good.
Tomorrow is the day of Roadhog and Reaper changes(plus the new map) right?
Mcreaper shippers are readyYup, prepare for Reapers and McCrees everywhere.
It is mindboggling to me that the kill feed is off by default. I was reminded of it when I made my second account recently.
Eichenwalde wasn'ti assume new map will be locked from comp for a week? i only played that map maybe twice. probably should play more to know the ins and outs of it considering i got loss somehow lol.
i assume new map will be locked from comp for a week? i only played that map maybe twice. probably should play more to know the ins and outs of it considering i got loss somehow lol.
It has worked fine for a couple of week until todayThe packet loss thing is normal. Can you check your modem logs? For me the isp had to come out and do a lot of work; turns out a lot of other people were having problems as well. I think it was interference in the lines or something. Good luck!
It is mindboggling to me that the kill feed is off by default. I was reminded of it when I made my second account recently.
I'm hoping that that Mercy gets a nerf tomorrow. Either to Ult gain or possibly a slight revert of her health regen delay to 2 seconds instead of 1 like it in now.
How is your second account doing? I'm always tempted to make a second one to see if Kaplan's talk of "settling" at your actual rank is true or not.
I kind of want to min/max it too. Play a role like Tank / DPS, don't flex pick, etc.
Just to see if I can get Diamond that way.
I'm hoping that that Mercy gets a nerf tomorrow. Either to Ult gain or possibly a slight revert of her health regen delay to 2 seconds instead of 1 like it in now.
Eichenwalde wasn't
Oasis wasn't
It placed at 2300 and I got it to 3100 in 3 days playing Sombra and Soldier76.