Got a "Sharpshooter" highlight with junk
Same. I usually get Lifesaver or something, but this is the first time seeing Sharpshooter with trashmouse.
Got a "Sharpshooter" highlight with junk
Yeah, it's a little disheartening at times seeing heroes decimate the team you're on when they should have been nullified by a Junkrat. It reminds me of TF2's glory days on Engineer chokeholds or even being blocked by a great Heavy/Soldier & Medic duo. All it takes it a few blind tubes in perfect areas from a capable Demo that can destroy the position or synergy and the team moves on.
The technical term refers to when you go back to playing overwatch again late at night when you already played earlier that night, typically 8pm est overwatch then 11pm Latewatch.What's "latewatch"? Damn kids with your fancy words.
Somehow managed to lose against a team that had no fuckin tanks
That feel when you've got a good comp in the select screen, but everyone is f tier at positioning/game awareness with no noticeable time played on that character.
This will happen if people try to flex but it's not heroes they normally play.
Depends on what characters other people are playing. She can be alright if there's a lot of genji's, mcree's and soldiers aroundMan. Zarya is completely useless in Deathmatch.
In seventeen hours of FFA Deathmatch "play" I can recall seeing a Zarya exactly once.Man. Zarya is completely useless in Deathmatch.
Depends on what characters other people are playing. She can be alright if there's a lot of genji's, mcree's and soldiers around
Got a "Sharpshooter" highlight with junk
Season 6 being complete trash and Destiny 2 avoidance has me messing with DOTA 2 again.
But yeah I can't play OW comp solo anymore.
Destiny 2 awaits
Season 6 being complete trash and Destiny 2 avoidance has me messing with DOTA 2 again.
But yeah I can't play OW comp solo anymore.
I won a game yesterday without tanks.
Saw this in Reddit. Is it missing anything?
Should put mercy one trick in tthe centre.
Nothing makes me feel better than spawn camping a Mercy. They get so pissed, but what the fuck else can you do to prevent the team rez?
Are losing streaks still a thing in overwatch comp? Like, if you lose several times in a row do you lose more SR each time? Or did that get fixed?
Streak bonuses are effectively gone since I think it takes a lot of wins in rows for it to kick in now.
I really wouldn't mind people who left competitive if it didn't fuck your skill rating. It still makes no sense from Blizzard. Their excuse is garbage and they should feel bad trying to convince people it's a good thing.Lose, lose, win (but only because they had a leaver), lose
Anyone know what the next event is? Halloween?
Two questions- Do console players find it impossible to get Play of the Game with Ana? I have near 70 hours with her and can count on one hand how many times I've got it and I've seen some fucking awful POTGs from other characters.
Anyone know what the next event is? Halloween?
Thanksgiving. Gobble Gobble Winston, Turkey Cutting Genji, Pioneer Soldier
Not talking about winning streaks, talking about LOSING streaks, where you used to lose more and more sr for when you lost games in a row. Are those still a thing?
I think it also applies to losses as well. I remember they took away the bonus for both sides so you don't drop like a rock and you don't rise too quickly.
Okay, so can we agree that season 6 is fucking awful?
I know it just started and everything, but I'm pretty amazed at how bad my games have been.
Is it just me being really unlucky or is it others?
Even on PC, I don't get many POTG as Ana. My last one was ult our Zarya as she Ulted alongside the other team's Zarya Ulting, Hitting the grenade on both sides and getting a full clip off.
But a shit load of POTG are thanks to me. Two of my last three games was ulting a player and supporting them the entire way through it.
I told you guys to quit solo q and duo at minimum if you want a better time.
Okay, so can we agree that season 6 is fucking awful?
I know it just started and everything, but I'm pretty amazed at how bad my games have been.
Is it just me being really unlucky or is it others?
Nah. I've had some idiots in my games, but just the fact that the game finally placed me in Platinum after I've had to work my way into it since season 2 makes this season better than most.
Plus with Junkertown and the DVa and Mercy changes incoming, the meta for this season should be pretty fun.