A Torb who knows where to place his turrets or a good Widow?
Good widow is such a rarity compared to a half decent Tracer. I'm pretty hesitant to put a Torb turret on payload attack.
A Torb who knows where to place his turrets or a good Widow?
Good widow is such a rarity compared to a half decent Tracer. I'm pretty hesitant to put a Torb turret on payload attack.
Mei can counter them, but she's not good in this current meta.
Reinhardt isn't a sneaky character, but I legit felt like a ninja with this Earthshatter: https://gfycat.com/ArtisticEmbellishedFlycatcher.
No idea what the other Rein was doing though.
Mei doesn't counter Tracer
Tracer's exclusive complete control of the map makes sure of that.
Odd, I've only seen Tracer like twice in 25 games so far. I always feel like both 76 and McCree counter her pretty well, and I feel like at least 1 of those is required for every comp right now.
So, by extension, Tracer doesn't have a traditional hard counter?
Reinhardt isn't a sneaky character, but I legit felt like a ninja with this Earthshatter: https://gfycat.com/ArtisticEmbellishedFlycatcher.
No idea what the other Rein was doing though.
So, by extension, Tracer doesn't have a traditional hard counter?
better to just fire strike and swing at first and not charge until they are about to stand up. you lose lots of damage potential by insta charging
So, by extension, Tracer doesn't have a traditional hard counter?
I fucking hate this mobility meta. Tracer cancer in every fucking match. How do you counter a good tracer? It feels like you need and overblown amount of pure skill on my (counter's) part to outplay a good tracer. We need a tracer counter ASAP who can demolish tracer with the same ease and consistency as Reaper can demolish Winston. Tracer needs a reliable shut down button/character.
I was actually just complaining about map design the other day with my friends after a comp match.
The bulk of the map design is just a variation of the same thing. Fun fight zones that lead into really infuriating choke points that either stall the game until one team coordinates their ults better than the other or simply let the team that's winning win harder.
I've lately just been switching to widow for the choke portions of the match because getting 2 picks quickly within 5 seconds of each other is honestly more beneficial than 50% of what the other characters can do. 2 dead enemies either completely stops a push from happening, or opens us up to do a super strong potentially round winning push.It's a shame that I can't ever pick widow unless i'm queued with almost a full group or SOMEONE on my team will throw a hissy fit guaranteed
So, by extension, Tracer doesn't have a traditional hard counter?
the closest things are mcree and hog and those are exclusively on a 10 and 8 second cooldown
sombra would be a good choice too but tracers ridiculous fire rate and reload speed makes it pretty easy to outrange her or interrupt her
Odd, I've only seen Tracer like twice in 25 games so far. I always feel like both 76 and McCree counter her pretty well, and I feel like at least 1 of those is required for every comp right now.
Yeah, and she seriously needs one. Not for meta or any of that shit, but to make the game universally more likeable and tolerable for everyone. As it is right now, if the enemy team decides that they don't want Winston in the game, they can do that. Pick reaper and the enemy will switch off Winston. I want an equivalent for Tracer, someone who doesn't have to be good with this mystery character in order to shut down borderline godlike Tracers.
You have 5 games, W/L/D to get back to the previous rank minimum.
If you start popping off as Zen, you know there is a Tracer and/or Sombra in your immediate future, and it is gonna suuuuck.
I feel a shiver run down my spine everytime I'm playing Zen and hear the Sombra uncloaking sound, you know that she's gunning for the easy target.
With Tracer you have a chance of popping her due to the low health, something about Sombra though feels tougher to hit and the gun just keeps on going and going, you think you'll be spared on the last dredges of health by it reloading but it never reloads until you're dead.
And if you survive she'll be back from wherever the heck behind enemy lines her current translocator spot is.
Worst of all, your team are unaware of this horror story unfolding in the backlines.
Oh and her ult is like one big middle finger to Zen.
... Unless you have Torb armor.
Seriously, I love Torb as Zen.
also hey look at that doomfist hitbox nerf was completely unnecessary and they're already reverted it
its almost like they only show restraint some of the time with some of the heroes
Is it 5 games after you've already gone below your rank, or does it count the one that took you there? I had 3 losses in a row which put me below my rank, so I'm wondering if I have 2 or 3 games to get out. Not sure if I can do it anyway though.
It's amazing how much Torb armor can ruin Sombra and Winston's damage output.
In general Torb is an asset as Zen, you may not be able to rely on people to watch your back but you can rely on machines!
I feel a shiver run down my spine everytime I'm playing Zen and hear the Sombra uncloaking sound, you know that she's gunning for the easy target.
With Tracer you have a chance of popping her due to the low health, something about Sombra though feels tougher to hit and the gun just keeps on going and going, you think you'll be spared on the last dredges of health by it reloading but it never reloads until you're dead.
And if you survive she'll be back from wherever the heck behind enemy lines her current translocator spot is.
Worst of all, your team are unaware of this horror story unfolding in the backlines.
Oh and her ult is like one big middle finger to Zen.
... Unless you have Torb armor.
Seriously, I love Torb as Zen.
That's a good point, and I love my Torbs, but I see them so infrequently on Attack, when I need that armor most.
New Clip Show! Sometimes I play Mercy.
And sometimes I go full Battle Mercy and do really shitty rezzes.
From my experience, so long as the team works with the Torbjorn player (and said player knows how to play the class), he can be pretty viable on Attack.
As someone who doesn't know how to properly use Mercy, those are some nice plays. Bonus points for waving at your victims when you kill them.
New Clip Show! Sometimes I play Mercy.
And sometimes I go full Battle Mercy and do really shitty rezzes.
From my experience, so long as the team works with the Torbjorn player (and said player knows how to play the class), he can be pretty viable on Attack.
As someone who doesn't know how to properly use Mercy, those are some nice plays. Bonus points for waving at your victims when you kill them.
You totally died to that Roadhog (just after the cut at 1:40-ish), right?
I know it's not a popular opinion, but I love Mercy's Summer Games outfit from this year. The two SG skins are probably my favorites for her.
Nice work! I will never show this to my Battle Mercy-wannabe daughter, but I enjoyed it.
Thank you!
I'll be honest, I do think Winged Victory is her best legendary, but I still think her base skin is actually her coolest looking skin >.<
As to the Roadhog, I was just gonna' say "yes I did!" 'cause I thought 1:40ish was when I went off the jumppad and got the McCree and Tracer (1:28 ish and yes he did, he was behind me the whole time!), but the one at 1:36... well, I couldn't remember so I checked and...
The short version is yes, but there's a long version. That vid includes the McCree/Tracer double just before he gets me from behind, the video's cuts up to the Sombra pick in front of the Hog at 1:36, and what follows.
It's the same Sombra I have an awkward extended duel with later. We had something special.