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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


Nothing is worse than being neck-deep in a really close escort match with ults dropping all over the place and your fucking "rendering device has been lost." Goddammit, I need to fix this stupid shit.


playing quickplay at all when deathmatch exists :thinking:

I know, but I actually LIKE the base overwatch game and how it's objective based. I just wish I didn't have to play it with other people.

Besides, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to train with certain other characters in Deathmatch. Like Ana. I guess it will improve my mechanical skills, but doesn't she need to learn how to play within a team?


I know, but I actually LIKE the base overwatch game and how it's objective based. I just wish I didn't have to play it with other people.

Besides, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to train with certain other characters in Deathmatch. Like Ana. I guess it will improve my mechanical skills, but doesn't she need to learn how to play within a team?

I would just play comp, possibly losing some sr is preferable over the torture of quickplay.


I would just play comp, possibly losing some sr is preferable over the torture of quickplay.

I would 100% agree with this if not for 2 things:

1. Gaining SR is a lot harder than losing it

2. Even if not, it feels like a dick move to practice a hero your unfamiliar because you're not just losing SR, your whole team is. One bad player can cost the entire game and it feels selfish and unfair to go in with a "I'm getting mine, fuck y'all" attitude.


"I've said mean things on the internet" - Jeff Kaplan

"Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of an encounter can go fuck themselves. Do me a favor so I don't waste my guild's time on this kind of jackass shit-fest again, send me an email at [email protected] when you decide to A) Implement an encounter that wasn't designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle A.)Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the fucking thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your asses. While you're at it rename the game to BetaQuest since you've used up you're alotted false advertising karma on the Bazaar and user interface scam of '01.Fix the Emperor encounter. Fix Seru. Rethink your time-sink bullshit. Fix all the buggy motherfucking ring encounters (I suggest you let whoever made the Burrower one do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix the VT key quest. Fix VT (just guessing it's fucked up considering your track record). Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Planes of Power team over to fixing Shadows of Luclin AND DO IT NOW. If you don't fix Luclin, you jackassess will be the only ones playing the Planes of Power."

- Jeff, early 2000's

He's getting a taste of his own medicine now. It's pretty funny.
The timing of this

Most random Reinhardt players I come across are pure ass.

Why are you standing at the choke at full health with your shield up while the rest of the team is fighting on the point.



Most random Reinhardt players I come across are pure ass.

Why are you standing at the choke at full health with your shield up while the rest of the team is fighting on the point.


I had a match a couple weeks ago where I was playing Zarya and I had grab up. I check with my team as we are respawning to see who I could sync my ultimate with and the Solider on my team has his up.

What does the Solider do? He sprints ahead of me and uses his ultimate and dies pretty much instantly. What did I do in life to deserve to play with this kind of stupidity in Overwatch?


Excited for the mercy rework considering I'm usually the one having to heal and other people will naturally start picking her.

Not excited for the shitty players who try her for the first time in comp and end up flying off the map.
is this when they drop the mercy changes? i hope so.

Influx of new players into a big brewing pot of toxicity.

aren't they locked out from rank anyways? if they are new they still have to get to lvl 25 (if rank isn't locked)

Ran into this yesterday while unintentionally helping an internet friend up to diamond. Fortunately the couple golds we ran into did ok, my friend's Mercy is on point, and my Orisa is more and more dominant every day.

I'd suggest duo q'ing.

i rather duo if they are 500sr apart. not rank or 2 or so apart.


Blizzard's community has been toxic since day 1 though.

To be honest, I don't think it got toxic till Competitive was put in the game. I don't remember people getting triggered over hero picks when it was only Quick play. I may be an outlier though. Competitive has been toxic since Day 1 for sure.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
To be honest, I don't think it got toxic till Competitive was put in the game. I don't remember people getting triggered over hero picks when it was only Quick play. I may be an outlier though. Competitive has been toxic since Day 1 for sure.



NeoGAF's smiling token!
Do people still feel this way? His ult is really easy to shut down now...and all it takes is a well timed Lucio boop when he has no dash reset to make it a complete waste.

Getting a 2+ kill Blade without a grav combo takes quite a bit of skill at Master and above at least.
Sure, if he doesn't open up on support and if you're speaking purely in a vacuum. Otherwise, he can open up with Swift Strike+melee, pop his ult, re-Swift Strike. Now granted I'm being salty, but he's such a cheap encounter for Zen and yes there are ways to mitigate dealing with him, using cover, baiting him towards allies, baiting deflect, etc, it's not one bit enjoyable though and I'll just echo this sentiment:
He just overall has such a large and good kit. I have under 1h as genji and when in the once blue moon I decide to pick him I can do some serious fucking harm to the enemy team with my piss poor Genji skills. He is clearly designed to be the kind of hero that has a super lot of potential if one takes the time to master him. I feel like most other characters in the game aren't like that and thus I think Genji doesn't gel well with the others because of that. I think it's true you have to kind of overpower the other less skill based characters in order for them to be able to compete with such characters.
And sure Blizzard could re-kit the less viable heroes, but they have weird ideas about that and I hate mobile get out of jail free bullshit and Genji's is right up there with Winston's while having a much smaller hitbox.


I didn't play the overwatch beta, but was Genji that weak at 150 health?

Genji feels like his evasion abilities might be good enough that he should have a lower health pool, but if that's failed catastrophically before, then let me know.


Sure, if he doesn't open up on support and if you're speaking purely in a vacuum. Otherwise, he can open up with Swift Strike+melee, pop his ult, re-Swift Strike. Now granted I'm being salty, but he's such a cheap encounter for Zen and yes there are ways to mitigate dealing with him, using cover, baiting him towards allies, baiting deflect, etc, it's not one bit enjoyable though and I'll just echo this sentiment:
And sure Blizzard could re-kit the less viable heroes, but they have weird ideas about that and I hate mobile get out of jail free bullshit and Genji's is right up there with Winston's while having a much smaller hitbox.

i agree with this only because i play on console where if I'm not the main one shooting at him he wont die because no one can hit him. Ditto for Tracer but that is manageable at least


I had a match a couple weeks ago where I was playing Zarya and I had grab up. I check with my team as we are respawning to see who I could sync my ultimate with and the Solider on my team has his up.

What does the Solider do? He sprints ahead of me and uses his ultimate and dies pretty much instantly. What did I do in life to deserve to play with this kind of stupidity in Overwatch?
Why would you combo zarya's ult with soldier's ult? You do more damage by just headshotting whatever is in grav.


I didn't play the overwatch beta, but was Genji that weak at 150 health?

Genji feels like his evasion abilities might be good enough that he should have a lower health pool, but if that's failed catastrophically before, then let me know.

Sure, we can drop Genji down to 150 HP. But can we bring his shuriken damage back up and make his Swift Strike do 80 damage again?


Genji during launch isn't the same genji he is now.If you want that 150 HP you might as well add back his advantages while were here

Yall can't have it both ways. We saw that with Hog.


But Roadhog has "no ways".

What advantages did Genji used to have?
for the most part his maneuverability had even less problems with stuff like junkrat his along with his damage lightly higher and ult was 2-3 seconds longer

the hog thing was basically them taking and not actually giving him anything in return until the health stuff
Do people still feel this way? His ult is really easy to shut down now...and all it takes is a well timed Lucio boop when he has no dash reset to make it a complete waste.

Getting a 2+ kill Blade without a grav combo takes quite a bit of skill at Master and above at least.
P sure like a tiny forwards movement after a boop will put genji back in blade range, it's really long



Yeah, I couldn't believe it myself that Genji had the same health pool as Tracer (among other things) during the games beta. It makes me wonder if most of the pro players would be fine if the development team would revert back to those changes for Genji.

Genji during launch isn't the same genji he is now.If you want that 150 HP you might as well add back his advantages while were here

Yall can't have it both ways. We saw that with Hog.

And we all know what happened. He's a useless lump now.
Maybe 180 health for Genji but even I as an rather outspoken "fuck Genji" player think that 150 would be too low for him.
A lot of my gripes with Genji come from a bunch of small things piled on top of one another so health was never really something I thought about.


I finally won me a deathmatch with Orisa, her tool set catches a number of folks off guard.
I think Genji is fine on PC where you actually have some precision with aiming, so you can flash/helix around deflect. On console there's none of that you'll have a harder time against him.

I am all for 150 health on console because of that.
I would be fine if they just got rid of all the babying they do for Genji. Smaller reflect hitbox, losing ult if you die during its start-up, needing to do more than just tap a person to reset dash if they end up dying.

Or keep all that and just give the fool normal movement speed.


Genji has no self healing mechanic and is ability based hero, I don't understand the problem you just play around his abilities and if he isn't getting pocketed he is feeding. Pretty simple.

I just think people still even now panic when a genji gets in their face.
Genji has no self healing mechanic and is ability based hero, I don't understand the problem you just play around his abilities and if he isn't getting pocketed he is feeding. Pretty simple.

I just think people still even now panic when a genji gets in their face.

Is he in my face?

Or on my head?

Maybe behind me now?

Oh, now he went behind that wall...see you soon, Genji, in another disorienting encounter.
Genji has no self healing mechanic and is ability based hero, I don't understand the problem you just play around his abilities and if he isn't getting pocketed he is feeding. Pretty simple.

I just think people still even now panic when a genji gets in their face.
You can wait for deflect to run out, but as soon as you do any decent Genji will just dash, melee you to death or jump, dash out of there.

Maybe I am missing something.
To be honest, I don't think it got toxic till Competitive was put in the game. I don't remember people getting triggered over hero picks when it was only Quick play. I may be an outlier though. Competitive has been toxic since Day 1 for sure.

It started creeping in on it's own after a while. Around the time people started getting their first prestige stars. I remember the first time I got mega flamed by this McCree because I was struggling a bit on Widow. He was one of those 20 eliminations 19 fan the hammer McCrees that never left clicked on anybody back when McCree was a "combo" hero. He roasted me for having like a 100 hours on the game and bein bad. At that time I was splitting all my hero usage evenly and only had a few hours on everybody. He on the other hand had 80 hours but put 40 on McCree and the other on genji and never touched anybody else. Sometimes I wonder what happened to that dude after the fan the hammer change.


Drop Genji down to 150hp??? That would make him the worst hero in the game.

Rickenslacker man... lmao

His reloading is so much faster during his Ultimate. It's worth using during it.

I'm one of the few that champions that combo. I've seen it happen in top 500 so there is definitely merit to it.


I don't think Genji is a problem as unlike most characters, there's multiple direct, easy-to-play counters to him in the form of Mei, Winston and Zarya.

I agree with Winston and Zarya, but I don't know about Mei. She's far from a counter to Genji. If anything, a Genji player with half a brain knows how to deal with a Mei player.
3-2 today. made it to season high at 2765. but finished the night at 2745.

also. i turned down the wrong aim setting. LOL should have read it again. i was turning off aim ease instead of aim smoothing.


Why do ana's keep nanoboosting me as D.Va?

The extra damage is appreciated, but it makes me a huge target and I don't exactly have a lot of range/options (yet) and I could be DMing the team.

On the other hand, I know I said it yesterday, but it bears repeating:


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