That's great on them. *Scarcastic Thumbs Up*
Just saying you can't call it a lottery when it's been proven not to be
Shit on me for being elitist and rank shaming or whatever it is I do, but I'm gonna call out that nonsense notion.
That's great on them. *Scarcastic Thumbs Up*
They'd have to add Roadhog to the game, like with Genji and D.Va, and that's not gonna happen since a "pull with a hook" hero is already in.oh god its gonna be a hots skin
When I joined a few Gaffers who were in Gold and played with a majority of Gold players, the lack of game sense and trickling was just bewildering.
It's not that hard to believe, imo. Gold games are complete trash tier for the most part.
You can either pick the 5th (or in some cases 6th) dps and attempt to carry and lose, or you can pick tank/heals and have your team scatter like roaches.
He can't even see the enemy soldier.
His laugh is pretty funny at least. I never watched his streams though, too many players already.
Yup. 5643 got it right with his "...scatter like cockroaches." simile. I feel like I have to be very active on mic every Gold comp game, otherwise it's like I'm back coaching peewee soccer- everyone is either off looking at flowers and bugs or in a herd chasing the ball.
And for the love of god, TURN ON YOUR KILL FEED! I swear, a lot of trickling down here happens because people have literally no clue who is alive or dead on either team.
You think they would alt tab and Google it
That was pretty great. His streams are fun...unless you catch him in a bad moment I'm not sure how he can be taken as toxic. He has a bit of arrogance as most top players too, but nothing too bad.
Also easily some of the most entertaining hitscan gameplay. His McCree is insane, even compared to most other pros.
"what is this shit"
"I like riddles"
these clips are hilarious and the over the top music makes it perfect might have to watch the stream tonight lol
you would think a Mercy main would get that one
Isn't the kill feed being on the default? Why would someone actively turn it off?
It was off during the beta, but I thought they turned it on when the game released.It is off by default (unless they changed it recently), which is baffling to me.
I think Overwatch might be the first FPS I've ever played that had the killfeed off by default and I've been playing them since Wolfenstein 3D. It's baffling.It was off during the beta, but I thought they turned it on when the game released.
Something something visual clutter, don't want to overwhelm new players with informations.I think Overwatch might be the first FPS I've ever played that had the killfeed off by default and I've been playing them since Wolfenstein 3D. It's baffling.
It was off during the beta, but I thought they turned it on when the game released.
I've been a huge moon fan since he began streaming, sub for 16 months, god sub currently, etc, but he is a pretty trash at hitscan..any time I see him playing McCree I can't help but think he's unintentionally throwing. Go look at actual good hitscan players, like IDDQD or Calvin, for comparison.
Isn't the kill feed being on the default? Why would someone actively turn it off?
It was on by default when I created my alt months ago, can't remember if it was when I bought the game.
Wait...did you think I was talking about MoonMoon? I was talking about IDDQD.
It was off by default on both PS4 and on PC.
It was off, I can confirm when I picked up the PC one.
Dumb decision, bet a lot of people still have that shit off. Like allies health bar too.
Dumb decision, bet a lot of people still have that shit off. Like allies health bar too.
Next week.Is junkertown in rank rotation?
Next week.
The more I play Junkertown, the more I like it. All 3 of its areas are pretty unique in how you approach them, though I do think think I've seen a defense hold on point b once.
Mercy just got a gun buff use itme, solo healing and dead
Junkrat, standing in view of my now clearly labeled respawn countdown: "need healing! need healing!"
Next week.
The more I play Junkertown, the more I like it. All 3 of its areas are pretty unique in how you approach them, though I do think think I've seen a defense hold on point b once.
Mercy just got a gun buff use it
on your team
I can't stop getting duplicates since latest (Junkertwon) patch. I think they went back to old lootboxes, lol.
I sometimes look forward to these more than the official update videos.
what do you mean sometimes?
the only reason to look forward to dev updates are because of these
Sombra's highlight intro hack should always be on the enemy team
feelsbadman for my team building
That's great on them. *Scarcastic Thumbs Up*
I didn't mean it as in saying I hated Jeff just thst dino VIDS are greatI mean just that. I like listening to what Jeff has to say, but I also like the fact that this dude can twist Jeff's words into something that's giggle-worthy.
Games below masters are easy wins most of the time assuming you are masters or higher.
Who says that console doesn't dictate the meta?BLOG SQUAD
Who says that console doesn't dictate the meta?
The only thing that can go wrong with this is a junkrat trap and Owzers on rein.
No way. If you're a good player, getting out of anything gold or under doesn't take too much effort if you're great with a hero or two. Once you start getting into plat, you have to start flexing to offset bad teamplay. People at this level usually have decent accuracy and can do well, but the teamwork doesn't always coalesce. Once you hit diamond, the teamwork is better, and it starts becoming more a battle of just how good each of the people are at their heroes.
Haven't hit masters yet, which I'm sure has its own issues. I would never classify anything in plat or diamond as an easy win unless you just happen to be paired with a good/great team. I'd say that happens in plat 20% of the time and diamond is 50/50 or less.
Or when he plays Soldier: 76 with a different skin.