My initial impression of Horizon is that it sucks.
Keep playing. Once you get past the Proving the map really opens up.
My initial impression of Horizon is that it sucks.
2900 something, but I'm a little out of practise after been away for 2 months so expect I'll place lowerGood luck in your placements. What did you finish last season?
I...holy shit...ok I wonder if this works on ps4
Thanks for all the healer posts, I learned a lotI found the Mercy Pharah combo on my own actually, thought I was being clever :lol Switching to Mercy have turned so many losses into victories so far. Gonna have to get back on the Zenyatta train though, sounds like fun now!
Tank meta needs to save us again with it's greatnessReaper meta.
Moon map sucks.
I don't know about this patch, guys.
Wait what happened to Zen?
I was able to try something similar with my XBO controller with the PC version, & people lost their minds that a "console scrub is wrecking them".I...holy shit...ok I wonder if this works on ps4
Keep playing. Once you get past the Proving the map really opens up.
Didn't work for me at all. Oh well I guess.I was able to try something similar with my XBO controller with the PC version, & people lost their minds that a "console scrub is wrecking them".
I'm sure you can produce similar results with the console versions.
I liked Season 4. It's better than... whatever this is.Tank meta needs to save us again with it's greatness
whats wrong with the golden lootbox? no dupes and guaranteed legendary.
jesus christ do they even pay attention to ptr, this was posted 11 days ago and has almost 500k views
really between hog, reaper, the new map and my "golden" lootbox all being shitty today plus burnout from the event (and only getting 1 skin lmao) I'm the closest to uninstalling I've been since I got the game
Whoa. Bizarrely good luck with my golden loot box. I opened it and I got... 4 new items! Not a single duplicate. This is remarkable considering I'm over level 700! I don't think I've had a non-seasonal box with all new items since the first few months of the game. The new items are about what you'd expect though: Legendary Sombra skin + 2 Sombra sprays + a common Orisa skin.
It just makes it more disappointingMap is kinda meh. Content drip on new maps has been far too slow, and this was not worth the wait.
That's by design. The box is not supposed to give you any dupes afaik. Unless you have everything in the game somehow, then the universe just breaks i guess.
Indeed. Guess I'm putting the game down for a while, again. The lack of any meaningful updates has been very disappointing. Overwatch is a one-trick-pony in a lot of regards, so there isn't much they can add beyond maps and new characters. With the way they've been handling events, I'm not really feeling compelled to do anything when there isn't one running. A new map in what is probably my most disliked category is something I can pass on for now.Map is kinda meh. Content drip on new maps has been far too slow, and this was not worth the wait.
Ive played like 6 or 7 games on the new map so far and still queuing up for more
Honestly, first point looks and feels like a Halo map. 2nd point is like... well... whatever
This map would be absolutely fantastic if it were a Team Deathmatch map, but unfortunatey its 2cp. I dont really have any clue of where youd want to hold as a defender except on the point itself. Im curious to see how the players work out how to attack it or defend it. Lots of areas seem superfluous and im not sure why I would even walk in those directions
Ugh, can't believe I had to endure 10 games of that awful HoTS to get them and you can just buy them now.
Woohoo, Goth Zarya from Golden lootbox. Lmao
This is the opposite of my experience. Nobody seemed to have a clue what to do on defense; I had a very close 22 minute 4-3 where almost the entire game was spent contesting B.Played 5-6 times on the new map
-never won on attack
-never lost on defend
On defend that choke on the first point is so good with sniper/torb/shield your team can just chill on the point and pick off the attacking team usually staggering them in the processThis is the opposite of my experience. Nobody seemed to have a clue what to do on defense; I had a very close 22 minute 4-3 where almost the entire game was spent contesting B.