Not playing Comp with the Orisa bug right now.
That wasn't fun.
Not the word I would use.Were you guys playing?
Not the word I would use.
I doubt I'll come back for a bit longer. I wasn't having much fun.Just checked overbuff. 1-2 doesn't seem that bad.
Are you finally going back to OW? Finished Zelda and P5?
Not playing Comp with the Orisa bug right now.
Is Sombra a viable hero? I love her kit, but man it just seems like she gets locked down so hard once she comes out of cloak (which happens when she does just about everything).
2CP God if people play around her right.Is Sombra a viable hero? I love her kit, but man it just seems like she gets locked down so hard once she comes out of cloak (which happens when she does just about everything).
I doubt I'll come back for a bit longer. I wasn't having much fun.
Zelda is awesome but there isn't much left to do but wander around (which is still fun) until I decide to go face Gannon. But the DLC comes out in a week.
I should be playing Persona but I played that one day and didn't come back. Maybe I'll force myself this weekend.
The games I most want to play right now are Mario+Rabidds and Mario Odyssey, too bad for me.
Oh the game is incredible. I just have to dive in and fully commit myself.That sucks :
Miss those days of 5-6 stack when Ruler almost hit master, probably the most fun I had with the game.
In regards to P5, I don't know in which palace you are but I assure you that the last 20h-30h are really really good.
Is Sombra a viable hero? I love her kit, but man it just seems like she gets locked down so hard once she comes out of cloak (which happens when she does just about everything).
Oh the game is incredible. I just have to dive in and fully commit myself.
Don't worry the comp days will return. Every so often we take a brief break, but we always return.
Potential hero reveal on Friday too.We probably gonna have another event in 5 or so weeks (summer games), always more people playing around that time, even if only to complain about the shitty lootboxes x_x
Her best use right now is 2CP Defense against dive comps. Since dive runs Lucio/Zen as supports, the flanking DPS are reliant on health packs, so Sombra's ability to lock down all the packs on the objective is incredibly useful in this meta.I reckon her best use is on Escort defence. Can harass enemies with hacking and shooting until her ult is charged and then can use cloak and ult to completely ruin attacking teams that get around the cart.
This and the new map being in the rotation is terrible.Not playing Comp with the Orisa bug right now.
Potential hero reveal on Friday too.
I'm on ps4 or I would. I don't know how to feel about the turtle. Plus he's so dumb on that horse lolI am in the same boat. I installed Paladins last night to try their version of Roadhog out. I won't play Overwatch again until they revert the changes. Feel free to look me up on Steam if you want to give it a try with me tonight. Same username as here.
Roadhog mains are going to have to adapt to changes. Ana and DVA also got major nerfs that altered the way they play. They're more reliant on their teams. Roadhog can't be a mom with a career, he can't have it all.
I doubt I'll come back for a bit longer. I wasn't having much fun.
Zelda is awesome but there isn't much left to do but wander around (which is still fun) until I decide to go face Gannon. But the DLC comes out in a week.
I should be playing Persona but I played that one day and didn't come back. Maybe I'll force myself this weekend.
The games I most want to play right now are Mario+Rabidds and Mario Odyssey, too bad for me.
Is he the new sym/torbWhelp, I just got called a thrower for picking Roadhog. I wanted to see if he was any better with somewhat of a better coordinated team. I'm kind of done with this game for awhile. I can't take it anymore.
Is he the new sym/torb
Roadhog mains are going to have to adapt to changes. Ana and DVA also got major nerfs that altered the way they play. They're more reliant on their teams. Roadhog can't be a mom with a career, he can't have it all.
Potential hero reveal on Friday too.
Sooner or later they are going to nerf Tracer damage.
I can see it already.
Completely forgot about that.
Whelp, I just got called a thrower for picking Roadhog. I wanted to see if he was any better with somewhat of a better coordinated team. I'm kind of done with this game for awhile. I can't take it anymore.
I wish they would revert Ana back on console.
I never really played her til after the nerf and she is my favorite healer to use.
I let vault down and now he's Ned![]()
All of the 'Hog changes are really nerfs for Tracer, though. He's not around to ult battery as much. He shoots more spread damage quicker. He can still one-hit her. His head hitbox is much smaller.
She didn't get off scot-free this time.
Time to climb!
don't blizzard usually ban people who use known exploits though? I'm just gonna avoid comp till they fix it.
Man that hook change really changes things though. I was feeding so much to the enemy Roadhog as Genji, yet he couldn't finish me off. Sad times because he's like my second most played.
If losing the ability for easy mode 1 shot kills invalidates a character, then there needs to be something done about his entire kit.
I played around with Makoa in Paladins, and he's not a good Roadhog substitute IMO:I'm on ps4 or I would. I don't know how to feel about the turtle. Plus he's so dumb on that horse lol
It's hilarious that players are trying to claim the two situations are similar.Whelp, I just got called a thrower for picking Roadhog. I wanted to see if he was any better with somewhat of a better coordinated team. I'm kind of done with this game for awhile. I can't take it anymore.
Watching Calvin's live stream, this guy makes McCree look overpowered as fuck. Critical hits all day, never misses a single shot. Flash bang is an instant kill.
Is it bad that this makes me really want get on to play Orisa now?
I've been wanting to get into playing her more anyway.
I think codey mains her and was in the top 100 recently.
Her hacks, stalls, and distractions win games, and her escapability is so good she never dies when played well, allowing her to always be around to help for any team fight.
Roadhog is now gone, and winston is slightly hurt from Reaper buff too, making her better than ever.
Dropped 100 SR tonight soloq, played some great games as Rein and Lucio but my teams failed me.
Iunno if Roadhog could've been considered a Sombra counter
I'd argue it was a little bit the other way in fact