I'll give you Tracer, but bastions info straight up says it's an SMG.Tracer I consider her armed with machine pistols and Bastion I think is a auto rifle.
Finally have 1000 coins, now to pick between zaryas skin or symmetras >.<
fuck no, that shit can wipe an entire team and you can use it from like 20km away
its also super easy to flank with it considering that shit climbs walls
He does use the best player icon, though.
I use it too
I'll give you Tracer, but bastions info straight up says it's an SMG.
Huh. Couldn't tell since BAS IS A GUN HIMSELF
Anyone know how fast Destiny reached OT2? That was the previous fastest new OT for a game I think
Anyone know how fast Destiny reached OT2? That was the previous fastest new OT for a game I think
I don't like to complain about characters being nerfed because for the most part I think you should just "git gud" but Mccree fucking needs to get nerfed. His concussion shot plus 6 shot spam are too fucking OP. I more have to complain about his concussion shot, that is like the ultimate ability in close quarters combat.
"You've got the touch, you've got the potg"
I will build my own PC soonish.
Then I shall rise above the peasants.
Playing this and watching Street Fighter is the best combo. Who needs Game of Thrones?![]()
"You've got the touch, you've got the potg"
OT1 was from 9/2 at 5pm est until 9/9 at 2am est so about a week
Such a shame you'll never see that intro for Lucio since his gun is ridiculously weak and decent players aren't foolish enough to walk close to edges when they know a Lucio is around. It's sad because played correctly he can lock down half a team on his own for an entire game - god knows I've done it with my asshole hyperactive playstyle on Hollywood defence - but that isn't classed as impressive enough for POTG.
OT title is pretty dumb tbh. Like some high school snark shit.
OT title is pretty dumb tbh. Like some high school snark shit.
Damn, Overwatch got it beat. Gold medal yo
PerfectBuff everyone. Nerf everyone.
Everything changes. Nothing changes.
when someone on your team dies and says "wtf need healers" and switches to hanzo
This had me laughing nonstop for the entire duration of that fight. Arcade mode this week is pretty hilarious.
Alright, does Roadhog have a lot of defense? Takes forever to kill tha fucker.
I feel like random Hanzo's have a way higher chance of being shitty than random players in general. Something about shooting a bow and arrow that spouts a dragon...Random Hanzo #101937281, we are 30 seconds away from losing on Anubis and you are standing right down the middle shooting your arrows at Reinhardt's shield. Please switch.
Brawl with super short cooldowns I assume?
Brawl with super short cooldowns I assume?