I don't mind (Indian here), atleast there's an Indian character that is well liked. Wish she had dialogues in Hindi and there was a map in Mumbai.Goddamnit.
Also am I the only one who find it slightly racist that they made the indian character a tech (technology based) support (class).
Leaving this here if you know The Room.
Also am I the only one who find it slightly racist that they made the indian character a tech (technology based) support (class).
Okay bad example but he feels easily outclassed by everyone. I feel like I'm playing him wrongBut zenyatta can out damage almost everyone in the game except McCree and Reaper. He has one of the highest DPS in the game.
My last comment on the day, please, for the love of God, make Hanzo's base movement slightly faster. Not super fast, but at least a hair faster. It's like he's running through molasses. lol
Also am I the only one who find it slightly racist that they made the indian character a tech (technology based) support (class).
How would that be racist?
Any tips for Winston? He just feels so did tier. Zenyatta can out damage his static cannon
I think the implication is "indian tech support".
He's the same speed as everyone else, only slightly slower than Tracer and Genji.
You're reaching there.Goddamnit.
Also am I the only one who find it slightly racist that they made the indian character a tech (technology based) support (class).
I get the implication. It's just a ridiculous stretch.
Why on earth would a defense team need three Hanzos? Seriously bad luck with matchmaking today.
Let me tell you how I keep winning CP:
... keep two Lucios on heal, alternating boosts. Keep one on speed, meaning even tanks and other offense can't keep up with the movement - snipers don't have a chance, either.
So far, I am not calling for any buffs or nerfs. Only thing I'll say is that playing against Mei isn't a lot of *fun.* Losing control of your character and just waiting to die just isn't enjoyable, even when it's fair.
More like SonyaOcean
I'm so sad I didn't record that time I pushed an entire team off the map with Wholehog in Russiathis isn't roadhog
where is roadhog
the healing effect doesn't stack, you're kind of wasting a slot
and really, Mei complaints again? you feel the same about the other stuns/traps?
Does this game support controllers on PC? Aim assist included?
Zenyatta is the only hero I truly fear.
I had like six matches in a row last night like that. Haven't played today actually.Anyone playing on PS4? Sick of the matchmaking today, it's defeat after defeat because everyone wants to be a hero and go off on their own.
Wait, that's actually a thing? Holy shit that's dopeManaged to deflect McCree's flashbang at him and stun him for the first time. Where do I pick up my pro-gamer license?
Paid 1 000 gold for that legendary skin earlier today, this gif speaks the truth.
Does this game support controllers on PC? Aim assist included?
You're reaching there.
The idol pro gamer being Korean is racist too right?
And the Japanese Samurai Ninja Honor and Shame bros.
Looking through them and there's so few actual skins I want, the Lucio one's are pretty cool and so are the Mercy one's, the rest are meh at best. Wish they'd have done some proper alternate legendary skins instead of the different colour ones.
The best McCrees will avoid the reflect by throwing the flash at your feet rather than at your body/head area.Wait, that's actually a thing? Holy shit that's dope