and introduce Bastion 2.0 with propellers, now he can turn into a turret and fly at the same time, solar powered of course.Delete Bastion.
and introduce Bastion 2.0 with propellers, now he can turn into a turret and fly at the same time, solar powered of course.Delete Bastion.
and introduce Bastion 2.0 with propellers this time, now he can turn into a turret and fly at the same time, solar powered of course.
Symmetra can be played good on offense. Nice OT
So a bit curious, but how effective could a Torbjorn or Symmetra be on a attacking team? It doesn't seem that ideal really, but there looks to be some potential for payload least.
You sound like my friend, he's wrong too.
Either useless or a complete nightmare.
So a bit curious, but how effective could a Torbjorn or Symmetra be on a attacking team? It doesn't seem that ideal really, but there looks to be some potential for payload least.
OT1, we hardly knew you
Obligatory: fuck randoms.
Obligatory: fuck randoms.
Your friend knows whats up , it's one word: Teleporter
Fuck Mercy. None of my teammates ever get kills playing as her.Remember to treat your Mercys well.
Fuck insta locking Widow. Hanzo and Reaper "mains". I swear these three heroes attract people who don't give a single fuck about the team and just want to do whatever the hell they want.
If the teleporter had 100% uptime I'd maybe agree, but when it's down you're about as useful as a split condom.
Sounds like my college days. AYOOOO!
Got this today, played it for 3/4 hours. Honestly finding it a bit frustrating how futile I feel at times, especially when it comes to preventing my death, but I think a large part of that is needing to learn the maps and knowing where the danger comes from.
Sounds like my college days. AYOOOO!
so many people seem to think they are good snipers
The right title was chosen. Thanks, Dance Inferno!
Let's get down to business, ladies and gents. There's a lot of OP characters to bitch about.
So do we know how matchmaking works in this? I swear I've just fallen down a black hole of getting matched with worse and worse players over the last few days.
Also, that crate gif is BULLSHIT.
McCrees and Widow are controlling these fights way too hard in the esportarena tourney. Widow fight usually starts before an attack happens and the widow that dies usually loses the fight for the team.
If the teleporter had 100% uptime I'd maybe agree, but when it's down you're about as useful as a split condom.
Watching EsportsArena and it's pretty obvious McCree needs looking at by Blizzard. At one point there were 5 of them active in the same match.
[Insert Future Hero Here] is completely broken and should be removed from the game.