COD >> Overwatch
Well there are 5 stacks + Lucio that are better. Some points if you go 5 Winston 1 Lucio you can take the point before the enemy team can react.
COD >> Overwatch
Got my third legendary skin last night, devil mercy. Pretty cool. I don't play her much though.
I want to physically strike people that pick her in Lijiang, and half of my gametime is on Widow.Love it when someone only ever plays Widowmaker regardless of map or gamemode and also they are bad as Widowmaker.
Love it when someone only ever plays Widowmaker regardless of map or gamemode and also they are bad as Widowmaker.
Man, just lost three in a row because randos love not not pushing carts and picking flankers when we're at the finish line. This game is so frustrating sometimes. Ugh.
And I don't mean the GAME game, it's fantastic. Just people, mostly.
Zarya didn't look too impressed with what Sir Daniel Sexbang had accomplished in this video.
Anyway, I think I'm getting the hand with playing as D.Va. I still don't know how to survive when she's out of her bunny mech, but I'll read up on what to do until I can summon another one.
K, I finally have my first pub instance where I wanted to pull my hair out. Opposing team had two Tobelborings and a Bastion camped on the final objective. My team had a Hanzo, Widow, Mcgree, Mei, and a Mercy. We started with a Rein, which helped us clear the turrets at point A. I was Zen and fucking shit up behind his shield. For whatever reason, when we got to the hall of turrets at B, our Rein changed to one of the above and everyone just kept funneling in and dying. It was ridic. So I said fuck it, I'll go Rein. I spam, "group up on me" and no body does. Hanzo and Widow keep corner peeking when I am 10m away with my shield where they could drop the turrets so easily. WTF! I think someone else said it here, I really think a huge chunk of players don't realize that you can shoot through Rein's shield from friendly side. Needless to say, we did not win. Countering turrets is so easy if people just get behind Rein.
tfw you want to have fun but then friends want to win and make me tryhard soldier76
this mfer sacrifices my hand to win in pain.
I want to physically strike people that pick her in Lijiang, and half of my gametime is on Widow.
Is a Widow or Hanzo a good pick for any reason in KOTH maps? Even Bastion I feel is a poor pick.
I feel like I would almost always rather have 2 Tanks, 2 Supports, and 2 Offense ideally, though I'm sure a Mei/Junkrat or even a Torb could work too.
K, I finally have my first pub instance where I wanted to pull my hair out. Opposing team had two Tobelborings and a Bastion camped on the final objective. My team had a Hanzo, Widow, Mcgree, Mei, and a Mercy. We started with a Rein, which helped us clear the turrets at point A. I was Zen and fucking shit up behind his shield. For whatever reason, when we got to the hall of turrets at B, our Rein changed to one of the above and everyone just kept funneling in and dying. It was ridic. So I said fuck it, I'll go Rein. I spam, "group up on me" and no body does. Hanzo and Widow keep corner peeking when I am 10m away with my shield where they could drop the turrets so easily. WTF! I think someone else said it here, I really think a huge chunk of players don't realize that you can shoot through Rein's shield from friendly side. Needless to say, we did not win. Countering turrets is so easy if people just get behind Rein.
Not Toblerone turrets. Also why switch from a tank to characters that are far from it?They probably changed because bastion melts Rein's shield.
Not Toblerone turrets. Also why switch from a tank to characters that are far from it?
Plenty of time to drop a turret or bastion with widow and hanzo both behind shield.They probably changed because bastion melts Rein's shield.
Plenty of time to drop a turret or bastion with widow and hanzo both behind shield.
The Mei is more than enough, no reason to ruin what works or is working.They mentioned there was a bastion camped out by the point. My guess is they chose to try to flank.
Today, I was attack on a payload map. We got a Torb on our team. He said he played him very aggressively.
I don't wanna do pugs anymore.
Let me guess: he placed the turret on the payload and kept hammering it.
I've learned that when people have a lot of trouble with Bastions or turrets in general, they don't have any good snipers or Junkrat on their team. They're really good counters.
Junkrat can be a great counter to many things especially if you find your team is stuck in a spot and not gaining ground. You can really push a team back if you use him properly.
The shield at least last 4 seconds. That's more than enough time for one character to kill hum. Heck I have done it by myself as Lucio behind a shield.Is there? I try to make this happen all the time, and everything eats thru me before the people I'm shielding get the job done.
Is there? I try to make this happen all the time, and everything eats thru me before the people I'm shielding get the job done.
Her pistol deals good damage at range, use it to take out squishier enemies, or weaken tanks, and get that ultimate.
Love it when someone only ever plays Widowmaker regardless of map or gamemode and also they are bad as Widowmaker.
If they get through the shield it's the DPS classes' work, not Torbjorn. It takes a level 2 turret over 45 seconds to kill a Reinhardt.
Just got another legendary and it's........................................................................coins.
Is there? I try to make this happen all the time, and everything eats thru me before the people I'm shielding get the job done.
But I heard snipers are the worst. They just, like, stand around and don't push the payload!!!!!I've learned that when people have a lot of trouble with Bastions or turrets in general, they don't have any good snipers or Junkrat on their team. They're really good counters.
But I heard snipers are the worst. They just, like, stand around and don't push the payload!!!!!
Yeah, I've done with same with Lucio. It's totally doable if the Bastion is in clear sight.The shield at least last 4 seconds. That's more than enough time for one character to kill hum. Heck I have done it by myself as Lucio behind a shield.
Don't complain, I'd much rather get a guaranteed 500 coins to spend towards the legendaries I like rather than risk getting one of the dozens of terrible looking ones.
I got the brown hair version in a box, but this one is so much better. So jealous...