Lol, that's exactly what I'm thinking atm. I like Ra more overall but the first person view of Djinnyatta looks better![]()
Djinnyatta > Ra for me.
Lol, that's exactly what I'm thinking atm. I like Ra more overall but the first person view of Djinnyatta looks better![]()
The Origins ed. has the cardback.
Lol, that's exactly what I'm thinking atm. I like Ra more overall but the first person view of Djinnyatta looks better![]()
What do I spend my hard-earned gold on?
If (when?) they implement ranked playlists, I would like to see a single hero restriction for each team (mirrors are fine but no 2x of a hero).
Djinnyatta. Also i can't believe yo haven't made your decision yet.
You have to go into the options again and there you will now find a button "Unlock Digital Goodies".I have the origins ed though. Thats the only one you can buy on console iirc.
You have to go into the options again and there you will now find a button "Unlock Digital Goodies".
I have to say, my experience consistently fails to match the one everyone is reporting where Reinhardt is vital to success as the attacking team.
I don't find this to be true at all. If anything, I dislike having Reinhardt on my team on the attack because he stultifies my team's play into an extremely vulnerable pattern of grouping up behind Reinhardt, where they can easily be bombed or flanked. With a better tank people play more aggressively. It's easy to push the payload if everybody is just dead.
Anybody can push the payload. It has a big heal on it to help you out. You don't need to hide behind a shield -- just hide behind the payload! Don't tie yourself to one little landknecht.
I enjoy watching those cheese comps in KotH more than I enjoy watching Payload matches. Would enjoy them even more without BS stuns everywhere, but whatever.
Somebody always has to be on the Payload regardless, and there's nothing about shields that force your entire team to group up behind them.
Took me a while as well, pretty weird process from Blizz.Ohhh I havent noticed that. I will try it when I get back from work. Thanks.
Djinnyatta > Ra for me.![]()
I would not be surprised if there's some hidden rubber banding going on, this situation happens too often.I don't understand how so many times my team will get the point 99:0 and then somehow magically it gets reversed and the idiots all end up chasing people down back alleys until we lose, it's the healer's curse or something..
This one match a sniper was standing openly on a roof and killing everyone over and over until I finally said fuck healing warped next to the fucker as reaper and shot their head off. I don't get it, how are people getting to lvl 50+ without any situational awareness >_<
I would not be surprised if there's some hidden rubber banding going on, this situation happens too often.
because levels have nothing to do with skill, just time played. once ranked comes out this will be resolved.I'm done trying to figure out how matchmaking works, I'm rank 31 and just finished a match against a team that had a rank 97 and someone with a star (which I'm assuming is "prestige").
We managed to win, but it's messed up.
because levels have nothing to do with skill, just time played. once ranked comes out this will be resolved.
Lucio is boring, but Mercy and Zenyatta are really fun to play. Especially if you have the Pharah+Mercy combo, following her around and gliding with her movement ability is so fun. And Zenyatta just fucks shit up if your aim is on point. Of course if your team sucks then it's the worst.
So, the leaver penalty. How does it work? I didn't even know it existed before today. Just fired up Overwatch for the first time in 24 hours and there's a notice on the title screen that I have a leaver penalty. OK. Yeah, I left some games because I have a five day old daughter and also got put into some really stupid groups and don't have time to waste.
I play my first game and win and I get a 75% xp reduction. It pretty much eliminates my first win of the day bonus. Thanks, Blizz! Second game, I don't see the notice anymore. Cool. Win second game. Get 75% xp reduction. Wut. OK, restart game. Play again. No notice of penalty on title screen or anywhere. 75% xp reduction. Am I fucked for life or something?
I actually don't mind the penalty, I would just like to have been notified beforehand this would happen. That way I won't start games when I'm on daughter duty. Pretty annoyed by the lack of transparency on this.
Just shoot rockets bruh, like, all the time dawg.Phara - seem to die very quickly not kill much st allalso heard a lot of people liking but I found her to be a bit squishy for a tank and with no real firepower? (I know this is a case of me not knowing how to play than the characters actually being as I describe)
Haven't gotten a single Pharah skin drop either
One thing that's especially odd is how Widowmaker was my best character in the beta, but now I basically suck with her and got better with Pharah (Solder 76 has remained a constant main choice though).
What are you even talking about Roadhog is the tankiest tank after Reinhardt. He has the highest base health in the game. His heal is super powerful as it heals 300HP in an instant and charges in 6 seconds. You will almost always enter a fight with full HP and can even heal midfight.Someone that's more interested in blocking damage than getting a dank hook percentage
Lucio is fun. Mercy is boring. With Lucio you get to run around just as much if not more so than Mercy, you're attacking while healing, knocking people's asses back, getting up in the thick of the fight. As Lucio you can skate and hug the Payload all day, as Mercy you pretty much just die.
It's incredible how much of Overwatch is lifted directly from Team Fortress 2. There is definitely a little spite about Dota 2 baked into the core of it.
Every game tonight has been double bastion plus Toblerone and if lucky no Symmetra
I'd love for them to implement a Fail of the Game. I wanna see my Reinhardt fall down the cliff in his suicidal manners
The other night I had triple Toblerones on one team. Was hilarious. Another time the enemy team was entirely composed of Dvas. It's sad that I cannot play one decent game with proper team composition. Is anyone experiencing nothing but clusterfucks of games?
It would be me accidentally shooting off needed ultimates right after respawning.
I find when I use Mercy the team has to have a proper tank and flanker setup, if not I am the number one target for everything, it's awful sometimes you go in with a competent tank and get swarmed only to notice you and the tank were the only ones even pushing =/
Lucio is definitely more friendly to heal with when teams are being the usual *rolls eyes* at least he can stay alive longer and passively heal the one or two that are near the objective lol