What's the consensus on Winston? I had a blast with him on the beta, but he always struck me as kind of limited.
Slowly Lucio will top Pharah and Mei. He's so vers. all he needs is some dmg, HP and speed boost when skidding on walls.
also how do you even wall ride on console and aim and shoot? i haven't really figured it out or tried.
Have over 300 games played. Get winrate slightly above 50%, game starts matching me against people playing like those i saw in the takeover tournament....
Switch jump to L1
And at the same time giving you complete morons for teammates. You KNOW when you have good teammates, there is a differemce between a couple of off day players and complete morons.
Funny cause at least on PC at higher levels of play, attackers have a higher winrate than defenders.
I don't quit, but it is pretty much a lost cause so I understand why it happens
With overlapping turrets and Bastion, outside of a skilled premade group on mikes you will lose. Period
I'm talking from my perspective as someone who solo's in with PUGs
I mentioned this last night, a game will be
MAYBE even group of attackers and defenders (or they will already be mostly Bastion and Torb). If attackers take the first objective the group will swap out to have overlapping turrets.
The turrets are so precise, taking out a single one can be a challenge, when they overlap you will not do it as the first will just be rebuilt while going for the second and you will be killed.
After queueing and getting 5 attack objectives in a row. I'm definately taking a break from the game for the rest of the day. I hope Blizz adds more options to the game soon (like unique characters per team) as I can see myself dropping it at this point
Turrets need to be changed so that they actually scan and will shoot when you are detected.
My man.I'm a man of principle. I should give Roadhog more of a chance, but I will never sully myself with Mei.
Switch jump to L1
Yup, this. Works a dream.
Switch jump to L1
I really wish the OW reddit page wasnt littered with weird waifu fan art and POTG gifs.
Trying to find a PSA or helpful tips on there is near impossible. We need a shoryuken.net for overwatch. Dedicated character forums and high level discussion.
It's fucking draining joining matches for the display to say "No Support Heroes/No Tank Heroes" every damn time.
Like, I'm a good Winston but I'm not playing him every single match.
Don't let it stress you.
If people can play their characters, and play their parts it will not matter.
Those are suggestions, no more and no less.
Filling in the dotted lines does not mean you will do better.
What's the consensus on Winston? I had a blast with him on the beta, but he always struck me as kind of limited.
Maybe these videos we'll help you better than my long, rambling post.
Don't let it stress you.
If people can play their characters, and play their parts it will not matter.
Those are suggestions, no more and no less.
Filling in the dotted lines does not mean you will do better.
Fri night, two of my good friends brought their computers over. One set up on the side of my big desk, the other used his new Razer Turret and sat on my chaise, playing on the 4K TV I have on my wall.
Played Overwatch from about 8pm to 2am, non-stop, sipping on alcoholic beverages and eating pizza. Was an absolute blast.
In pub games not having a support is tantamount to suicide. I've seen some games work without a tank but that's pretty rare too.
That said, I'm beginning to feel like who fucking cares if the team has no support, why the hell is it always YOUR job to be the support/tank? Force someone else to do it once in a while.
Yup, I never cared about being forced to playing a certain class when I go solo. I never believed I have an obligation to the randoms. I just pick who I'm good at and go with the flow. Usually randoms will quickly switch to another character as soon as they die once anyway.
Fri night, two of my good friends brought their computers over. One set up on the side of my big desk, the other used his new Razer Turret and sat on my chaise, playing on the 4K TV I have on my wall.
Played Overwatch from about 8pm to 2am, non-stop, sipping on alcoholic beverages and eating pizza. Was an absolute blast.
My man.
Haven't touched Mei and never will.
Just had a game where I froze the ENTIRE enemy team TWICE with Mei's ult, and nobody took anyone out except me. Sorry I can't kill 6 at once like Bastion, team! Is it that had to left click? Wow. Just fucking wow. I haven't won one game in 3 hours.
This is what happens when you try to help someone, the community is getting more toxic by the day. I'm really getting sick of the "I don't care" or "I play for fun" people who just suck and refuse to improve or take advice and completely handicap the team. Competitive mode can't come soon enough.
Man, I was 17 hours in, having fun, but not feeling like I was significantly "good" with any character...
And then I give Tracer another shot, and she clicks with me, hard. As it turns out, I'm actually pretty good at teleporting around and harassing people... And it doesnt hurt that I can be a good contributor on both attack and defense using her, so I can just roll with her all the time. Just hit 27 hours, played as her all weekend.
I also started playing games on the Americas server (been playing on Asia mostly before this weekend)... There was this level 17 random Torb on Kings Row, we were on defense. It's pre-game, he builds a turret in a decent spot (behind the right wall)... And doesnt upgrade it.
I jump up and down on top of the turret.
I tell him to upgrade the turret via chat.
No dice.
We lost that one, of course.
How do you get to level 17 without knowing stuff like that? :-(
I mean, have you played Rocket League? It's not going to weed out the people who do that automatically. I'm just hoping the matchmak in that mode isn't bullshit and hopefully I can rise through the ranks enough to have some fun, competitve matches.
Hopefully they're smart enough to have different queues too so if you go into ranked solo, it doesn't match you with pre-made groups.
Really hoping they eventually make it so chat UI can be disabled during Highlight viewing.
Like sure it's fine when it appears during an in-game PotG, but when watching the Highlights and whatever was your most recent messages pops up for whatever reason, that's really dumb.
We did work last night!
[quote="Hex, post: 205707433"][URL="http://masteroverwatch.com/profile/shared/c8a2434226c36cb5"]My stats[/URL][/QUOTE]
[url="http://masteroverwatch.com/profile/pc/us/lovelaika-1505"]Here are mine[/url]
Win or lose, you earn almost the same amount of EXP. You can just play a lot and still lose your way up. That guy sounds like he's never played a Torbjorn.