As a primary Genji user I detest his Total Mayhem ability. 16+ hours of playing Genji against Junkrat has taught me that most Junkrat players are prone to panicking and don't know what to do when you get right up in their face. It's probably the main reason they gave him that passive ability in the first place.
It's very easy to forget. And then you're just junkrat martyrdom is hilarious like as if he somehow really needs it
On defense with no tank or healer, yet they want to rush the spawn
My sentries and I drink chai and actually defend the point
We win
0 votes
Yes, it's Overwatch
You get in my face as genji, I'll just throw a mine down at my feet and launch both of us in dffierent directions![]()
This is what immediately comes to mind, now I'm on PC so maybe I'm just facing really great TF2 demoman pros but:
-Two direct shots from his grenades can kill any 200 health or less character
-His trap and mine stays in place when he dies.
-Tracer can't reverse out of his trap
-Mercy can't shift fly to a player over his trap
-Zenyatta can't float over his trap. Let me repeat that: ZENYATTA CAN'T FLOAT OVER HIS TRAP.
-You can't shoot his trap when you're trapped in it, neither can your teammates.
-He explodes when he dies.
-His Riptire charges incredibly fast.
-His reload animation is at the moment too fast as he can just repeatedly spam his grenades as an offensive wall that would make Bastion be ashamed.
-Did I mention he's really powerful?
He's basically an offense character. Honestly if anything McCree and Junkrat should switch role placement.
On defense with no tank or healer, yet they want to rush the spawn
My sentries and I drink chai and actually defend the point
We win
0 votes
Yes, it's Overwatch
They're busy, pull out your blaster. It's quite effective.
or theyre busy trying to kill the other thousand people on the enemy team fuck off omg the mercy victimization is so AIDS USE YOUR GUN AND FIGHT BACK
It needs an activation timer (trap). I agree.Yeah I think he needs a bit of tweeking, I really dont like his panic traps where he can throw a trap on you, it's happened tons of times on me as Winston rampaging or when he is losinga battle, I come up to knock him away, he throws the trap on me I waste my super, though its fair play if I just land on it, but requiring no set up at all for the reward of wasting supers? WTF were they thinking?
So is ranking and people still care about it. I like getting POTGs.You guys really need to do letting potg or the upvotes get to you. It's pretty much meaningless.
No, they're not. Do you think I'm honestly going to shift to an enemy that is already under pressure when I'm dragging another enemy with me? That's plain stupid. I'm talking about your average McCree or Genji running around slightly away from the main fights. It's my duty to keep absolutely everyone alive though every single encounter which requires a hell of a lot of micromangement, in return I think it's fair to expect that you make sure I'm not left to the wolves.
And Mercy's peashooter is beyond useless, any player of the same skill level should be absolutely ashamed of themselves if they die to a weakened Mercy desperately bunny hopping around. I'm not going to pull that out unless I have nobody else to shift to.
Leave Junkrat alone, you bullies.
So is ranking and people still care about it. I like getting POTGs.
why do you guys think many of us wanted White, White, Blue, White as the OT2 title?
Over the past few days I've had multiple shocking moments learning what Genji can and cannot deflect.
At first I thought it was just normal projectiles like bullets and arrows, then I learned he can deflect melee hits as well, then I learned he can deflect ults, then I learned he can deflect sound waves, rockets, S:76's heal and a BLACK HOLE??
Is the only thing he can't deflect energy based weapons on Symettra, Winston and Zarya?
You guys really need to do let potg or the upvotes get to you. It's pretty much meaningless.
Was so close to getting that Zarya trophy for keeping your beam over 70 power for a minute. She's a goddamn powerhouse with a Mercy behind her.
That and the Zenyatta discord assist trophy must be the hardest in the game.
Yeah I think he needs a bit of tweeking, I really dont like his panic traps where he can throw a trap on you, it's happened tons of times on me as Winston rampaging or when he is losinga battle, I come up to knock him away, he throws the trap on me I waste my super, though its fair play if I just land on it, but requiring no set up at all for the reward of wasting supers? WTF were they thinking?
POTG is beyond useless but votes are a look into people's psyche
This is what immediately comes to mind, now I'm on PC so maybe I'm just facing really great TF2 demoman pros but:
-Two direct shots from his grenades can kill any 200 health or less character
-His trap and mine stays in place when he dies.
-Tracer can't reverse out of his trap
-Mercy can't shift fly to a player over his trap
-Zenyatta can't float over his trap. Let me repeat that: ZENYATTA CAN'T FLOAT OVER HIS TRAP.
-You can't shoot his trap when you're trapped in it, neither can your teammates.
-He explodes when he dies.
-His Riptire charges incredibly fast.
-His reload animation is at the moment too fast as he can just repeatedly spam his grenades as an offensive wall that would make Bastion be ashamed.
-Did I mention he's really powerful?
He's basically an offense character. Honestly if anything McCree and Junkrat should switch role placement.
I just got it today. Enemy team kept attacking into my shields over and over. I love Zarya when she gets 80+ energy. She destroys.
What's a good controller set up on ps4 to play Lucio and be able to do wall rides? Now with the jump button mapped to x ours impossible to use this feature. I tried with R3 but I really do not like that input at all because it affects my grip on the stick.
I'm thinking of double dipping on this game because of this but I'd rather not.
Is the NA meta like this too? Every single game it's "Mercy Reinhardt Mercy Reinhardt Mercy Reinhardt Mercy Reinhardt"
Playing Symmetra? "Mercy mercy mercy mercy"
Playing Zarya? "Reinhardt reinhardt reinhardt reinhardt"
Is the NA meta like this too? Every single game it's "Mercy Reinhardt Mercy Reinhardt Mercy Reinhardt Mercy Reinhardt"
Playing Symmetra? "Mercy mercy mercy mercy"
Playing Zarya? "Reinhardt reinhardt reinhardt reinhardt"
Powered up Zarya is the scariest Tank match as Reinhardt, I have a good handle on every other match up but when she's being played right I struggle to deal with it. So good. I will always vote up a good Zarya.
You mean he has a slight counter for Winstons God rage?!? OMG. Actually he throws it on the ground and you run over it.
Reinhardt and Mercy or Lúcio are present in at least half of my matches, but thankfully there is a lot of variety in quick play. Ranked will probably not have as much, though I will still play the heroes (plural) I like the most, but that is just me.![]()
Is the NA meta like this too? Every single game it's "Mercy Reinhardt Mercy Reinhardt Mercy Reinhardt Mercy Reinhardt"
Playing Symmetra? "Mercy mercy mercy mercy"
Playing Zarya? "Reinhardt reinhardt reinhardt reinhardt"
Seagull has insane aim, I really want to know his accuracy stats
His trap is absurdly easy to see. just keep on eye out when fighting a junkrat and you should avoid it no problem.This is what immediately comes to mind, now I'm on PC so maybe I'm just facing really great TF2 demoman pros but:
-Two direct shots from his grenades can kill any 200 health or less character
-His trap and mine stays in place when he dies.
-Tracer can't reverse out of his trap
-Mercy can't shift fly to a player over his trap
-Zenyatta can't float over his trap. Let me repeat that: ZENYATTA CAN'T FLOAT OVER HIS TRAP.
-You can't shoot his trap when you're trapped in it, neither can your teammates.
-He explodes when he dies.
-His Riptire charges incredibly fast.
-His reload animation is at the moment too fast as he can just repeatedly spam his grenades as an offensive wall that would make Bastion be ashamed.
-Did I mention he's really powerful?
He's basically an offense character. Honestly if anything McCree and Junkrat should switch role placement.
On McCree I think I just saw on his stream that he averages 50%
Seagull has insane aim, I really want to know his accuracy stats
the picking 4-5 of a certain hero class is kind of funny at first, but gets annoying when your pit against the same team that does it over and over.
I think they should make it so that for every hero u pick the same of, it's a 5% decrease in that hero's damage, for each of the same hero you pick.
if you pick 4 torjborns, his damage and turrets damage is reduced by 20 percent per person.
and if you pick 5 soldier 76s, all their damage is reduced by 25%, so on and so forth.
I feel like that would balance it out a bit more.
I'm thinking Widowmaker's scoped charge up will probably have to be changed to quadratic rather than linear growth. Of all the heroes, she feels the most out of place in that she's basically a classic FPS sniper with more mobility. Raw aiming skill only gets you so far in Overwatch but not so for Widowmaker, who scales the best with good aim, followed by McCree. I've had my share of matches decided by whether or not my Widowmaker was better than their Widowmaker.
Good Widowmakers can get off 75% charged headshots during a single rappel jump. That's kind of silly, being able to move like Pharah with a sniper rifle.