I just got a lootbox with 4 dupes. I don't even
I've seen a lot of Seagull's Genji and it's so fun to watch, but I play on PS4 and would love to see some of the awesome players from that side of the Overwatch community rock that hero. Anyone know any videos of some solid Genji on the PS4?
The current queue is casual drop in games. Talk about leaver penalties when they add ranked queue. If anything quick queue doesn't need any leaver penalty other than getting a loss and not getting xp.
Now that I'm 50, might take a break. It's still fun but I find some maps getting stale. I want more capture/KOTH maps. Payload maps suck ass.
56.9% winrate @ lvl 47.
I'm going to give Pharah a shot. Will I need to remap the controller configuration on XONE to be able to hover and aim at the same time? Isn't hover A?
Seriously, why can mccree delete roadhog with one fan roll fan?
Look what plainr_ whipped up.
Still surprised how bad the IQ is sometimes on PS4.
He can delete anything right now. That's why blizzard is going to nerf him.
Yup. Fan the Hammer should do way less damage.
McCree can sneak up behind a tank and flashbang them, and rip them apart with it.
I disagree. If games were longer, I'd be more inclined to say that casual should be more lenient. But if you can't hack out 5-10 minutes for a match, then don't queue up.
Removing the penalty means all you're going to get are people who join a match, whiff a couple skills and then rage quit. That minute or so without a full adapted teammate ruins it for the rest.
All about that 46% here. Level 24. I need less solo queue in my life.
Quick queue needs leaver penalties as much as ranked does. I've lost enough matches because someone ragequit and the system took over a minute to replace the leaver, drop in is no excuse.The current queue is casual drop in games. Talk about leaver penalties when they add ranked queue. If anything quick queue doesn't need any leaver penalty other than getting a loss and not getting xp.
You're not going to get me to look at my W/L after this hellish matchmaking weekend.
Nice try.
Overall 55% at level 55. I only solo queue as I have no friendslol.
Pc gamer as well. But yeah Torb is ridiculous. With him my win rate is 70%.
People say Bastion is no good now but my win rate with him is almost 60%. I find if you use him very well and only in certain circumstances (he's very niche) you can still decimate the opposing team. Wouldn't work in competitive obviously.
Bastion is fun, but you'll spend most of the time with him in standard fire I've found
He stays in one place for any amount of time, normal or siege mode, and he's getting focused down
I play him the same way I do a sniper, except with short lines of sight instead of long ones. Get a few kills and relocate.
Hollywood defense at the first point is great for Bastion because there's so many stupid places to park him. I can only imagine the facepalms people do when they go from getting killed by a robot in the bushes, now he's going up and down on an elevator, now he's sitting on top of a medkit...
Bastion can be a gamechanger on the last point on defense, it's like... people don't want to pick him to keep their pride, when the fact is that he can shutdown so many final pushes like Lucio's ult (which is a problem without him).
Bastion, Reinhardt and Mercy have an amazing synergy. we have any informations concerning this hero?
I'd be down if it's an offense/support one, I mean look at that, looks like a half-omnic/ half human hero, that's awesome!
Yup. Fan the Hammer should do way less damage.
McCree can sneak up behind a tank and flashbang them, and rip them apart with it.
Players at higher levels seem to be getting smarter and, at least, acknowledging support/tanks more. I see support get upvoted a LOT even when on opposing team. Also, less Bastions (but more mccrees fuuuuuck).
That's what I like about Overwatch it is really casual. If people want to ragequit let them leave and replace them with another. We do not need to punish leavers (at least not in non-ranked)
What I always hated bout MOBAs is being stuck in an hour long match when I tried to concede 20 mins in. Just thinking bout that crap gives me the chills. I'm a family man with kids- ain't nobody got time for that!
An average-to-good Tracer is worse for me, but I'm not pro level.A good mccree is quite possibly the most unfun thing in this game.
IMO the problem is the flashbang. I think it should work more like a proper grenade. A fuse time, or the ability to stun the user if they throw it too close. Still, I welcome any nerfs to McCree.
A good mccree is quite possibly the most unfun thing in this game.
If you dont have time to play for 10 minutes then dont queue up, its annoying for the team left behind having to play with five (or less) and its annoying to join a match just to lose. Even a lenient timeout timer, say a minute or two, would stop most people quitting I think.